by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack
UN GATE / SDNY, Jan 21 – At the confirmation hearing for the next US Ambassador to the UN Elise Stefanik, questions ranged from the UN's dominance by - and bribe taking from - China to complicity in the October 7 attacks. But barely scatched was the full depth of the current UN's rot, from corruption to censorship. Chair @SenatorRisch starts with "decay" of UN. Inner City Press knows & is banned from the UN and will live tweet, thread below
Ranking member of @SenateForeign @SenatorShaheen calls UN imperfect but argues for continued engagement or else China will just take it (more) over.
Fine - but shouldn't even pro-UN @SFRCdems ensure UN @MelissaFleming doesn't ban US Press?
Now @SenatorRicketts asks how to combat China buying the UN. On personal knowledge, Inner City Press says start at the top: UNSG @AntonioGuterres hid his financial links to the SDNY-convicted bribery firm China Energy Fund Committee
Now @ChrisCoons says he worked to keep CCP from running @ITU and other technical UN agencies. But ITU is still corrupt, whistleblowers tell Inner City Press this week and so is @WIPO
Now @DaveMcCormickPA asks about antisemitism at the UN. Beyond UNGA votes, the UN - and the current @USUN - are assert complete legal immunity for UNRWA in a lawsuit for its role in the Oct 7 attacks Now @timkaine asks about Haiti (though doesn't mention that the UN brought cholera there, negligently, then also cited immunity to not pay a penny under SG @AntonioGuterres to survivors of those killed.
Now @SenatorHagerty asks about UNRWA role in terrorism, but not yet UN @AntonioGuterres role in censorship and banning of Press which asks about the SDNY lawsuit against UNRWA. Now @SenBooker bring up deportation returns to... Egypt (a country for/about which his former colleague Bob Menendez worked for, big demographics in NJ.
Now @SenJohnCurtis asks about Taiwan being subsumed into the PRC in UN agencies like ICAO - true. As Inner City Press reported, before being thrown out of the UN, journalists from Taiwan are not even allowed into the UN building
Now @ChrisMurphyCT asks about antisemitism - Inner City Press before being thrown out of the UN reported on UN Security being used to throw out a pro-Israel NGO representative, like something out of the graphic novel Maus.
Now @SenRickScott asks about UNRWA - a trend in this hearing, understandably; UN banning of the Press that asks about lawsuit against UNRWA has not yet come up. @SenJackyRosen shifts to UNESCO - Inner City Press has a 100 story series Now @JohnCornyn asks about UN & Iran - here's the time "SG Guterres Gave Beirut Post to Hezbollah Crony Rola Dashti While Calling Her Kuwaiti"
Now @ChrisVanHollen says Hamas should have no role- SDNY lawsuit says UNRWA does not agree
Now @SteveDaines asks @EliseStefanic what she will go about Sec-Gen @AntonioGuterres who, he says, lowered flags for the death of Iran's butcher president. Hey, Guterres took a gift from #Cameroon's 40 year ruler Paul Biya
Now @SenJohnBarrasso asks @EliseStefanik about holding the UN accountable, including to local laws / sovereignty. Exempt from 1st Amendment principles:Something recent: UN exempts itself from NYC congestion pricing:
Now @SenMikeLee asks about the wisdom of US granting UN "inviolability" as to ICC, @AntonioGuterres also claims exemption from local laws, refused inspection for Legionnaires disease, immunity from lawsuits on UNRWA, censorship. Immunity had led to impunity Now @SenBrianSchatz (of Hawaii) asks about island nations and China. Here was "UN @AntonioGuterres Flops on Tonga As #Taiwan Targeted by Solomon Islands Joint Paymaster"
Now @SenTedCruz asks about the "deep rot" in the UN and its worsening role after October 7. The lawsuit here @SDNYLIVE exploring UNRWA role *in* October 7, the UN is asserting total immunity, just as Guterres claims immunity to ban any Press he wants
Now @SenDuckworth asks about Myanmar / Burma. UNSG @AntonioGuterres has failed there too: "As Burma NGOs Want UN Envoy Heyzer Fired Corrupt SG Guterres Prepares to Go Even Worse"
And with that, it's over - those are all the @SenateForeign members who put questions
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