Monday, November 30, 2015
FOIA Finds: New Hillary Clinton Emails Show USg Feltman Forwarding to State Department in Oct 2012, M23, Wan Ban Ki-moon
By Matthew Russell Lee
UNITED NATIONS, November 30 -- Among the 5,109 Hillary Clinton emails released by the US State Department on November 30 is this one from October 2012 from Jeffrey Feltman, then already ostensibly with and for the UN, to Jake Sullivan about Lebanon.
Feltman forwards the US State Department a copy of his own email to “his guy” in Lebanon, British UN official Derek Plumbly and asks for US advice on whom he should call.
Inner City Press on March 28, 2012 first reported that Feltman would take over UN Department of Political Affairs from fellow American B. Lynn Pascoe, and asked if it was wise, to whom would Feltman be loyal. Now with all due respect the question arises: why was Feltman still in October 2012, after starting with the UN on July 2, 2012, forwarding his emails to the US State Department?
On October 20, 2012, the State Department's Elizabeth Dibble says she spoke with Feltman; in September, Feltman told Huma Abedin he's walk on hot coals for Hillary. He offered to cancel a meeting with Esther Brimmer in order to meet with Hillary in the Waldorf --saying he had problems responding with hotmail, that the 90s may have ended. He was not using his UN email address.
We'l have more on this.
Also in the November 30 release is an email that in Eastern Congo, the M23 rebels did NOT loot the Central Bank in Goma -- Inner City Press in 2012 questioned the New York Times reporting that that this did, in fact, happen - and an evergreen line, that “Ban's gambit didn't work out too well.” What wa about Syria, but has been repeated for example with the faux ceasefire on Yemen. We'll have more on this.
Back on August 31 among the 4,368 Hillary Clinton emails released by the US State Department were only 17 that mention Libya. In one, forwarded by Feltman, a Qaddafi staffer was angry at P.J. Crowley's failure to apologize, here.
(In another just released email, Feltman bragged how his interview with An-Nahar pushed Nasrallah out of the news, "HBJ" loved it, here.)
Feltman is cc-ed on a "sensitive but not classified" emailabout February 2010 Egypt being "amazed" that Hillary Clinton flew over on the way to Qatar and Saudi Arabia without stopping.
Another of the 17 email mentioning Libya was mostly about promoting the US' concern about Haiti, here.
By contrast, 38 emails cite "Sudan," including this one in which Jimmy Carter offers help on that country, Korea, Cuba and "the Middle East."
Among those few that mention UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on August 26, 2010, Huma Abedin wrote to Hillary Clinton that "Ban ki-Moon will formally welcome NATO logistical support in Pakistani flood relief."
Back on July 31 among the 1,356 Hillary Clinton emails released by the US State Department on July 31 are only 14 which mention Libya.
There is the threat of Gaddafi staying at his UN Permanent Representative's house in Engelwood, New Jersey, then that getting canceled.
(There is an email to Cheryl Mills from Martin Edelman, citing "support in Israel for dialogue with Syria... chess game with Iran.)
There is then-US, now-UN official Jeffrey Feltman noting that US funding might go to an NGO headed by a Gaddafi, here.
The newly released emails mention Feltman's "boss" Ban Ki-moon 12 times.
One was from Strobe Talbott, about dining with Ban (who will be in DC against next week, here) and trying to find the right "channel" to reach Hillary on, here.
One is a "Call Sheet" for Hillary Clinton to call Ban on August 24, 2009, starting "You are calling UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to ask him to co-host with you an event at UNGA to advance the Global Partnership for Agriculture and Food Security."
Another email, which Inner City Press reported a month ago, is about NOT having UN Food and Agriculture Organization chief Jacques Diouf host the meeting.
There is one email that mentions the UN Development Program, UNDP - but it is hard to read, literally: apparently a hard-copy.
There are 16 emails mentioning Sri Lanka. One of them also mentions Ban, whose record on Sri Lanka continues to be questioned today, but most of which are aboutresponding to the Government of Sri Lanka complaining about Hillary Clinton linking their army to rape in a September 30, 2009 speech. It is "put to bed" by a letter to Sri Lanka's then Foreign Minister.
Morocco is mentioned only three times: the Forum for the Future twice, and once concerning urging Guinea's Dadis Camera to seek exile in Morocco or another French-speaking country.
In November, UK Held 11 UNSC Stakeouts, Less than Lyall Grant's 14 But Higher-Tech: FUNCA Review
By Matthew Russell Lee
UNITED NATIONS, November 30 -- When the UK and its UN Ambassador Matthew Rycroft took over the presidency of the UN Security Council at the beginning of November, Inner City Press for the Free UN Coalition for Access asked that question and answer stakeouts be held after closed-door consultations meetings. Rycroft said he would, and lived up to it.
In November, Rycroft did eight question and answerstakeouts as well as two sit-down press conferences; his Deputy Peter Wilson did another three stakeouts for a total of 11.
If one adds in the stakeouts of Philip Hammond (ostensibly on Somalia but with Somalia Press questions not taken) and Justine Greening (mostly Syria and refugees and not development), it comes to 13 -- still less than predecessor Mark Lyall Grant's 14 stakeouts in June 2013, below.
The UK mission has gotten higher or newer-tech since Lyall Grant, Periscoping the stakeouts alongside@InnerCityPress and using other social media platforms. Are they, though, more accessible, more even-handed? Rycroft himself seems to be. On November 30 Inner City Press asked him about both Burundi and Yemen. As fast-transcribed by
ICP: On Burundi, beyond the lack of dialogue, seems like since the resolution the government closed down 10 civil society organizations and there’s reports today of neighborhoods being blockaded and searches of homes. Did this come up? In that context, is a trip enough?
And on Yemen, since there were supposed to be talks in the middle of the months and they didn’t happen, it’s now the end of the month and you’re the pen holder. Where is that process going?
Rycroft: "On Burundi, no one is saying that a Security Council visit on its own would be enough to solve a problem as difficult and complex as Burundi. But those of us who support it – and actually all countries support it, the debate is about when, exactly – all of us think there should be a visit, and it should play a helpful role in shining an international spot light on Burundi and demonstrating the importance of all the parties doing everything we’ve been calling on them to do, including having dialogue about the future.
Now, the issue about the NGOs and civil society came up very quickly in consultations this afternoon. When you look at the picture of what is happening in Burundi, it is significant that there continues to be violence and oppression and civil society is by no means free. And these are worrying indicators for us, which require us to do as much preventative diplomacy as we can.
On Yemen, it’s not been a particularly prominent issue in the month of November but I think it will get more prominent in the month of December. The reason it hasn’t been prominent is that the UN’s special envoy has been preparing the ground carefully with the talks, with the backing of the SC. But the talks themselves haven’t happened yet. The latest indications is that he is hoping to begin those talks in the first week or so of December, and the Council will be keeping a very close oversight of those talks and will be having some discussion with him during the US presidency."
Regarding a proposed trip to Burundi, Inner City Press understands that questions of timing were raised by Angola, and that Burundi stands poised to take over chairmanships in December at the African Union and the East African Community. Does that make a Council trip more or less likely? Watch this site.
Back on June 27, 20133 when the UK's then UN Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant took media questions at the end of his month's presidency of the UN Security Council, predictably most of them dealt with Syria and relatedly the Golan Heights.
But at least three of the 14 press stakeouts he did in June were about Somalia, not least about the deadly attack on the UN compound in Mogadishu. So on Thursday Inner City Press asked Lyall Grant three questions about Somalia.
First, how did he view Kenya's role in the Kismayo / Jubaland fighting? Second, would he acknowledge that the way the Security Council drafted the new UNSOM mandate has resulted in Somaliland ordering UNSOM out?
Finally, Inner City Press asked Lyall Grant if he thought the UN and its Department of Peacekeeping Operations should offer a substantive response, and a confirmation or denial, of a Mogadishu whistleblower's allegation that David Bax of the UN Mine Action Service shares information with UN intelligence?
Inner City Press first reported on the allegation on June 22.Despite direct requests to DPKO, UNMAS and even via Twitter to UN envoy to Somalia Nicholas Kay (clearly busy after the bombing, but the question is related), all the UN has said is they won't discuss what the whistleblower sent to Herve Ladsous. But what about the charges, a simple yes or no?
Lyall Grant did not answer this last, but did offer a lengthy answer on federalism -- like in the UK -- as the solution to Somalia's problems. We will add the transcript.See below.
At the end of the press conference, Lyall Grant listed steps toward transparency, including the 14 stakeouts for which the new Free UN Coalition for Access had thanked him. Inner City Press asked about one of the demands in the past of the “Small Five,” and now of ACT -- that the Council not make final decisions in open debates until it hears from the non-Council members.
In fact, on topics on which the Council deigns to hear from the non-members, why not give them some role in drafting and negotiating the thematic resolution? Lyall Grant replied that the UK is flexible, even to “radical” ideas like non-Council members at times speaking before Council members.
Reform is slow in the UN -- but a response should be given to the troubling allegations of the Mogadishu whistleblower. Updates should be given on accountability for the 135 rapes in Minova by the Congolese Army, and now on all steps Chad takes to get off the UN child soldier recruiters list, while it is getting paid for peacekeeping in Mali. Watch this site.
Here is the UK Mission to the UN's transcription:
Inner City Press: On behalf of the Free UN Coalition for Access, thanks, not only for this briefing, but that you did fourteen stakeouts so it may be a new record, so that was a good in terms of after consultations. I wanted to ask you about Somalia. Three of the fourteen having been about Somalia and also, not just the bombing, but it seems like, although there’s, I know Mr Feltman’s there and he is saying things are the most positive they’ve been in two decades, it seems like in Kismayo, first I wanted to ask you whether you think that Kenya has some role in the sense of supporting at least one of the parties that wants to make a Jubaland there and also, in Somalialand, whether the Council, in writing the new mandate, may have – obviously there’s been a lot of push back. And finally, I’ve learned that the UN Mine Action Service in Somalia, in Mogadishu, there seems to be allegations that somehow they shared information with US intelligence. And this is something that the UN has failed to deny, despite UN whistleblower there with pretty serious information so I wonder... I don’t know what to say to that. I know that you are a person that, you’re a Permanent Member and you look at the Secretariat a lot. Do you think that this is the type of thing that the Secretariat should either come out and confirm or deny and do you think that there is any way in which a UN agency should share information with the intelligence of a Permanent 5 Member. Thanks.
Amb Lyall Grant: Thank you. I can’t comment at all really on that last question, Matthew, because I am not aware of the facts of that... I wasn’t even aware of the allegation that you referred to. On the role of Kenya: I mean Kenya has been part of the AMISOM force for some time. It wasn’t there originally in Somalia as part of AMISOM of course. They went across the border into Somalia for their own reasons, but they have been integrated into AMISOM and therefore they take instructions from the AMISOM force commander. What is important, in our view, is that there should be a proper dialogue between the centre and the regions. We believe in the territorial integrity of Somalia but it needs to have a federal constitution. It needs to have a proper relationship between the centre and the regions. Many countries, including my own, do have such a system and I think that’s the sort of constitution Somalia will need if it is to hold together, so we want Jubaland, we want Somilaland, we want Puntland, we want all the different regions of Somalia to be constituent parts of the state of federal Somalia, so that is still to be worked out. The government is new. The transition has passed, but it is still a new government and those issues need to be worked through. Now we strongly support the President. He recognises what needs to be done. He is trying to work on the Kismayo issue, but it’s not easy. After twenty years of civil war and conflict in Somalia, where large parts of the country are still being occupied and run by Al-Shabaab, it is not easy for the President and the federal authorities to make progress on the sort of political dialogue and constitutional arrangements that we think is going to be necessary, but there is, as I mentioned before, strong Security Council unity on this issues and there is a lot of international support that is going into Mogadishu, so I think, I’m optimistic. The situation fragile, but I’m optimistic that Somalia has seen... the worst of the history is behind it.
Amb Lyall Grant: Thank you. I can’t comment at all really on that last question, Matthew, because I am not aware of the facts of that... I wasn’t even aware of the allegation that you referred to. On the role of Kenya: I mean Kenya has been part of the AMISOM force for some time. It wasn’t there originally in Somalia as part of AMISOM of course. They went across the border into Somalia for their own reasons, but they have been integrated into AMISOM and therefore they take instructions from the AMISOM force commander. What is important, in our view, is that there should be a proper dialogue between the centre and the regions. We believe in the territorial integrity of Somalia but it needs to have a federal constitution. It needs to have a proper relationship between the centre and the regions. Many countries, including my own, do have such a system and I think that’s the sort of constitution Somalia will need if it is to hold together, so we want Jubaland, we want Somilaland, we want Puntland, we want all the different regions of Somalia to be constituent parts of the state of federal Somalia, so that is still to be worked out. The government is new. The transition has passed, but it is still a new government and those issues need to be worked through. Now we strongly support the President. He recognises what needs to be done. He is trying to work on the Kismayo issue, but it’s not easy. After twenty years of civil war and conflict in Somalia, where large parts of the country are still being occupied and run by Al-Shabaab, it is not easy for the President and the federal authorities to make progress on the sort of political dialogue and constitutional arrangements that we think is going to be necessary, but there is, as I mentioned before, strong Security Council unity on this issues and there is a lot of international support that is going into Mogadishu, so I think, I’m optimistic. The situation fragile, but I’m optimistic that Somalia has seen... the worst of the history is behind it.
After Burundi Meeting of UNSC, UK's Matthew Rycroft Tells Inner City Press That Closed-Down Civil Society Organizations Were Discussed, Trip Timing
By Matthew Russell Lee
UNITED NATIONS, November 30 -- As killings in Burundi increased, on November 12, the Security Council adopted a belated resolution on Burundi. (Inner City Press put the full text online here, and here in French.) The resolution called for the UN Secretariat to report back to the Council, on November 30.
Some time after that closed-door meeting ended, outgoing UN Security Council president Matthew Rycroft of the UK gave a short summary of the meeting and then took questions. Inner City Press asked about the suspension of ten civil society organizations, and the blockades of neighborhoods (today, Jabe and Kinama). Rycroft said the CSO closures had been much discussed in the closed consultations. For a possible Council trip to Burundi, he said there is a significant minority which says December may be too soon. (Inner City Press understands this is Angola's view.)
Rycroft said there is, essentially, no dialogue. What was hoped for from Uganda's Museveni, how ever unrealistically given his President Forever slogan, hasn't materialized.
Inner City Press also asked Rycroft why the talks on Yemen, projected for mid November by the UN envoy, haven't taken place. He said the talks may take place in the first week(s) of December. We'll see.
At the November 30 UN noon briefing, Inner City Press asked UN Spokesman Stephane Dujarric about the blockading of the Jabe neighborhood, and Presidential Adviser Willy Nyamitwe linking the opposition to "Islamists," see below. Now indicative of the atmosphere, the US has put this warning online:
"Security Message for U.S. Citizens: Bujumbura (Burundi), Heightened Security Situation
U.S. Embassy Bujumbura has become aware that Burundian National Police searched at least two residences of U.S. citizens associated with NGOs on Saturday, November 28, 2015. Because of this, Embassy Bujumbura reissues the following information on cooperating with police in a residential search.
The Embassy recommends U.S. citizens cooperate with Burundian police if asked to enter their residence for the purpose of a search. If subject to a police search, U.S. citizens should notify the Embassy at +257-22-20-7000 or after-hours at +257-79-938-841. A legal document regulating police searches of private residences mentions the following requirements:
· Only officers of the Public Prosecutor's Office or agents of the Judicial Police are entitled to proceed with searches. An officer must identify himself with a card before entering the house.
· Before entering the house the police have to present a search warrant, signed by the appropriate authority."
Both Burundi governmental spokespeople and the UN's Department of Political Affairs put out photographs of Pierre Nkurunziza and Ban's Special Adviser Jamal Benomar smiling (some questioned, about what?)
Meanwhile, at the same time Pope Francis tried to salve real splits in the Central African Republic between the Christian anti-Balaka and the Muslim ex-Seleka, Nkurunziza's spokesperson Willy Nyamitwe equated opponents to the third term with Islamist extremists. Even some Nkurunziza supporters said this was going too far; Nkurunziza has said nothing.
Inner City Press noted it and Nyamitwe said it was wrong.
Inner City Press' question about who was referred to by the phrase, directed by an Islamist, has not been answered.
So while on the one hand Nkurunziza's government tried to project an image of cooperating with the UN system -- and today's constellation of the UN is amenable to this image, for a variety of reasons -- that same Burundian government is closing down civil society organizations and trying to equate opponents with jihadists. What will be said to the UN Security Council, and what will the Council do? There is talk of a visit to Burundi during the US' December presidency. Watch this site.
On November 12, Inner City Press asked UK Ambassador Rycroft, the President of the Council for November what steps would actually be needed to send any peacekeepers from MONUSCO in DR Congo (he said there are discussions).
Inner City Press managed to ask French Permanent Representative Francois Delattre why UN Peacekeeping keeping using and paying for Burundian troops and police in the Central African Republic (a Press question both the UK and US Ambassador Samantha Power have seen fit to respond to.) Delattre declined to answer - but more politely than his deputy had, here.
In Burundi, the Pierre Nkurunziza government has taken to suspending and freezing the bank accounts of civil society groups, not only political but even medical ones. Earlier, Inner City Press published this:
"Declaration of Civil Society Organizations on freezing civil society organizations’ assets and suspension of activities of associations ACAT BURUNDI, AMINA, APRODH, FOCODE, FONTAINE ISOKO, FORSC, MAISON SHALOM, PARCEM, RCP and SPPDF
Civil Society Organizations condemn the serious violation of the right of association, sabotage of Burundi Civil society and the abject threats directed against human rights defenders.
Since April 26, 2015, peaceful demonstrations were held to protest against the third term of Pierre Nkurunziza, which project was regarded as the very seriously violation of the constitution and the Arusha agreement for peace and reconciliation. Ever since, fierce repression against protesters was organized and carried out in the opposing neighbourhoods and areas...
Civil society organizations:
- Urge immediate and unconditional cancellation of measures take to freeze accounts and suspend activities of associations ACAT Burundi, AMINA, APRODH, FOCODE, FONTAINE ISOKO, FORSC, MAISON SHALOM, PARCEM, RCP and SPPDF;
- Will file cases against Mr Valentin Bagorikunda and Mr Pascal Barandagiye for abuse of authority should they refuse to cancel arbitrary and unlawful measures that they took against civil society organizations;
- Commit to engage the various human rights mechanisms for serious violation of the right of association, as well as for direct and despicable attack against human rights defenders by the state of Burundi;
4. Commit to participate in the peaceful resolution of the Burundian crisis by dialogue and loudly declare that they will never agree to negotiate their rights and freedoms, the lifting of the proceedings against them or the closure of their offices
5. Denounce again the resort to violence by any party whatsoever;
6. Undertake to continue their struggle for the dignity, rights and freedoms for all
Done at Bujumbura, November 25, 2015
On behalf of the Campaign Halte au troisième mandat
Me Vital Nshimirimana
Délégué Général du FORSC."
On November 24, before new reports on prison sentences, Inner City Press asked the UN about this again, video here, transcript here:
Inner City Press: the question that I asked you yesterday on Burundi, one had to do with this free… it turns out it’s now more than freezing bank accounts; it’s actual suspension of these NGO’s (non-governmental organizations) and also the… the… the… the imposition by the U.S. on these sanctions on four individuals, one of whom I’d asked you about before about possible involvement UN peacekeeping. Is there any, like, involvement of Mr. Benomar… [Cross talk]
Spokesman: Mr. Benomar is currently in Bujumbura meeting with various parties. We hope to have some details of his meetings. He’s also been in Addis meeting with the AU (African Union) and in Uganda, preparing to report back to the Security Council on the options they asked for, looking at various aspects of the conflict, including contingency planning. Obviously, anything that limits the legitimate rights of civil society in any country is of concern to the United Nations.
On November 23 the Press asked the US State Department about Burundi's move, but its deputy spokesperson had no comment at the time or in response to that and another written question.
On November 24, State Department Deputy Spokesperson Mark Toner returned with this: "We can confirm that the government of Burundi has suspended the activities and frozen the accounts of multiple local civil society organizations in what is a clear step backward in pursuit of peace and dialogue in Burundi. We want to see an open, unfettered and comprehensive political dialogue take place there in which all voices are heard. That remains the only credible route to stability and and effort to achieve consensus and forge a peaceful path forward for Burundi's people.
"As the crisis deepens, and media outlets of course continue to be shuttered and repression of civil society is the exact opposition of what needs to happen."
Also on November 24, Inner City Press asked the UN again about the CSOs' suspensions; the UN spokesman's reply was about Ban Ki-moon's special adviser traveling to the African Union and elsewhere before returning to advise the Security Council.
On November 23, Inner City Press asked UN Spokesman Stephane Dujarric,video here, transcript here:
Inner City Press: in Burundi, the Government has suspended and frozen the bank accounts of a number of civil society organizations, including the one run by Pierre Claver Mbonimpa, who you’ve spoken about from this podium before. What’s the UN’s response to basically shutting down civil society and…?
Spokesman: I think it’s clear that every society needs a healthy civil society, needs room for civil society. The Secretary-General has spoken out on that repeatedly. As for Burundi, Mr. [Jamal] Benomar is arriving in Burundi today, or as we speak. He will have meetings there, which we hope to be able to report back [to] you. And this is part of the mandate given to the Secretariat by the Security Council to report back, which we will in due course.
Inner City Press: And I don’t know if you’ll comment on this, but this morning, the Obama administration announced targeted sanctions on those contributing to the ongoing crisis in Burundi, unquote. Do you think that’s a useful move?
Spokesman: I haven’t seen that report.
When the UN Peacebuilding Commission Burundi Configuration met on November 18 it was it was to hear from Swiss Permanent Representative Lauber about his trip to the region, including three days in Bujumbura. He described a climate of fear -- while adding that Burundians are resilient -- and of a 10 pm curfew. He quoted the World Bank that the government has cut health spending; he said he aim to return to the country in January or February. What will the situation be them?
Burundi's Permanent Representative Shingiro responded that the problems are caused by opposition outside of the country and “the media” within. He stated that Lauber had a meeting of confident with Pierre Nkurunziza, November 11 at noon for 45 minutes. He said the specter of genocide is a “tactic of the radical opposition abroad.”
US Deputy Permanent Representative David Pressman called out authorities' hate speech in the country, as did UK Deputy Permanent Representative Peter Wilson. When it came the turn of France, the penholder on Burundi in the Security Council, to speak, neither Permanent Representative Francois Delattre nor his Deputy Alexis Lamek was there. There are two explanations, not mutual exclusive.
At the day's noon briefing, Inner City Press asked the UN about those trying to flee not being allowed to leave the country and, on behalf of the Free UN Coalition for Access, about Shingiro's comment about the media. During the briefing, a statement came in from civil society on Burundi, signed by Vital Nshimirimana, naming hate speech and even the training of the ruling party's militia the Imbonerakure at Kiliba -Ondes in Eastern DRC, on which Herve Ladsous' UN Peacekeeping never acted. Plus ca change.
On November 13, the spokesperson for the Pierre Nkurunziza's government issued a response to the resolution, saying that it "toes the line" of the Government and that the problems in the country are "nothing other than poverty," here.

On the evening of November 11, the UN Spokesperson's office announced that there would be a formal Security Council meeting on Burundi at 12:15 pm on November 12, that would be to approve the draft resolution. An unnamed official of Herve Ladsous UN Peacekeeping -- wonder who that could be -- got Reuters to retype without analysis the idea the UN would send peacekeepers from "Congo" - that would be DRC -- into Burundi.
UNasked by Reuters, actively covered up, is that Ladsous' MONUSCO has been unable or unwilling to protect civilians in parts of the Eastern DRC, and has refused to neutralize the Hutu FDLR militia. So it would take on Pierre Nkurunziza's forces and youth wing in Burundi?
This youth wing was allowed by MONUSCO to train in Eastern Congo; nothing was said by MONUSCO when DRC detained a Burundian journalist. None of this in the Reuters, or AFP, or even more derivative Voice of America story. But to retain this "access," these media do not report when the UN's Herve Ladsous, on camera, links peacekeeper rapes to "R&R." Video here. This is a scam. Watch this site.
While the November 9 meeting was still ongoing, the UN announced that French Permanent Representative Francois Delattre would address the press in ten minutes. But when it happened it was the French Mission's deputy Alexis Lamek, moderated by the Mission's spokesman Thierry Caboche.
After bragging about a draft resolution French belatedly circulated, Lamek and his spokesperson twice refused to take a Press question about UN Peacekeeping still using the same Bururdian forces accused of the abuses. NewVine here. New video, with UK contrast, here.
The French mission spokesperson, after calling on Reuters, called on Agence France Presse. Inner City Press said, please answer why Herve Ladsous - the fourth French head of UN Peacekeeping in a row - uses Burundian troops in Central African Republic, giving them extensions to bring the right equipment (the government, sources say, takes the money.)
"Ask him," Lamek said off camera, referring to Ladsous who repeatedlyrefuses Press questions on this (and on covering up French Sangaris forces rapes in CAR.)
Moments later when Inner City Press asked UK Deputy Ambassador Peter Wilson if the UN should keep using Burundian troops or vet them, Wilson called this a "big issues" that "needs to be looked at." Audio including Elements to the Press, here. Fast transcript by, here:
Inner City Press asked, the UN uses Burundian peacekeepers in CAR. Is there, or could there be, some review of that?
UK Deputy Peter Wilson: "on peacekeepers, I think this is a big issue, and I think it’s something certainly that needs to be looked at in a wider context of what response we take to the events in Burundi right now. I wouldn’t urge precipitate action on that, but I think it’s one of the issues that we need collectively to consider."
Strange then, that the penholding on Burundi and controller of UN Peacekeeping wouldn't even take the questions. The history of the Great Lakes runs deep. More recently, Inner City Press is informed is belated discussion among Security Council Permanent Five members that Ladsous is a liability, should or can he even be allowed to stay on to the end of Ban Ki-moon's term.
On November 10, Inner City Press asked UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric,video here, transcript here:
Inner City Press: I'll do Burundi first as a follow-up to that. Yesterday at the stakeout, Peter Wilson of the UK said that the issue of continued or… or service of Burundian peacekeepers, particularly those involved in the violence in UN peacekeeping, is a big issue, is something that needs to be looked at in the wider context of the response to the events in Burundi right now. Since… I think I've previously asked you about… my understanding is the Under-Secretary-General of Peacekeeping waived Burundi not having the right equipment twice in a row in CAR. I wanted you to describe, if you could, what is the process, one, for vetting individuals that come out of the… what you described as a… big violence in Burundi, but also of giving these waivers. Is this something that's done unilaterally by the Secretariat?
Spokesman: I'm not… I can't speak to the waivers because I can't… I don't know if what you say is, in fact, a fact.
Inner City Press: Can… can… is the meeting in September…? [Inner City Press actually referred to Ladsous' September meeting with Burundi, on which it reported.]
Spokesman: As far as… as far as Burundian troops, they continue to serve in the Central African Republic and other missions, if I'm not mistaken. They are rotated through the standard human rights vetting process, which involves the UN, which involves the government, which involves the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and which involves the more… the broader human rights community.
Inner City Press: What about the issue of… there have been several complaints by the peacekeepers themselves of not getting paid leaving some in Burundi to say, in fact, this is a way in which the UN is subsidizing the Government and the very activities that Mr. Zeid was condemning yesterday? What steps are taken to ensure that the money reaches the peacekeepers?
Spokesman: Obviously, it is critical whether it's in the case of Burundi if it, in fact, happens or other countries that individual peacekeepers receive the monies that are owed to them.
Inner City Press: But Mr. [Hervé] Ladsous right here in September said that he's… that he's not sure whether this money reaches soldiers. So what steps does the UN take, particularly in a case like Burundi, where you're accusing the Government of cracking down on the people, what steps are taken?
Spokesman: As I said, I think it's incumbent on the governments to ensure that their soldiers get paid. Did you have another question?
At the November 9 meeting, Burundi's Nyamitwe droned on by video by Bujumbura, even as Security Council President Matthew Rycroft asked him to bring it to an end. He continued speaking as the other speakers on video -- Prince Zeid, Adama Dieng, Swiss Ambassador Lauber -- squirmed, seeming like the audience to wonder if Rycroft would just cut his mic (he didn't.)
Inner City Press immediately put online that speech, and that of Uganda's Ambassador Nduhuura and the African Union's Tete Antonio, here.
On November 7 came reports of killings, including it was said a UN system staff member. This has been confirmed by UNDP - but only the local Buurndi office. Still from the UN, nothing. The Security Council issued a Press Statement on November 7... about Libya.
Burundian journalist Blaise Célestin Ndihokubwayo has been arrested and sent to the Service national de renseignement (SNR). Where is UNESCO and its director, who wants to be the next UN Secretary General?
On October 23 Inner City Press asked UN Ambassador Matthew Rycroft about the status of the draft Presidential Statement in the UN Security Council. He said there are differing views, but the UK is concerned about the "threat of genocide." Video here. On November 3, Inner City Press again put a Burundi questions to Rycroft, now President of the Security Council for November. Video here, story here.
The son of human rights defender Pierre Claver Mbonimpa has reportedly been murdered, after Pierre Nkurunziza tweeted that "No one living abroad should consider himself superior to those who stayed in Burundi, since most of them have left their families here."
On November 6, a belated Security Council meeting on Burundi was announced -- from Paris, by French foreign ministry spokesperson Romain Nadal. Why the delay? Why announced in that way?
Later on November 6, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon (whose spokesman could not tell Inner City Press if Ban will have any representative in the Security Council's meeting on Monday) put out this statement.
Inner City Press at the November 6 UN noon briefing asked how these concerns were consistent with Ban deferring to the Ugandan Defense Minister (for the EAC, Ban's spokesman pointed out), and asked if Ban will even have a representative briefing the UN Security Council on Monday. UNclear. Video here.
The US' Tom Perriello, filmed at the State Department, noted the weekend deadline. But why then was the UN Security Council meeting left until after the deadline?
US Ambassador Samantha Power put out this statement, here.
Behind the continued killing, here's an issue: Inner City Press is informed that a number of Burundian civil society leaders and journalists have improperly been flagged to Interpol as if their passports had been stolen. This has made it impossible, for example, for Vital Nshimirimana to travel to a speak about the crisis in Burundi at a conference in (Ban Ki-moon's native) South Korea.
Inner City Press on November 4 asked the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights' Ivan Simonovic and UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric about this. Interpol often brags at the UN how it is useful on the issue of foreign fighters. It's Secretary General Jurgen Stock spoke before the UN Security Council on May 29, 2015. But what about when Interpol is misused by a government like Pierre Nkurunziza? What do it, the Security Council and its members do that? Watch this site.
On November 2 Inner City Press asked UN Spokesman Stephane Dujarric about two speeches given in Burundi (the full text of one is below). Video here, UN transcript here:
Inner City Press: In Burundi, there was a speech by the President of the Senate [Révérien Ndikuriyo] saying that opposition neighborhoods may be razed [or raided. Some] people are calling it a genocide speech. There's also a speech by the President, saying anyone who doesn't disarm within the next five days will be treated as an enemy of the State. So, I'm wondering, not to overdo it, but things seem pretty serious. I wanted to know: what is the UN doing?
Spokesman: "It's clear that those in position of power, whether in Government or in the opposition, have a responsibility not to incite fear or hate of any kind. I think that's very important and that whatever security measures the Government takes fully comply with international law and respect for the right of people to freely assemble and protest."
After Burundi was elected to the UN Human Rights Council with 162 votes on October 28, on October 31 security forces in Burundi opened fire on a funeral procession in Buringa, killing many. These are the Burundian forces that UN Peacekeeping under Herve Ladsous keeps in service, offering waivers while the Government keeps the payments?
It is reported the Burundian authorities are accusing a medical NGO of offering treatment to insurgents, and are ready to attack. Frankly, the weak UN Security Council Presidential Statement which France belatedly proffered in the Council, then didn't even hold a question and answer stakeout about, is woefully insufficient, as is the UN Secretariat's response.
Now from Burundi this speech
On October 28, Inner City Press asked UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric about another threat. From the UN transcript:
Inner City Press: this is a tweet from the official account of Pierre Nkurunziza, President of Burundi: "No one living abroad should consider himself superior to those who stayed in Burundi since most of them have left their families here." So people see this as an open-source threat to retaliate against the families of those who have fled the country. And I'm wondering…
Spokesman: I haven't seen the tweet. I shall look at it.
Inner City Press showed it to him on his way out. Earlier on October 28, Burundi got 162 votes for the UN Human Rights Council, less than the other also unopposed candidates, but still enough to get on the Council. The UN Security Council had just issued a Presidential Statement, here, which gave weight to the Museveni "mediation," and which the US later "welcomed."Usually it's the penholder (France) which speaks. But not here, not on Burundi (see Ladsous, below).
On October 28 Burundi was poised for election to the UN Human Rights Council, as one of five African Group candidates for five seats. Meanwhile on October 26, the European Union adopted the letter to President Pierre Nkurunziza that Inner City Press asked the UN about last week, here.
Can EU members on October 28 not vote against Burundi's "Human Rights" Council candidacy at this time? And other Western NGOs coming to the UN early this week to set forth their positions, will they just phone it in with regard to Burundi? Watch this site.
Also on October 23, Inner City Press asked UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon:
Inner City Press: I wanted to ask on Burundi, just this morning the UK Ambassador said that the UK is concerned of a threat of genocide, is the word that he used, so I'm wondering under Rights Up Front what are your thoughts about Burundi and what the UN or the Secretariat can do.
SG Ban: "On this genocide issues, I hope there should be some creative investigations by the relevant experts and there should be, first of all, a clear understanding and investigations. And if the conclusion is that there were such kind of genocide issues, then there should be accountability, justice must prevail and perpetrators must be brought to justice."
But what is the UN Secretariat DOING about it?
On October 16 Inner City Press asked Haq if the UN thinks the government can investigate itself. This was based on UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon's October 15 statement that
"The Secretary-General condemns the killing of nine civilians and two police officers in Bujumbura on 13 October... He urges Burundian authorities to undertake a rigorous and prompt investigation into the circumstances and motives behind these despicable crimes in order to ensure that their perpetrators are brought to justice."
So can the Nkurunziza government investigate itself (as the UN purports to be investigating or "auditing" itself in the wake of corruption revelation about former Presidnet of the General Assembly John Ashe among others)? Inner City Press asked this question (video here) as well as following up on this, from October 13:
Inner City Press: the Burundi question is one that maybe you can check with DPKO [Department of Peacekeeping Operations]. Burundian human rights activists say that an officer, Jerome Ntibogora, N-t-i-b-o-g-o-r-a, who was accused of being involved in killing people in a… in a hospital after they fled from the Government, has now been deployed to MINUSMA [United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission] in Mali. So I wanted to…
Spokesman Dujarric: Let's see what we can find out.
Dujarric did not come back with an answer, by this deputy when Inner City Pres asked again on October 16 said he, Ntibogora is not being deployed. We'll see - watch this site.
Amid crackdowns in Burundi by security forces, and allegations of sexual abuse by Burundian peacekeepers serving under the UN flag, UN Peacekeeping chief Herve Ladsous on October 1 held a meeting with Burundian Vice President Joseph Butore.
Inner City Press has already tweeted a photograph of the meeting, but has now received the complete UN read-out, which raises more questions about Ladsous.
On the crackdown, Ladsous assured Butore that he has a “pragmatic approach” and is of no mind to question what happens in any country, does not involve himself in "domestic affairs."
On the sexual abuse allegations, Ladsous spoke only in platitudes, without requiring or even inquiring into any actions taken by the Burundians on the alleged abuse.
Even though Burundi was already given a “grace period” to bring appropriate equipment into the Central African Republic for the MINUSCA mission, they have not done so. In the meeting, according to the read-out, Butore "acknowledged" the substandard equipment.
Butore requested, and Ladsous for now granted, yet another extension to bring the requirement equipment -- until March 2016 for light equipment, and to June 2016 for heavy equipment.

Is this safe - even for the Burundian soldiers at issue? While speaking through press releases, Ladsous' spokespeople, far from answering questions, go so far as to direct UNTV boom microphone operators to avoid Inner City Press, even preventing the Press from asking any questions to Mali's Foreign Minister Abdulaye Diop. We'll have more on all this.
After Burundi Meeting of UNSC, No Wire Service Questions of Jabe or Kinama Blockades, Inner City Press Asks of Civil Society Organizations Shuttered
By Matthew Russell Lee
UNITED NATIONS, November 30 -- As killings in Burundi increased, on November 12, the Security Council adopted a belated resolution on Burundi. (Inner City Press put the full text online here, and here in French.) The resolution called for the UN Secretariat to report back to the Council, on November 30.
After that meeting, UN Special Adviser Jamal Benomar came to the Council's stakeout position. He prepared and read a short summary, which to some seemed strangely upbeat, about how constructive his meetings with Pierre Nkurunziza had been, how the government had given its full cooperation.
Inner City Press asked Benomar about Nkurunziza's suspension of ten civil society organizations, what Nkurunziza's excuse had been, and how that was constructive toward a dialogue.
Benomar replied, you know our UN position, we are in favor of dialogue and of civil society groups. OK, so what about the suspensions? What about the Nkurunziza government's retaliatory searches of NGO workers' homes? Reuters instead asked what proposal Benomar had made for a UN presence in Burundi; AP asked if there will be any Security Council visit to Burundi.
No one asked about the current blockade of Jabe and Kinama. There was to be another stakeout, by outgoing UNSC President Rycroft at 5:30 pm, and a press conference by incoming President Samantha Power of the US on the afternoon of December 1.
At the November 30 UN noon briefing, Inner City Press asked UN Spokesman Stephane Dujarric about the blockading of the Jabe neighborhood, and Presidential Adviser Willy Nyamitwe linking the opposition to "Islamists," see below. Now indicative of the atmosphere, the US has put this warning online:
"Security Message for U.S. Citizens: Bujumbura (Burundi), Heightened Security Situation
U.S. Embassy Bujumbura has become aware that Burundian National Police searched at least two residences of U.S. citizens associated with NGOs on Saturday, November 28, 2015. Because of this, Embassy Bujumbura reissues the following information on cooperating with police in a residential search.
The Embassy recommends U.S. citizens cooperate with Burundian police if asked to enter their residence for the purpose of a search. If subject to a police search, U.S. citizens should notify the Embassy at +257-22-20-7000 or after-hours at +257-79-938-841. A legal document regulating police searches of private residences mentions the following requirements:
· Only officers of the Public Prosecutor's Office or agents of the Judicial Police are entitled to proceed with searches. An officer must identify himself with a card before entering the house.
· Before entering the house the police have to present a search warrant, signed by the appropriate authority."
Both Burundi governmental spokespeople and the UN's Department of Political Affairs put out photographs of Pierre Nkurunziza and Ban's Special Adviser Jamal Benomar smiling (some questioned, about what?)
Meanwhile, at the same time Pope Francis tried to salve real splits in the Central African Republic between the Christian anti-Balaka and the Muslim ex-Seleka, Nkurunziza's spokesperson Willy Nyamitwe equated opponents to the third term with Islamist extremists. Even some Nkurunziza supporters said this was going too far; Nkurunziza has said nothing.
Inner City Press noted it and Nyamitwe said it was wrong.
Inner City Press' question about who was referred to by the phrase, directed by an Islamist, has not been answered.
So while on the one hand Nkurunziza's government tried to project an image of cooperating with the UN system -- and today's constellation of the UN is amenable to this image, for a variety of reasons -- that same Burundian government is closing down civil society organizations and trying to equate opponents with jihadists. What will be said to the UN Security Council, and what will the Council do? There is talk of a visit to Burundi during the US' December presidency. Watch this site.
On November 12, Inner City Press asked UK Ambassador Rycroft, the President of the Council for November what steps would actually be needed to send any peacekeepers from MONUSCO in DR Congo (he said there are discussions).
Inner City Press managed to ask French Permanent Representative Francois Delattre why UN Peacekeeping keeping using and paying for Burundian troops and police in the Central African Republic (a Press question both the UK and US Ambassador Samantha Power have seen fit to respond to.) Delattre declined to answer - but more politely than his deputy had, here.
In Burundi, the Pierre Nkurunziza government has taken to suspending and freezing the bank accounts of civil society groups, not only political but even medical ones. Earlier, Inner City Press published this:
"Declaration of Civil Society Organizations on freezing civil society organizations’ assets and suspension of activities of associations ACAT BURUNDI, AMINA, APRODH, FOCODE, FONTAINE ISOKO, FORSC, MAISON SHALOM, PARCEM, RCP and SPPDF
Civil Society Organizations condemn the serious violation of the right of association, sabotage of Burundi Civil society and the abject threats directed against human rights defenders.
Since April 26, 2015, peaceful demonstrations were held to protest against the third term of Pierre Nkurunziza, which project was regarded as the very seriously violation of the constitution and the Arusha agreement for peace and reconciliation. Ever since, fierce repression against protesters was organized and carried out in the opposing neighbourhoods and areas...
Civil society organizations:
- Urge immediate and unconditional cancellation of measures take to freeze accounts and suspend activities of associations ACAT Burundi, AMINA, APRODH, FOCODE, FONTAINE ISOKO, FORSC, MAISON SHALOM, PARCEM, RCP and SPPDF;
- Will file cases against Mr Valentin Bagorikunda and Mr Pascal Barandagiye for abuse of authority should they refuse to cancel arbitrary and unlawful measures that they took against civil society organizations;
- Commit to engage the various human rights mechanisms for serious violation of the right of association, as well as for direct and despicable attack against human rights defenders by the state of Burundi;
4. Commit to participate in the peaceful resolution of the Burundian crisis by dialogue and loudly declare that they will never agree to negotiate their rights and freedoms, the lifting of the proceedings against them or the closure of their offices
5. Denounce again the resort to violence by any party whatsoever;
6. Undertake to continue their struggle for the dignity, rights and freedoms for all
Done at Bujumbura, November 25, 2015
On behalf of the Campaign Halte au troisième mandat
Me Vital Nshimirimana
Délégué Général du FORSC."
On November 24, before new reports on prison sentences, Inner City Press asked the UN about this again, video here, transcript here:
Inner City Press: the question that I asked you yesterday on Burundi, one had to do with this free… it turns out it’s now more than freezing bank accounts; it’s actual suspension of these NGO’s (non-governmental organizations) and also the… the… the… the imposition by the U.S. on these sanctions on four individuals, one of whom I’d asked you about before about possible involvement UN peacekeeping. Is there any, like, involvement of Mr. Benomar… [Cross talk]
Spokesman: Mr. Benomar is currently in Bujumbura meeting with various parties. We hope to have some details of his meetings. He’s also been in Addis meeting with the AU (African Union) and in Uganda, preparing to report back to the Security Council on the options they asked for, looking at various aspects of the conflict, including contingency planning. Obviously, anything that limits the legitimate rights of civil society in any country is of concern to the United Nations.
On November 23 the Press asked the US State Department about Burundi's move, but its deputy spokesperson had no comment at the time or in response to that and another written question.
On November 24, State Department Deputy Spokesperson Mark Toner returned with this: "We can confirm that the government of Burundi has suspended the activities and frozen the accounts of multiple local civil society organizations in what is a clear step backward in pursuit of peace and dialogue in Burundi. We want to see an open, unfettered and comprehensive political dialogue take place there in which all voices are heard. That remains the only credible route to stability and and effort to achieve consensus and forge a peaceful path forward for Burundi's people.
"As the crisis deepens, and media outlets of course continue to be shuttered and repression of civil society is the exact opposition of what needs to happen."
Also on November 24, Inner City Press asked the UN again about the CSOs' suspensions; the UN spokesman's reply was about Ban Ki-moon's special adviser traveling to the African Union and elsewhere before returning to advise the Security Council.
On November 23, Inner City Press asked UN Spokesman Stephane Dujarric,video here, transcript here:
Inner City Press: in Burundi, the Government has suspended and frozen the bank accounts of a number of civil society organizations, including the one run by Pierre Claver Mbonimpa, who you’ve spoken about from this podium before. What’s the UN’s response to basically shutting down civil society and…?
Spokesman: I think it’s clear that every society needs a healthy civil society, needs room for civil society. The Secretary-General has spoken out on that repeatedly. As for Burundi, Mr. [Jamal] Benomar is arriving in Burundi today, or as we speak. He will have meetings there, which we hope to be able to report back [to] you. And this is part of the mandate given to the Secretariat by the Security Council to report back, which we will in due course.
Inner City Press: And I don’t know if you’ll comment on this, but this morning, the Obama administration announced targeted sanctions on those contributing to the ongoing crisis in Burundi, unquote. Do you think that’s a useful move?
Spokesman: I haven’t seen that report.
When the UN Peacebuilding Commission Burundi Configuration met on November 18 it was it was to hear from Swiss Permanent Representative Lauber about his trip to the region, including three days in Bujumbura. He described a climate of fear -- while adding that Burundians are resilient -- and of a 10 pm curfew. He quoted the World Bank that the government has cut health spending; he said he aim to return to the country in January or February. What will the situation be them?
Burundi's Permanent Representative Shingiro responded that the problems are caused by opposition outside of the country and “the media” within. He stated that Lauber had a meeting of confident with Pierre Nkurunziza, November 11 at noon for 45 minutes. He said the specter of genocide is a “tactic of the radical opposition abroad.”
US Deputy Permanent Representative David Pressman called out authorities' hate speech in the country, as did UK Deputy Permanent Representative Peter Wilson. When it came the turn of France, the penholder on Burundi in the Security Council, to speak, neither Permanent Representative Francois Delattre nor his Deputy Alexis Lamek was there. There are two explanations, not mutual exclusive.
At the day's noon briefing, Inner City Press asked the UN about those trying to flee not being allowed to leave the country and, on behalf of the Free UN Coalition for Access, about Shingiro's comment about the media. During the briefing, a statement came in from civil society on Burundi, signed by Vital Nshimirimana, naming hate speech and even the training of the ruling party's militia the Imbonerakure at Kiliba -Ondes in Eastern DRC, on which Herve Ladsous' UN Peacekeeping never acted. Plus ca change.
On November 13, the spokesperson for the Pierre Nkurunziza's government issued a response to the resolution, saying that it "toes the line" of the Government and that the problems in the country are "nothing other than poverty," here.

On the evening of November 11, the UN Spokesperson's office announced that there would be a formal Security Council meeting on Burundi at 12:15 pm on November 12, that would be to approve the draft resolution. An unnamed official of Herve Ladsous UN Peacekeeping -- wonder who that could be -- got Reuters to retype without analysis the idea the UN would send peacekeepers from "Congo" - that would be DRC -- into Burundi.
UNasked by Reuters, actively covered up, is that Ladsous' MONUSCO has been unable or unwilling to protect civilians in parts of the Eastern DRC, and has refused to neutralize the Hutu FDLR militia. So it would take on Pierre Nkurunziza's forces and youth wing in Burundi?
This youth wing was allowed by MONUSCO to train in Eastern Congo; nothing was said by MONUSCO when DRC detained a Burundian journalist. None of this in the Reuters, or AFP, or even more derivative Voice of America story. But to retain this "access," these media do not report when the UN's Herve Ladsous, on camera, links peacekeeper rapes to "R&R." Video here. This is a scam. Watch this site.
While the November 9 meeting was still ongoing, the UN announced that French Permanent Representative Francois Delattre would address the press in ten minutes. But when it happened it was the French Mission's deputy Alexis Lamek, moderated by the Mission's spokesman Thierry Caboche.
After bragging about a draft resolution French belatedly circulated, Lamek and his spokesperson twice refused to take a Press question about UN Peacekeeping still using the same Bururdian forces accused of the abuses. NewVine here. New video, with UK contrast, here.
The French mission spokesperson, after calling on Reuters, called on Agence France Presse. Inner City Press said, please answer why Herve Ladsous - the fourth French head of UN Peacekeeping in a row - uses Burundian troops in Central African Republic, giving them extensions to bring the right equipment (the government, sources say, takes the money.)
"Ask him," Lamek said off camera, referring to Ladsous who repeatedlyrefuses Press questions on this (and on covering up French Sangaris forces rapes in CAR.)
Moments later when Inner City Press asked UK Deputy Ambassador Peter Wilson if the UN should keep using Burundian troops or vet them, Wilson called this a "big issues" that "needs to be looked at." Audio including Elements to the Press, here. Fast transcript by, here:
Inner City Press asked, the UN uses Burundian peacekeepers in CAR. Is there, or could there be, some review of that?
UK Deputy Peter Wilson: "on peacekeepers, I think this is a big issue, and I think it’s something certainly that needs to be looked at in a wider context of what response we take to the events in Burundi right now. I wouldn’t urge precipitate action on that, but I think it’s one of the issues that we need collectively to consider."
Strange then, that the penholding on Burundi and controller of UN Peacekeeping wouldn't even take the questions. The history of the Great Lakes runs deep. More recently, Inner City Press is informed is belated discussion among Security Council Permanent Five members that Ladsous is a liability, should or can he even be allowed to stay on to the end of Ban Ki-moon's term.
On November 10, Inner City Press asked UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric,video here, transcript here:
Inner City Press: I'll do Burundi first as a follow-up to that. Yesterday at the stakeout, Peter Wilson of the UK said that the issue of continued or… or service of Burundian peacekeepers, particularly those involved in the violence in UN peacekeeping, is a big issue, is something that needs to be looked at in the wider context of the response to the events in Burundi right now. Since… I think I've previously asked you about… my understanding is the Under-Secretary-General of Peacekeeping waived Burundi not having the right equipment twice in a row in CAR. I wanted you to describe, if you could, what is the process, one, for vetting individuals that come out of the… what you described as a… big violence in Burundi, but also of giving these waivers. Is this something that's done unilaterally by the Secretariat?
Spokesman: I'm not… I can't speak to the waivers because I can't… I don't know if what you say is, in fact, a fact.
Inner City Press: Can… can… is the meeting in September…? [Inner City Press actually referred to Ladsous' September meeting with Burundi, on which it reported.]
Spokesman: As far as… as far as Burundian troops, they continue to serve in the Central African Republic and other missions, if I'm not mistaken. They are rotated through the standard human rights vetting process, which involves the UN, which involves the government, which involves the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and which involves the more… the broader human rights community.
Inner City Press: What about the issue of… there have been several complaints by the peacekeepers themselves of not getting paid leaving some in Burundi to say, in fact, this is a way in which the UN is subsidizing the Government and the very activities that Mr. Zeid was condemning yesterday? What steps are taken to ensure that the money reaches the peacekeepers?
Spokesman: Obviously, it is critical whether it's in the case of Burundi if it, in fact, happens or other countries that individual peacekeepers receive the monies that are owed to them.
Inner City Press: But Mr. [Hervé] Ladsous right here in September said that he's… that he's not sure whether this money reaches soldiers. So what steps does the UN take, particularly in a case like Burundi, where you're accusing the Government of cracking down on the people, what steps are taken?
Spokesman: As I said, I think it's incumbent on the governments to ensure that their soldiers get paid. Did you have another question?
At the November 9 meeting, Burundi's Nyamitwe droned on by video by Bujumbura, even as Security Council President Matthew Rycroft asked him to bring it to an end. He continued speaking as the other speakers on video -- Prince Zeid, Adama Dieng, Swiss Ambassador Lauber -- squirmed, seeming like the audience to wonder if Rycroft would just cut his mic (he didn't.)
Inner City Press immediately put online that speech, and that of Uganda's Ambassador Nduhuura and the African Union's Tete Antonio, here.
On November 7 came reports of killings, including it was said a UN system staff member. This has been confirmed by UNDP - but only the local Buurndi office. Still from the UN, nothing. The Security Council issued a Press Statement on November 7... about Libya.
Burundian journalist Blaise Célestin Ndihokubwayo has been arrested and sent to the Service national de renseignement (SNR). Where is UNESCO and its director, who wants to be the next UN Secretary General?
On October 23 Inner City Press asked UN Ambassador Matthew Rycroft about the status of the draft Presidential Statement in the UN Security Council. He said there are differing views, but the UK is concerned about the "threat of genocide." Video here. On November 3, Inner City Press again put a Burundi questions to Rycroft, now President of the Security Council for November. Video here, story here.
The son of human rights defender Pierre Claver Mbonimpa has reportedly been murdered, after Pierre Nkurunziza tweeted that "No one living abroad should consider himself superior to those who stayed in Burundi, since most of them have left their families here."
On November 6, a belated Security Council meeting on Burundi was announced -- from Paris, by French foreign ministry spokesperson Romain Nadal. Why the delay? Why announced in that way?
Later on November 6, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon (whose spokesman could not tell Inner City Press if Ban will have any representative in the Security Council's meeting on Monday) put out this statement.
Inner City Press at the November 6 UN noon briefing asked how these concerns were consistent with Ban deferring to the Ugandan Defense Minister (for the EAC, Ban's spokesman pointed out), and asked if Ban will even have a representative briefing the UN Security Council on Monday. UNclear. Video here.
The US' Tom Perriello, filmed at the State Department, noted the weekend deadline. But why then was the UN Security Council meeting left until after the deadline?
US Ambassador Samantha Power put out this statement, here.
Behind the continued killing, here's an issue: Inner City Press is informed that a number of Burundian civil society leaders and journalists have improperly been flagged to Interpol as if their passports had been stolen. This has made it impossible, for example, for Vital Nshimirimana to travel to a speak about the crisis in Burundi at a conference in (Ban Ki-moon's native) South Korea.
Inner City Press on November 4 asked the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights' Ivan Simonovic and UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric about this. Interpol often brags at the UN how it is useful on the issue of foreign fighters. It's Secretary General Jurgen Stock spoke before the UN Security Council on May 29, 2015. But what about when Interpol is misused by a government like Pierre Nkurunziza? What do it, the Security Council and its members do that? Watch this site.
On November 2 Inner City Press asked UN Spokesman Stephane Dujarric about two speeches given in Burundi (the full text of one is below). Video here, UN transcript here:
Inner City Press: In Burundi, there was a speech by the President of the Senate [Révérien Ndikuriyo] saying that opposition neighborhoods may be razed [or raided. Some] people are calling it a genocide speech. There's also a speech by the President, saying anyone who doesn't disarm within the next five days will be treated as an enemy of the State. So, I'm wondering, not to overdo it, but things seem pretty serious. I wanted to know: what is the UN doing?
Spokesman: "It's clear that those in position of power, whether in Government or in the opposition, have a responsibility not to incite fear or hate of any kind. I think that's very important and that whatever security measures the Government takes fully comply with international law and respect for the right of people to freely assemble and protest."
After Burundi was elected to the UN Human Rights Council with 162 votes on October 28, on October 31 security forces in Burundi opened fire on a funeral procession in Buringa, killing many. These are the Burundian forces that UN Peacekeeping under Herve Ladsous keeps in service, offering waivers while the Government keeps the payments?
It is reported the Burundian authorities are accusing a medical NGO of offering treatment to insurgents, and are ready to attack. Frankly, the weak UN Security Council Presidential Statement which France belatedly proffered in the Council, then didn't even hold a question and answer stakeout about, is woefully insufficient, as is the UN Secretariat's response.
Now from Burundi this speech
On October 28, Inner City Press asked UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric about another threat. From the UN transcript:
Inner City Press: this is a tweet from the official account of Pierre Nkurunziza, President of Burundi: "No one living abroad should consider himself superior to those who stayed in Burundi since most of them have left their families here." So people see this as an open-source threat to retaliate against the families of those who have fled the country. And I'm wondering…
Spokesman: I haven't seen the tweet. I shall look at it.
Inner City Press showed it to him on his way out. Earlier on October 28, Burundi got 162 votes for the UN Human Rights Council, less than the other also unopposed candidates, but still enough to get on the Council. The UN Security Council had just issued a Presidential Statement, here, which gave weight to the Museveni "mediation," and which the US later "welcomed."Usually it's the penholder (France) which speaks. But not here, not on Burundi (see Ladsous, below).
On October 28 Burundi was poised for election to the UN Human Rights Council, as one of five African Group candidates for five seats. Meanwhile on October 26, the European Union adopted the letter to President Pierre Nkurunziza that Inner City Press asked the UN about last week, here.
Can EU members on October 28 not vote against Burundi's "Human Rights" Council candidacy at this time? And other Western NGOs coming to the UN early this week to set forth their positions, will they just phone it in with regard to Burundi? Watch this site.
Also on October 23, Inner City Press asked UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon:
Inner City Press: I wanted to ask on Burundi, just this morning the UK Ambassador said that the UK is concerned of a threat of genocide, is the word that he used, so I'm wondering under Rights Up Front what are your thoughts about Burundi and what the UN or the Secretariat can do.
SG Ban: "On this genocide issues, I hope there should be some creative investigations by the relevant experts and there should be, first of all, a clear understanding and investigations. And if the conclusion is that there were such kind of genocide issues, then there should be accountability, justice must prevail and perpetrators must be brought to justice."
But what is the UN Secretariat DOING about it?
On October 16 Inner City Press asked Haq if the UN thinks the government can investigate itself. This was based on UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon's October 15 statement that
"The Secretary-General condemns the killing of nine civilians and two police officers in Bujumbura on 13 October... He urges Burundian authorities to undertake a rigorous and prompt investigation into the circumstances and motives behind these despicable crimes in order to ensure that their perpetrators are brought to justice."
So can the Nkurunziza government investigate itself (as the UN purports to be investigating or "auditing" itself in the wake of corruption revelation about former Presidnet of the General Assembly John Ashe among others)? Inner City Press asked this question (video here) as well as following up on this, from October 13:
Inner City Press: the Burundi question is one that maybe you can check with DPKO [Department of Peacekeeping Operations]. Burundian human rights activists say that an officer, Jerome Ntibogora, N-t-i-b-o-g-o-r-a, who was accused of being involved in killing people in a… in a hospital after they fled from the Government, has now been deployed to MINUSMA [United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission] in Mali. So I wanted to…
Spokesman Dujarric: Let's see what we can find out.
Dujarric did not come back with an answer, by this deputy when Inner City Pres asked again on October 16 said he, Ntibogora is not being deployed. We'll see - watch this site.
Amid crackdowns in Burundi by security forces, and allegations of sexual abuse by Burundian peacekeepers serving under the UN flag, UN Peacekeeping chief Herve Ladsous on October 1 held a meeting with Burundian Vice President Joseph Butore.
Inner City Press has already tweeted a photograph of the meeting, but has now received the complete UN read-out, which raises more questions about Ladsous.
On the crackdown, Ladsous assured Butore that he has a “pragmatic approach” and is of no mind to question what happens in any country, does not involve himself in "domestic affairs."
On the sexual abuse allegations, Ladsous spoke only in platitudes, without requiring or even inquiring into any actions taken by the Burundians on the alleged abuse.
Even though Burundi was already given a “grace period” to bring appropriate equipment into the Central African Republic for the MINUSCA mission, they have not done so. In the meeting, according to the read-out, Butore "acknowledged" the substandard equipment.
Butore requested, and Ladsous for now granted, yet another extension to bring the requirement equipment -- until March 2016 for light equipment, and to June 2016 for heavy equipment.

Is this safe - even for the Burundian soldiers at issue? While speaking through press releases, Ladsous' spokespeople, far from answering questions, go so far as to direct UNTV boom microphone operators to avoid Inner City Press, even preventing the Press from asking any questions to Mali's Foreign Minister Abdulaye Diop. We'll have more on all this.
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