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Friday, November 22, 2024
Guilty Verdict in NYCHA Bribery 2d Trial of Hector Colon After Juror Did Own Research
by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack
SDNY COURTHOUSE, Nov 22 – For days Inner City Press had heard from its sources there would be a "takedown" on February 6, each SDNY Magistrate Judge would handle seven to 10 defendants.
Arrests happen at 6 am. So at 5:55 am Inner City Press tweeted it, first to X subscribers with the spoiler alert: the expectation was that each of the current or former NYCHA employees would be released on bond the same day.
And then hours later at 9:39 am the prosecutors announced it. Media rushed around reporting it. Inner City Press had it first, and after discretely waiting, published it first. Then this thread of presentments, here
On September 16, NYCHA defendant Charles Starks moved to dismiss, noting that the indictment provided "almost no detail on... the timing" - and citing the Supreme Court's Snyder v. US decision.
On November 12, NYCHA defendant Hector Colon was moving toward trial to start on November 18. Inner City Press went to the final pre-trial conference, where discussion ranged from a Punjabi interpreter to voir dire.
On November 18 Inner City Pres was there, from the thread:
US v Hector Colon. Contractor witness with immunity agreement tells jury he bribed 20 to 25 NYCHA employees.
AUSA: Why did you pay? Witness ( through Punjabi interpreter) They demanded it or they wouldn't sign off on our work, the SOS, so we could get paid.
On November 21, after the jury sent out a note including that "we are having a lot of discord, some are more driven by bias + don't believe some items." The US Attorney's Office wanted to ask if anyone on the jury is refusing to deliberate based on the Court's instructions; the defense does not want to ask, at least not yet.
On November 22 Inner City Press was in the courtroom when Juror 10 was taken into the robing room to be questioned about having done his own research. Unclear, at least to the press and public, what was said. But a guilty verdict was returned: "HECTOR COLON was convicted today of bribery and extortion under color of official right for taking thousands of dollars from contractors in exchange for awarding those contractors no-bid contracts or approving payment on previously awarded contracts at NYCHA developments for approximately three years. The verdict followed a four-day trial before U.S. District Judge Lewis J. Liman."
Inner City Press will stay on these cases.
Watch this site.
This case is USA v. Colon, 1:24-cr-367 (Liman)
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Sean Combs Argues 3d Time for Bail This Time With Upper East Side Apartment Ruling Soon
by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack
SDNY COURTHOUSE, Nov 22 – At 4:30 pm on September 16 Inner City Press was told by its SDNY source to expect "the big one" - Sean Combs - the next day in the courtroom here.
At 10:30 pm, from SDNY News, this: "USA Damian Williams: Earlier this evening, federal agents arrested Sean Combs, based on a sealed indictment filed by the SDNY. We expect to move to unseal the indictment in the morning and will have more to say at that time."
At US Attorney Damian Williams' press conference Inner City Press asked if his office would be seeking detention - Yes, he said. Detention memo on Patreon here.
[Inner City Press published book / audio book Diddy Do It? on Sept 20 on Amazon here]
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On November 18, Combs' lawyers filed for a hearing, arguing that "prosecutors are in possession of attorney client privileged material, including the defendant’s own written notes" - filing on Patreon here
After 5 pm on November 18, the time specified by Judge Subramanian, the US Attorney's Office replied that no hearing is necessary, "This exhibit is being filed under seal pursuant to the protective order governing discovery in this case" - letter on Patreon here
On November 22, Inner City Press live tweeted the bail arguments, here. Judge Subramanian did not decide, instead asking for letter by Monday at noon and saying he will rule next week.
Extra/analysis on X for Subscribers here & Substack here
The case is USA v. Combs, 1:24-cr-542 (Subramanian)
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In Daniel Penny Trial ADA Notes Sickle Cell Cover Ups and Taser Links of Study Authors
by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack
100 CENTRE STREET, Nov 22 – In the Daniel Penny trial on November 21, his medical expert Doctor Chandru was cross examined until he used the word homicide, not distinguishing between the medical and the legal context. Inner City Press was there, from the thread
ADA: There is no literature connecting K2 to the sickle of cells, correct? [A member of the public here in the gallery seems to laugh, or woop - a court officer goes over to shush her]
Penny's medical expert Chandru: No, there is literature, on anti-psychotics
ADA: Dr. Chandru, you've only published two articles, right? Penny's medical expert Chandru: Yes, before being a resident. ADA: Unlike Doctor Harris, who has published more - Penny's lawyer: Objection. ADA: You think you know better
ADA: You're saying you know better than the Chief Medical Examiner, than the NE Journal of Medicine- Penny's lawyer: Objection. Judge Wiley: Sustained. Don't answer that question. ADA: They studied people who were stun-gunner or Tazed Objection! Overruled.
ADA: Isn't it a fact that sickle cell was being used as a way to cover up the death of African Americans in custody? Penny's lawyer: Objection! Judge: We're not going there. ADA: It's relevant to the next line of questions. But let's go to the new article
ADA: This paper was intended to argue against the view that sickle cell was being used to cover up deaths of African Americans in custody? Penny's medical expert Chandru: I don't know their intent. ADA: These authors are mostly from Texas
ADA: 2 of these authors are advisors to a company that makes Tasers, correct? Penny's medical expert Chandru: If you say so.
ADA: Some of the deaths in custody attributed to sickle cell involve Tasers - that's two of them. Another author is a retired police chief
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UN Representative to ECOSOC Arrested for False Statements About Talks with Russia
by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack
SDNY COURTHOUSE, Nov 21 – A woman describing herself as a UN Representative at ECOSOC was arrested on November 21 and presented in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York on charges of false statements about contact with the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federal. Inner City live tweeted, thread
now at US v Ms. Nomma Zarubina - an NGO "ambassador to UN ECOSOC," with Russian interpreter present. Inner City Press as only media here will report Judge: You are charged with false statements to US law enforcement about communications with Federal Security Service & official of Russian Federation.
AUSA: We agree to release with 1 co-signer, not communications with foreign officials except Russian consulate
Federal Defender: She also wants travel to New Jersey.
Judge: OK. Preliminary hearing in 30 days
The case is USA v. Zarubina, 24-mj-4038 (Aaron)
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SDNY Press Room
ICE Official Who Sold Info to Eric Adams Staff Also Downloaded DHS Info Now Free on Bond
by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack
SDNY COURTHOUSE, Nov 21 – The US Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York on November 21 announced "the arrest of HENRY YAU for a scheme to commit identity theft, convert government records, and disclose agency records containing individually identifiable information. YAU will be presented before Magistrate Judge Stewart D. Aaron."
Inner City Press went to the proceeding, and as the only media there live tweeted it, from the thread:
Yau is brought in by US Marshals, in turquoise t-shirt and COVID mask. He has detained counsel. Magistrate Judge Stewart D. Aaron: Time of arrest? AUSA: 7 am. Judge: Detention or release?
AUSA: Bail package Defense: I'd like to push this to second call
Note: YAU disclosed confidential information from law enforcement databases about Victim-1 who Lin was seeking to deported from the US due to conflict with members of a bank fraud conspiracy in which Lin was involved
They're back on Yau. AUSA: We propose release on $2 million bond, $1 million [of which] in cash or property Judge: What's the hang up? [A third retained lawyer has gotten involved]
Defense: This bail is excessive. Mr Yau owns some investment properties. 3d call?
AUSA: There was an audit of his DHS downloads, he took passwords - we want to search his residence or we'll freeze it
Defense: We offer $1 million signature, $250,000 secured. AUSA: He traveled around the world chasing fugitives for ICE. He knows how to flee
AUSA: They tried to run his social security number - others have been searching him, other law enforcement seemingly working with him
Judge: I am the one who signs search warrants. If probable cause is shown I will keep him detained pending the search
Judge: I give you 30 minutes.
They're back again on US v Henry Yau No contact with Tommy Lin without counsel present.
Yau is signing something - public? Is he giving back the DHS info?
More on X for Subscribers here and Substack here
The case is US v. Yau, 24-mj-4055 (Aaron)
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SDNY Press Room
Inner City Press Asks IMF of Crypto Climate after Trump Win and Kenya Power Monopoly
by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack
NYC, Nov 21 – When the IMF held its press briefing on November 21, Inner City Press was able to ask the spokesperson two questions: on crypto currency, climate and the imcoming US President's views on crypto, and on Kenya amid governance / corruption review, and Kenya Power.
Inner City Press asked on crypto and Gita Gopinath's Nov 17 tweet about the climate impact of crypto mining, what are the IMF's comments on recent election(s) impact on crypto's future, and what may be the impact of halving on crypto's carbon footprint?
The answer, not specific to climate or the incoming US Administration, will be transcribed on the IMF website.
More video coming on IMF's website.
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Stock Fraudster Sterling Bancorp Bid To Sell Bank with Weak CRA to Everbank Hit by FFW
by Matthew R. Lee, Patreon Substack
FEDERAL COURT, Nov 20 – Sterling Bancorp, which settled with DOJ on securities fraud, it trying to sell its Sterling Bank & Trust including in New York, where it has a need to improve CRA Investment Test rating to Everbank. Fair Finance Watch with Inner City Press on the FOIA has filed a timely first comment on, the Applications
This is a request for a full copy of, and a timely first comment on, the Applications of EverBank to acquire Sterling Bank & Trust (with a rare Needs to Improve CRA rating on Investment Test in New York), and not scandal plagued Sterling Bancorp. Sterling Bancorp was recently prosecuted by DOJ; EverBank purports that by buying the bank portion it is not touched by the scandal. But what is the showing that the criminal conduct at the Bancorp was entirely insulated from the bank and those who work there, and its practices? As a CRA matter, militating for a hearing, Sterling Bank has a rare Needs to Improve rating on the investment test in NY. The rest of that Performance Evaluation is not credit - it talks about and praises mortgage lending when the HMDA data show negligible volume. Inner City Press is requesting an extension of the public comment period, public / virtual evidentiary hearings and that, on the current record, the applications not be approved FFW and Inner City Press have been deeply concerned about the rush by the Federal Reserve to rubber-stamp mergers by redliners, money launderers and predatory lenders. This has been killing the Community Reinvestment Act and we timely request public hearings
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First Busey $1B Bid For CrossFirst Hit by Fair Finance Watch Now They Disclose Legal Threat
by Matthew R. Lee, Patreon Substack
FEDERAL COURT, Nov 20 – In the Midwest, Busey Bank is trying to move into the Kansas City area via merger, with a disparate lending record. Fair Finance Watch with Inner City Press on the FOIA has filed a timely first comment on, the Applications
Van Dukeman, First Busey's CEO called it a "great fit from a cultural perspective." But consider Busey Bank's culture - including contempt for CRA, its disparate lending record:
First Busey's Busey Bank in Illinois in 2023 - data not yet included in any CRA exam - made 1163 mortgage loans to whites, and only 772 loans to African Americans. Meanwhile it denied only 216 applications from whites, and fully 24 from African Americans. Busey Bank should be referred to DOJ.
Busey Bank in Missouri in 2023 - data not yet included in any CRA exam - made 49 mortgage loans to whites, and onlyseven loans to African Americans. Meanwhile it denied only 21 applications from whites, and fully eight from African Americans
Busey Bank in Indiana in 2023 - data not yet included in any CRA exam - made 22 mortgage loans to whites, and only two loans to African Americans.
Busey Bank in Florida in 2023 - data not yet included in any CRA exam - made 80 mortgage loans to whites, and only ONE loan to an African American.
Rather than provide CRA info, First Busey's Monica L. Bowe, Executive Vice President & Chief Risk Officer of First Busey Corporation - and of the Risk Management Association- submitted a letter saying CRA conditions are never attached - false, and telling.
Now after questions Busey's outside counsel has disclosed that Busey "has been the target of multiple law firms’ efforts to solicit customers via the internet to bring a mass arbitration based on overdraft and NSF fees, specifically Authorize Positive, Settle Negative and Representment fees, both of which Busey Bank stopped charging in 2022. Busey Bank first became aware of these solicitations in February, 2024. Representatives of Busey have spoken with representatives of some of these law firms and have received demands for attorneys’ fees and potential refunding of certain fees and Busey management is currently discussing the path forward with counsel."
The merger should be denied. Watch this site.
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UN Colombia Mission Sex Scandals Link China to Guterres SRSG Ruiz as No Fleming Answers
by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack
UN GATE, Nov 20 – How corrupt is today's UN under Antonio Guterres? Today's sur-follow up is yet once again on his mission in Colombia, about which his spokespeople Stephane Dujarric and Melissa Fleming refuse all Press questions. Inner City Press has asked them, and others, about the newest sex abuse case against the UN there. Now this, from a UN whistleblower sent to Inner City Press:
Mar Brusola’s actions are equally disturbing. She deliberately targets strong, experienced, and qualified female staff, a pattern that reveals a gender bias in her discriminatory practices. It is shocking that a peacekeeping mission, struggling under the guise of a “financial crisis,” can still facilitate promotions left and right—courtesy of Brusola and Carlos Ruiz—for their inner circles, including friends, romantic partners, and unqualified individuals. These promotions are handed out without merit, leaving behind capable professionals who refuse to play their games.
The alarming possibility of the still untidy Brusola being promoted as Chief ORM under Ruiz only exacerbates concerns. Her lack of integrity and blatant misuse of power suggest that her actions will become even more brazen if left unchecked.
The clock is ticking for the shocking and covered-up actions in the field to come to light. Considering the growing list of victims and witnesses, we hope this will eventually reach a court of law, where justice can prevail. We trust you, Matthew, to ensure these stories are brought to public attention.
P.s they’re doing everything they can think of to try to come after you or get you to display the names of those who have contacted you. We trust, based on what you report, that this will not happen. Thank you for giving us a voice
We will continue - No answer from UN Spox Dujarric nor Melissa Fleming on this; they threw Inner City Press out of the UN for this type of reporting. Now what? Keep the info coming.
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In NBA Fraud Case Telfair Got Time Served Now on Alleged VOSR Is Told Job Or Service
By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Video
SDNY COURTHOUSE, Nov 20 – Former NBA players Sebastian Telfair, Terrance Williams, Anthony Allen and 15 others former players were named in an indictment unsealed on October 7, 2021 for defrauding the NBA health fund, in Telfair's case, for $350,000.
Telfair nevertheless got a publicly funded lawyer. Inner City Press was there, in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Magistrates Court and live tweeted it here and below(street video here)
Meanwhile this: "ORDER as to Sebastian Telfair. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that a bail review hearing is scheduled for Friday, February 17, 2023 at 11:30 A.M.
Inner City Press went to the courtroom at that time. Judge Caproni, just finished with a sentencing in the case, told Telfair, I do not want to remand you but I would. She told Telfair to be sure to comply with his conditions, including drug treatment; she noted he was already showing up for mental health treatment. She asked Telfair, What will happen if you do not comply? "You're going to put me in jail," Telfair replied. Judge Caproni nodded and wished him well.
On June 26, 2023, Telfair's lawyer wrote in to ask for a delay in sentencing: "Mr. Telfair has pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit wire fraud. I write with the consent of the government to respectfully request a ten-week adjournment of his sentencing hearing, currently set for August 1, 2023. This is my first request for an adjournment. Mr. Telfair has appealed his 2017 state conviction for criminal possession of a weapon to the New York Court of Appeals, and the outcome of the appeal could materially affect his sentence in this matter"- full letter on Patreon here.
Telfair on January 30, 2024 was sentenced to time served and three years of supervised release. On November 12 violation of supervision was alleged, and a November 20 hearing set. Inner City Press went.
Judge Caproni said drug tests have been failed, but there is a job on the horizon - and if not, community service - and "I'm glad you're smoking less." She set another proceeding for February.

Telfair walking away from photographers after court, photo by Matthew Russell Lee 10/7/21
The case is US v. Williams, et al., 21-cr-603 (Caproni)
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