Saturday, August 26, 2023

As NYC Mulls MCC Jail As Site for Migrants Inner City Press Asks Legal Aid of Callahan

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

FOLEY SQUARE, Aug 23 – After a court hearing about New York "right to shelter" on August 23, Inner City Press asked the Legal Aid Society's Josh Goldfein about the Eric Adams administration's floated plan to seek to house migrants in the now-empty Metropolitan Correctional Center, a block away.

  Goldfein said it is in their mind, but that Legal Aid would be consulted and asked its opinion.

Migrants in jail?  

Goldfein also said after the court hearing, "If it were easy, we would have walked out altogether holding hands with the signed agreement, but we didn’t do that. There’s a lot of work and there is some tension. You have three different levels of government here that each has some responsibility, and inevitably they want the other level of government to do more. So, it’s going to take some time to work all of this out... The last time we were here it was clear to everyone that the city and the state were having communications difficulties, that’s why you saw the order that came last time. And since then, I think we’ve had very productive conversations. We have new counsel for the state." 

 The state AG's case against Trump is coming up. Here's Inner City Press' book on Trump Trial 1, here.  Watch this site.  


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