Saturday, October 8, 2011

After Apologizing to Turks, Now Ban Thanks UN Security for Restraint

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, September 29 -- After six days of UN stonewalling about the Turkish delegation beat-down of UN Security and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon's fast apology to Prime Minister Erdogan, on Thursday morning Ban belated put online a note to UN staff, particularly Security and Protocol, thanking them for their "restraint." See below.

Fast reactions from UN staff included disgust, amazement and anger. Why did Ban immediately apologize to Turkey, even as at least three UN Security officers lay injured? One, Inner City Press has learned, is still using crutches.

Meanwhile questions have arising about the role of the UN's Protocol Office. For three days, Inner City Press has asked a simple factual question: how many extra ID passes to enter the UN were given to the Turkish delegation?

On September 27, Ban's spokesman Martin Nesirky said he would check. But he had no answer on September 28, or since. The goal seems to be to have the story die, due to lack of answers.

But the UN is a public organization. On September 28, Inner City Press asked the spokeswoman for the President of the General Assembly, who referred all questions back to Nesirky, who would not answer them.

Meanwhile UN Security sources said that beyond Officer Matthew Sullivan with injured ribs and the female officer beaten in the face, another male UN Security officer was left walking on crutches, suspended then on "administrative leave" after Ban apologized to the Turks.

The level of anger at Ban is growing, but as numerous of Ban's guards tell Inner City Press, Ban is totally isolated, "living in his own world."

And from the world, here's is Ban's belated double speak:

Message from the Secretary-General
Posted: Thursday, 29 September 2011, New York | Author: Secretary-General BAN Ki-moon

As the 66th General Debate draws to a close, I would like to express my immense gratitude to all officials and staff of the UN Secretariat for their hard work and dedication. The demands have been great and, as ever, you have risen to the occasion.

In particular, I wish to thank the Protocol and Security Officers of the United Nations. The pressures they faced in performing their duties were especially difficult, and they met these pressures with dignity, restraint and high professionalism in the best tradition of the Organisation.

To all, I ask that you accept my sincere thanks and deep appreciation for your commitment to the great causes that bind us.

BAN Ki-moon