By Matthew Russell Lee, Preview
UNITED NATIONS, November 28 -- Press access and answers to questions at the UN have been in decline since at least 2011. And inside the UN, outright censorship has crept in - through the now misnamed United Nations Correspondents Association. UNCA's past and future chief Giampaolo Pioli
It is noteworthy, then, that this UNCA is playing host in the room the UN gives to it to NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio's Commissioner for International Affairs, Penny Abeywardena.
But Ms. Abeywardena is appearing not in the UN Press Briefing Room or other location where even all accredited UN journalists will go, but instead in the UN Censorship Alliance's clubhouse, to an event publicized only to those paying money to UNCA. It is inappropriate. We will have more on this.
These trend of UN(CA) censorship and erasure, in 2014 the new Free UN Coalition for Access is combating it, which can only be done by naming names and providing specifics, now including audio. While she is handing over or back the UNCA top spot to Pioli, audio of Pamela Falk, who reformed nothing, is here and here.
Today's audio has Giampaolo Pioli as president of the United Nations Correspondents Association convening a meeting and telling Inner City Press, of an article the fact in which he does not dispute, "you cannot do that." Audio here.
When Inner City Press insisted that it could report facts, Pioli said he would use UNCA to try to get Inner City Press thrown out of the UN. This is the future at the UN? Even as the Sri Lankan government vows non-cooperation with the UN panel belatedly investigating war crimes in the country?
Pioli put on the UNCA board's agenda "Inner City Press," and in this audiosays "I consider the article that the article you wrote about the president of UNCA" -- that is, himself -- "in his capacity as president of UNCA about the Sri Lanka screening a very, very problematic issue."
This attempt at censorship, which continued after an offer to publish a responsive letter of any length, and continued to a threat to use UNCA to try to get Inner City Press thrown out of the UN, is unlike reporting a "very, very problematic issue."
Previous audio, here, is Pioli refusing to include any statement of dissent along with the statement he drafted to dictate would could and could not be reported, after he unilaterally had the UN Correspondents Association host the war crimes denial film by Sri Lanka, after renting on of his Manhattan apartment to the Sri Lankan Ambassador. No dissent? That's censorship.
On September 6, 2011 without consulting with other UNCA board members Pioli used the UN's Dag Hammarskjold Library Auditorium and UNCA's now-debased logo to host a war crimes denial film by Sri Lanka's government. Inner City Press reported on the event, here.

Pioli, once (and future?) chief of UN Censorship Alliance, photo by UN Photo
(There was was an even more free press unfriendly "apology" drafted by Pioli, as well as his UNCA stirring up death threats which have been ongoing -- but that's another story.)
The day of Pioli's UNCA screening -- without UNCA board approval or even notice -- of Sri Lanka's war crimes denial, attempts at outright censorship began.

Pioli & Ban Ki-moon, Sri Lanka war crimes denial not shown. UN Photo/Mark Garten
Here is an audio clip in which Pioli while he was president of UNCA told Inner City Press that it should not report what a UN Assistant Secretary General said in a public place. Audio here.
So Pioli wants to ride again. After seeking the ouster of the investigative Press from the UN -- promising to bring it about, and demanding the removal of articles from the Internet -- he seeks to re-assume UNCA's presidency, endorsed by his two-year figurehead fill-in, Pamela Falk. He is endorsing a slate of media that supported the ouster of the investigative Press, one of which then sought to censor even that, click here.
To show how far the UN has fallen, consider that Pioli in September 2011 wrote and proposed this statement for UNCA's Executive Committee to issue:
"GiamPioli [at]; dear Colleagues, I propose to consider for a vote this statement but I am more than happy to discuss again
That is Giampaoli Pioli, the once and future president of the UN's Censorship Alliance. The above draft, by Pioli, was at the request of Agence France Presse, after an inquiry by the French mission to the UN. AFP's reporter wrote: "I am writing to you to request some kind of action by UNCA over a story published by Inner City Press on Friday which has caused serious damage to AFP. Inner City Press published a story about the new head of UN peacekeeping" -- that would be, Herve Ladsous. We will have more on this.
After Inner City Press reported on this, as later revealed by a Freedom of Information Act request to US state media Voice of America, "the lawyer's at our UNCA president's newspaper are preparing their libel lawsuit" against Inner City Press, click here for that. No lawsuit was ever filed, and how could it be? Pioli DID rent one of his apartment to the ambassador whose war crimes denial film he later screened. It was simply pressure to censor the coverage. Later it showed up in Italian, here.
And how would this further decayed UNCA advocate even to maintain media access at the UN?
In September 2014 during the General Assembly debate week, Ban's chief of peacekeeping blocked a Press camera (Vine here), and the French mission ordered all non-French journalists to leave a briefing by President Francois Hollande in the UN Press Briefing Room.
The new Free UN Coalition for Access actively opposed both of these, as well as restrictions on getting to the General Assembly stakeout and on taking photographs from the General Assembly photographers booth. After making the latter complaint to UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric on October 17, Dujarric's office two hours later promoted a meeting ostensibly to discuss "access problems," by UNCA a/k/a UN's Censorship Alliance.
Now the UNCA "minutes" and partial list of grievances have been provided to FUNCA. They are laughable. The ejection of non-French journalists from the UN Briefing Room is not mentioned, nor the physical blocking of filming.
Instead, UNCA under figurehead Pamela Falk and sidekick complains that there is too much news during the General Assembly -- they want fewer side events -- and apparently too many journalists at the UN: they want a private wi-fi password leaving the current open wi-fi only for "guests and others."
The current and seemingly future vice president of UNCA came to the UN Security Council stakeout to inform FUNCA, apparently officially, that the recent for less news is only from one Board member, naming her. But the minutes are the minutes, and the UN Censorship Alliance's function is what it is: anathema to press freedom.
Tellingly, one of the UNCA proposals is for a booklet co-signed by Ban Ki-moon and UNCA.
With this bogus list and presumably seeking that booklet, they say that the UN's Media Accreditation and Liaison Unit proposes to meet only with their Executive Committee. This is akin to a fake wrestling match, in which the two sides pretend to fight, for an audience.
The Free UN Coalition for Access has told MALU, but repeats: if they even aspire to legitimacy, the UN must reach out to all journalists, at the UN and ideally beyond, and not that subset which pay UNCA money. That is a decidedly partial subset: a fake wrestling match. And now it seems it will get even worse.
During the October 16 UN General Assembly session to elect five new members to the UN Security Council, the UN's Media Accreditation and Liaison Unit came into the GA photographers' booth and said that only "wire service" photographers could remain.
But MALU has not offered any definition of "wire service," in this new media age. The new Free UN Coalition for Access has demanded such a definition, most recently of Ban's spokesman Stephane Dujarric at the October 17 UN noon briefing. Video here.
Dujarric, saying he was quoting a Supreme Court justice on another topic, said, What is a wire service? I know one when I see one.
This is, as it were, the definition of arbitrary.
The UN while throwing out media from workspace gives its UN Censorship Alliance a large room, which it then limits to those that pay it money in dues. Here's how it works: a new media at the UN is told, from the pinnacle of the UN's Censorship Alliance, to pay UNCA $90 and UNCA will get the UN to give the media UN office space.
During last month's General Debate, journalists weren't even been able to go to the General Assembly stakeout without an escort from MALU -- an escort that often did not come on time, or come at all.
There was, as well, substantive censorship. Most recently of October 16, media photographing the UN General Assembly vote for new Security Council members were ordered NOT to photograph the tables of the voters. Inner City Press for FUNCA resisted, and discussed this issue along with the elections (and Cambodia) on Huffington Post Live's "World Brief" on October 17, here.
While the new Free UN Coalition for Access challenged this censorship, on September 27 at the stakeout and following up the next week, the old UNCA has done nothing about it. In fact, UNCA big wigs have been happy to takeprivate briefings from Ladsous and others, as access at the UN for less "insider" correspondents has continued to decline.
The Free UN Coalition for Access targeted these censorship practices in aSeptember 29 flier, online, in the UN including on the "open" bulletin board it got the UN to install (the flier was torn down, one can only imagine by whom, but has gone back up.)
Many of these promotions are signed by UNCA figurehead Pamela Falk of CBS, nowhere seen during noon briefing fights about media access. Meanwhile the UN Spokesperson's office is promoting a for-pay event for UNCA, by taping a flier for it on its counter. This is the UN's Censorship Alliance.
The Free UN Coalition for Access has told the UN, again on October 16, that it must address and reverse its blocking of press access, and that if it needs input it must hold a meeting open to all journalists who cover the UN, not just its chosen UNCA -- the UN's Censorship Alliance -- which has become akin to a company-created and supported union.
Ban's spokesperson's office declined to criticize the September 27 censorship, nor Ladsous' spokesman subsequently asking another media to confirm that it would not air an on the record interview with Ladsous' deputy Edmond Mulet about the UN bringing cholera to Haiti. Video here.
In fact Ban's Spokesman played a part in, at least defending, a French-only briefing in the UN Press Briefing Room.
On September 25 when the Free UN Coalition for Access asked UN Spokesman Stephane Dujarric, who peaked out from the VIP / Green Room behind the Press Briefing Room, about the incident, he said sometimes countries try to reserve the Room.
Asked if other countries had done so during this General Assembly, Dujarric said yes.
Inner City Press then asked Dujarric which other countries, beyond his native France:
“based on your answer at today's noon briefing, please state which countries during this UNGA have used the UN Press Briefing Room for briefing not open to all UN correspondents, other than France at 11 am on September 23. Also, what was your role on September 23 around 11 am in the room behind the Press Briefing Room podium?”
This has been Dujarric's response:
Subject: please state which countries..
From: Stephane Dujarric [at]
Date: Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 1:06 PM
To: Inner City Press
Cc: funca
I don't have the information on the first point for you. On the second, I'm not sure that I understand it except that I was just looking into the room. I tend to be a curious person.
Stephane Dujarric (Mr.)
Spokesman for the Secretary-General
United Nations Headquarters
FUNCA is left wondering: ARE there any other countries? The question has been asked again by FUNCA, elsewhere. And it has been on HuffPost Live, here. Watch this site.