Saturday, October 8, 2011

Opposing Palestine, Colombia, Panama, Cote d'Ivoire, Bahamas, Cameroon, Singapore

By Matthew Russell Lee, Exclusive

UNITED NATIONS, September 29 -- On the hot issue of Palestine, the Group of 77 and the Non-Aligned Movement have both come out pro-Palestinian. This has triggered "reservations" or dissents from such countries as Security Council member Colombia, financial powerhouse Singapore, Cameroon and in a surprise to some, Cote d'Ivoire along with Panama and the Bahamas. See below.

Inner City Press has obtained and is publishing these formal objections. At one extreme, few were surprised by Colombia's position.

But while Cote d'Ivoire under Laurent Gbagbo took this position, some thought that with Northerner Alassane Ouattara taking power, the new Cote d'Ivoire would side with Palestine. But now.

Objection within the Group of 77 can be raised on the argument that it is economic group, not political like NAM. Palestinian Observer Riyad Mansour this week told the Press that the meeting of the NAM caucus of Security Council members including Colombia had gone well.

Nigerian officials to the highest level have been quoted that the country would abstain and not vote yes on Palestine's application for UN membership, which the Council's committee will begin considering on Friday.

Obtained regarding NAM:

To: Permanent Missions and Permanent Observer Mission to the United Nations that are Members and Observers of the Non-Aligned Movement.

From: Permanent Mission of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the United Nations, in its capacity as Chair of the NAM Coordinating Bureau.

With reference to the Statement delivered by H.E. Mr. Mohamed Kamel Amr, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt, on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement and in Egypt’s National Capacity, before the General debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly on 24 September 2011, and further to the Chair’s Note No. NAM/265/2011 dated 24 September 2011, transmitting the Government of Singapore’s reservation on all references in the said statement to Palestine’s admission as a full member of the United Nations and all other aspects of the statement that are inconsistent with the foreign policy of Singapore, the Chair of the Coordinating Bureau wishes to enclose the following:

· Note Verbale No. 1411 received from the Permanent Mission of Colombia to the United Nations, informing that Colombia reserves its position to all references in the statement to Palestine’s admission as a full member of the United Nations, and that Colombia will establish its position in its capacity as Security Council non-permanent member.

· Note Verbale No. NY-761/11 received from the Permanent Mission of Panama to the United Nations, informing that the Government of Panama reserves its position to all references in the statement to Palestine’s admission as a full member of the United Nations, and all other aspects of the statement that are inconsistent with the foreign policy of Panama.

· Note Verbale No. 150/11 received from the Permanent Mission of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas to the United Nations, informing that the Government of The Bahamas reserves its position on all references in the statement to Palestine’s admission as a full member of the United Nations.

Thank you,

Chair of the Coordinating Bureau of the Non-Aligned Movement
Address: Permanent Mission of Egypt to the United Nations
304 East 44th street, N.Y. N.Y., 10017

Obtained regarding the Group of 77, to which Panama and the Bahamas have also objected:

To : Permanent Missions of the Member States of the Group of 77 and China

Attn.: Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Committee delegates

From : Office of the Chairman

Date : 28 September 2011

In continuation of its last circular of 26 September 2011, the Chair wishes to provide delegations with copies of Notes that it has received from the Permanent Missions of Colombia, the Republic of Cameroon and the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire which are hereby circulated upon their request regarding paragraph 108 of the Declaration adopted by the Thirty-Fifth Annual Meeting of Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Group of 77 on 23 September 2011 at UN Headquarters in New York.

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