Saturday, June 4, 2011

At UN, Yemen Taken Up by Security Council, Syria Discussed But No Bahrain, Under Ban Envoy Litmus Test

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, April 18 -- While Yemen wasn't listed as a topic for the Security Council's “horizon” briefing on Monday, once UN Department of Political Affairs chief Lynn Pascoe mentioned it, several members asked to have more information.

And so on April 19 at 3:30 pm there will be a separate Security Council briefing devoted to Yemen. German Ambassador Wittig told Inner City Press that the situation in Yemen raises regional issues, including piracy.

Inner City Press asked Wittig if Germany would like Syria, which also discussed in the horizon briefing, to ascend to the Security Council agenda. Wittig said that Germany is concerned, that an eye should be kept on Syria.

Another Council member's Deputy Permanent Representative said that the Yemen briefing was okay because “he” -- Pascoe or Ban Ki-moon -- sent an envoy there, “so let's hear what he has to say.”

So if Syria accepted an envoy, it too would be discussed in the Security Council? This puts Ban not pushing for an envoy -- Oscar Fernandez Tarranco -- to Bahrain in a different light.

We will have more on Yemen, where the capital city is said to be split in two with a renegade general in control of half. Watch this site.