Saturday, October 23, 2010

As Sudan Intimidates Darfur IDPs Who Spoke to Council, UN Has No Comment

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, October 11 -- The day after the Sudan trip of the UN Security Council ended, the UN in New York had no answers to issues that arose on the trip, including the reported questioning and intimidation by authorities of Internally Displaced Persons who spoke to the Council, and the destruction of the village of Sora in Eastern Jebel Marra.

When Inner City Press asked these two questions -- there were more questions to ask, including about the dismantling of the Kalma IDP camp in Darfur and the UN's Lear Jet for Ibrahim Gambari -- UN Spokesman Martin Nesirky said by rote, “we'll look into it, next question.” (He was equally dismissive or evasive on two questions about the Congo.)

But the questioning of the IDPs was reported a day ago, and the destruction of Sora was tucked in a report by OCHA's Georg Charpentier, but apparently not raised by him to the Security Council Ambassadors when he briefed them.

In Abu Shouk Oct 9, IDP & Amb Churkin, subsequent intimidation and UN community not shown (c) MRLee

Inner City Press asked two Permanent Five members' Permanent Representatives about Sora, and the dismantling of Kalma Camp, in the Dubai airport. Neither was aware, and now Inner City Press has asked if Sora's destruction was by ground or aerial attacks.

Meanwhile Nesirky in the opening of his briefing recited verbatim a piece of UNAMID good news or propaganda, about the UN's role in an agreement signed in Nyala between the “Rizeigat and Fur tribes.. easing years of ethnic tensions.” We'll see.