Friday, September 6, 2024

UN Guterres Slobbers on Belt and Road & Xi Concealing His Link to CEFC China Energy

by Matthew Russell Lee

UN GATE, Sept 5 -- How corrupt is today's UN? Well, SG Antonio Guterres while failing on Gaza and Ukraine is on a  junket through Tonga and Timor Leste, on the way to visiting Xi Jinping in China.

   On August 16 the UN announced the trip, leaving the China leg for last. Inner City Press remains banned by Guterres from entering to ask, no action on this application to enter.

  Now at the FOCAC - Forum on China - Africa Cooperation, Guterres has gushed or slobbered, "as outlined in President Xi’s remarks at last year’s Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation that I had the honor to attend." Cha-ching.

Guterres' office / bagman in China blocks the Press, as does he, after Inner City Press exposed his undisclosed link to convicted UN briber CEFC China Energy.

   Earlier when the UN moved against Inner City Press for its coverage, Timor Leste's Jose Ramos Horta which had answered its questions inquired - and was lied to, that some unspecified rule had been broken.  But did he follow up? We'll have more on this.


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