Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Blog of UN's Kovoso Envoy Ruecker Invites Questions, But Financial Disclosures Not Made

Byline: Matthew Russell Lee of Inner City Press at UN

UNITED NATIONS, April 21 -- Jan Pronk, it turns out, was not the only blogging Special Representative of the Secretary-General. Joachim Ruecker, who is said to be under review for promotion from the UN Mission in Kosovo to the Under Secretary General for Management post at UN Headquarters, if and when Alicia Barcena leaves, has a blog, or at least a private website. It's, and it has pages not only in German but also in English and French -- always an important pairing in seeking a high UN post. There are pictures of his family and a thumbnail bio, with stints as mayor of Germany city of Sindelfingen, home of the largest Mercedes plant, and perhaps relatedly as Germany's consul in Detroit.

In 1993 Ruecker was quoted as the new mayor of Sindelfingen by the Toronto Star that in light of cut-backs, "we'll never be as well off as we were... it's hard to conceive how a community can cope with such drastic setbacks."

Reucker's online presence, of the type that got Jan Pronk thrown out of Sudan, is particularly surprising in light of his refusal of Ban Ki-moon's urging to make at least basic public financial disclosure. On Ban Ki-moon's website, Rucker's form states that "I choose not to disclose." Joachim, we hardly knew ye...

Ruecker's web site says, in English, "if you want to ask me something, please do it here:" So on the morning of April 21 he was sent a question: why did you decline to follow Ban Ki-moon's urging to make at least basic public financial disclosure? By 9 p.m. on Monday, he had not answered the question. On his way past the press in front of the Security Council Monday afternoon he was asked, Are you resigning? He answered, "Should I?" Watch this site.

And see,