by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack
SDNY COURTHOUSE, Dec 30 – In Ruby Freeman's and Wandrea' Moss' ongoing attempt to collect from Rudy Giuliani, a proceeding was held on September 27 before U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge Lewis J. Liman. Inner City Press was there; thread
Caruso: Can I have 3 more days?
Judge: No. Judge: Your client owes money. This should move quickly. Adjourned
And on October 8, a motion to intervene by Andrew Giuliani: "Amongst that property are '3 Yankee World Series Rings.' However, the Mayor gifted those World Series rings to his son." Filing on Patreon here.
On October 22 Judge Liman wrote that Giuliani is "ordered under C.P.L.R. 5225 to transfer all personal property specified in the list below at pp. 16-18" - full list on Patreon here
On November 6, Giuliani's lawyer wrote in that "Plaintiffs contend that the apartment was “substantially empty[]” when they arrived last week. ECF 81 at 1. Full letter on Patreon here
On November 7 Inner City Press live tweeted the proceeding, Thread here.
On November 13 Giuliani's lawyers asked Judge Liman for permission to file undescribed documents under seal, with even the memo of law unavailable. 3 page letter on Patreon here.
On November 14 the plaintiffs' moved to compel discovery from three: Dr. Maria Ryan, Mr. Ted Goodman, and Mr. Ryan Medrano, motion on Patreon here
On December 26 the plaintiffs reiterated discovery demands, letter on Patreon here
On December 27 the plaintiffs insisted that sanctions are necessary. Filing on Patreon here
On December 30, Judge Liman ordered unsealed Giuliani's witness list, now on Patreon here
Late on December 30, Giuliani's 500 page deposition on Florida and the NYY rings, on Patreon here
More on X for Subscribers here, Substack here
One of these cases is Freeman, et al. v. Giuliani, 1:24-mc-353 (Liman)
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