Friday, September 1, 2023

Rodney Spratley Faced Death Penalty Review for Murder of Noel Farrow in The Bronx

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Aug 28 –   Rodney Spratley is charged with the murder of Noel Farrow on May 31, 2017 at 2235 Gleason Avenue in The Bronx while robbing him of drugs and drug money.

  On August 28, 2023 Spratley appeared before U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge John P. Cronan. Inner City Press was there, the only media in the courtroom. 

 Judge Cronan noted that the case seemed death penalty eligible. The AUSA agreed and said they are going through their capital case review process, which involves Main Justice in DC. 

The defense lawyer said he would be putting in for more funds. Judge Cronan set the next date for December 4 at 10 am.

 The case is US v. Spratley, 23-cr-283 (Cronan)


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