Saturday, February 5, 2022

To Charge Zhao and Now Kung With Money Laundering US DEA Did Its Own Transactions


By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon
BBC - Guardian UK - Honduras - ESPN

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Jan 31 – Chaoyue Zhao and Brian Kung are charged with money laundering.     

       On September 20 U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge Lewis J. Liman held a proceeding. Inner City Press covered it.  

Earlier in the year the US Attorney's Office said "this is a case in which the DEA obtained what is called Attorney General exempt authorization to actually conduct certain money-laundering transactions to develop evidence... Many of the bank accounts were located in New York." 

 Judge Liman set the case down for trial in April 2022.

On January 31, 2022 Inner City Press was covering the SDNY Magistrates Court when co-defendant Brian Kung was brought in. He was wearing an MSA Spartans sweatshirt and was assigned the CJA lawyer on duty, who had just consented to a man on methadone's detention. Here the US Attorney Office agreed to release on $100,000 bond. And still trial in April?

It is US v. Zhao, et al., 20-cr-129 (Liman)


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