By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Periscope
BBC - Guardian UK - Honduras - CJR - PFT
UN GATE, May 31 – In the United Nations from which Secretary General Antonio Guterres has banned Inner City Press 1064 days for asking about his complicity in the killing of civilians in Cameroon, poisoning them in Haiti with cholera and COVID in South Sudan, and their mass imprisonment by China in Xinjiang, on May 28 Inner City Press wrote to the Mission of Estonia, as incoming UN Security Council president, with questions including about Cameroon, Belarus, Honduras, Yemen, Western Sahara, Haiti and Libya:
"This is a timely request that you sent Inner City Press the pass code(s) to access your UNSC Presidency press briefing on June 1 at 3 pm. I have questions to ask on what you will do this month about the conflicts in Myanmar, Cameroon, Yemen and Libya - and on the sexual harassment charges against Fabrizio Hochschild on which Inner City Press first reported in April 2019, for example - Inner City Press is asking to be provided with access / the passwords to your Estonia mission's stakeouts and press conferences this month as UNSC President.
Be aware that I for Inner City Press am invited to ask questions by the IMF at its briefings (see, e.g., May 20 here, and Wilson Center on May 20, 2021 on North Korea, here
and May 27, 2021, here.
Separately, given that I have submitted to the PGA a letter and CV in connection with SG election process, to cause a debate on UN press freedom and accountability, this is a formal request that you circulate my and other candidates' letter and CVs to member states, or immediately inform me why not, given that no written rule required a member state's endorsement to run. Please immediately confirm receipt, and provide the passcode or state why not."
This is to Permanent Representative Sven Jürgenson. Now three days later, no response from the Estonian Mission, including spokesperson Liisa Toots, but these quotes from Jurgenson: “It will be very nice for us to do it, and for me personally because during the last elections five years ago, Estonia together with Costa Rica had a lead in the ACT [Accountability, Coherence and Transparency] group on the selection process of secretary-general... “I don’t think that we are moving back. I think the process, if you look at what happened this year, actually, it was exactly the same process that happened last [time]. But it was just with one candidate.” Really?? Transparent but not even any answers to formal requests and questions from a media which has covered the UN for years, and a candidate? Watch this site.
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