By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Podcast Song
BBC - Guardian UK - Honduras - ESPN
FEDERAL COURT, June 1 – Minutes into a break in the impeachment trial in the U.S. Senate, accused insurrectionist Domenic Pezzola was ordered detained until trial by Magistrate Judge Robin M. Meriweather. Inner City Press live tweeted it, below. There was an appeal.
On June 1, months after the DC Circuit's decision in US v. Munchel, DDC Judge Trevor N. McFadden a held status conference on Hale-Cusaneli, who is detained and wanted to change lawyers. Inner City Press live tweeted it here: (and podcast here)
Hale-Cusanelli wants to change lawyer. Judge McFadden grants it, says he wouldn't necessarily do it later in the case. Cases files to be turned over to "Mister Crisp" by Mr. Zucker and Mr Wright.
Judge McFadden says Zucker and Wright can remain in for today's proceeding. AUSA: The government has produced the most important discovery about the defendant. But they say they have not received discovery. What they are saying is not accurate.
AUSA: Today we gave them body cam video showing the defendant inside the Capitol. In terms of plea, we have discussed what charges would be required, but nothing else. I'm not authorized for more. US thinks trial would be premature.
AUSA: We will allow them into a discovery database. This requires a vendor, for the 400-plus cases. We have received bids and expect to have a vendor soon.
AUSA: So we are asking for a 60 day period, and exclusion of time. We cannot overstate the scope of this case. We have over 2000 digital devices. We have 14,000 hours of CCTV, and 8,000 hours of body cam. This resulted in several deaths.
Judge McFadden: Can you just reproduce the discovery to this new attorney? AUSA: Yes. It's in a single USAfx folder. Judge McFadden: Mr. Hale-Cusaneli, this is a practical result of your decision to switch attorney - I'm inclined to toll for 60 days.
Crisp: My status as new counsel is irrelevant. They'd still be asking for 60 days. Let's set a trial date. I'll do what I have to do to get up to speed. I have a staff on hand. What trial date were you looking at?
Judge McFadden: How long to try the case?
Crisp: 3 to 4 week time period. Judge McFadden: In other Capitol riot cases, attorneys up to speed have been able to answer and we set time lines. It's your case now, not Mr. Zucker's.
Judge McFadden: Do we need to inquire into jail availability? Do you want it in person? Crisp: It makes no difference to us. Judge McFadden: July 6, 11 am. AUSA: Counsel for the government is not currently located in the DC area.
Crisp: I have a trial in PA. How about next week? Judge McFadden: I have a trial that week. So, Friday the 16th at 10:30. And I'm tolling Speedy Trial Act time. I'm open to speeding up discovery, faster than the vendor, since he's detained.
Judge McFadden: But we can't talk about speeding up discovery with a new counsel. We are adjourned.
We will have more on this.
Inner City Press live tweeted Riley June Williams on January 25, here.
From January 22, song here: Thread here.
Inner City Press' John Earle Sullivan song on SoundCloud here.
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