By Matthew Russell Lee, CJR PFT CEFC Video
UN GATE, March 18 – Antonio Guterres is killing the UN, including with his failure in Cameroon and elsewhere and his lawless censorship of Press, now at 1612days. He's put the UN in the Press Freedom Tracker, here. And so on 3 July 2019, this video, and this.
The day after being targeted and roughed up by Guterres' guard Ronald E. Dobbins and another unnamed, Inner City Press went to the NYPD's 17th Precinct with its torn shirt and damaged laptop to file a complaint. At first it was told, flatly, that the UN is entirely immune. Then once they heard the story, the NYPD took down a complaint. But the UN including its "investigator" Ben Swanson of OIOS, shown here, have done nothing about it.
Swanson confirmed receipt, as with Inner City Press' formal written complaint about Guterres' financial failure to disclose and conflict of interest in banning Inner City Press, no action: "From: Ben Swanson <> Date: Thu, Aug 9, 2018 at 1:34 AM Subject: Re: Informing OIOS of "REPORT OF PROHIBITED CONDUCT (HARASSMENT, ABUSE OF AUTHORITY) AND ‘FORMAL COMPLAINT’ SUBMITTED [ABOUT] SECRETARY GENERAL, MR ANTONIO GUTERRES, PURSUANT TO ST/SGB/2008/5" please confirm receipt and what OIOS does To: Matthew Lee @ Inner City Press Cc: FUNCA @, Heidi Mendoza <>, Michelle Claudio <>, Byung-Kun Min <> Dear Mr Lee Thank you for your email and attachments the contents of which have been noted and will be dealt with in accordance with our standard practices. Ben Swanson l Director l Investigations Division l Office of Internal Oversight Services l United Nations Headquarters New York l Office +1 212 963 0597 | Mobile +1 917 288 7459."
And still now, nothing. The UN is entirely corrupt.
Now still banned Inner City Press publishes this new update on a complaint that Swanson and others earlier received - we publish now and ask later, as Guterres' Spokesman Dujarric has refused to answer Inner City Press' questions even on UN rapes, despite having promised on camera to answer questions, totally corrupt: "Dear Matthew Thank you for your support as usual. We find this unacceptable that a person found guilty by OiOS and reiterated by UNDT is not dismissed with all the evidence from three years of investigation. Its absolute nonsense Many thanks
Date: Fri, Oct 7, 2022 at 11:01 AM Subject: 100 % Tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuses in UNMIK To: <> Cc: CMS Office Srinagar <>, Annadif Khatir Mahamat Saleh <>, Michael Beary <>, Staffan DeMistura <>, Lisa Kim Filipetto <>, Patrick Gauchat <>, Stefan Gherman <>, Hans Grundberg <>, Haysom Simone [GMAIL] <>, Jeanine Plasschaert <>, Noeleen Heyzer <>, Alexander Ivanko <>, Bintou Keita <>, Mirko Manzoni <>, Parfait Onanga-Anyanga <>, Volker Perthes <>, Carlos Gabriel Ruiz Massieu Aguirre <>, Valentine Rugwabiza <>, Benjamin Olufemi Sawyerr <>, Colin Stewart <>, Cihan Sultanoglu <>, James Christopher Swan <>, Hanna Tetteh <>, El Ghassim Wane <>, Tor Wennesland <>, Joanna Wronecka <>, Huang Xia <>, Raisedon Zenenga <>, Caroline Ziadeh <>, <>, <>, Ben Swanson <>, OIOS Hotline <>, <>, Mark Polane <>
Dear SG, Reference is made to our previous letter wherein we implored you for justice for UNMIK. It is NOW official that Ms. Sandi Arnold, CMS D1 has returned to her official duty station and functions in Pristina as per below UNMIK broadcast. We are all deeply offended and distressed by this decision, especially the victims of years of retaliations, harassment and sexual abuses. The Organization has recognized as true the following findings from the three years of investigation as per extract of her latest UNDT judgement: - Distribution of sex toys inside the work place to her Staff; - Harassment of staff including sexual harassment; - False financial claim in UMOJA; - Retaliation against and abuse of authority over International and National Staff. Surprisingly, the Organisation has been reluctant to take appropriate administrative steps, and to mete out sanctions commensurate with the gravity of the heinous crimes committed by Ms Arnold. Further, we also do not understand why her corrupt recruitment of friends and cronies has not been investigated given the numerous examples provided, and more importantly why no mention of her sexual predatory activities towards minors has not been prosecuted through the ordinary justice? Her return to work for the Organisation has an implicit condonation of all the above. We are all left to wonder why such gross misconduct has not resulted in a dismissal given the enormous amount of disrepute and damage she has caused to the UN in a Host Country, as well as sufferance to Staff, and to many innocents and families? Would the same low level sanctions have been given if a male Staff member had been proven to provide sex toys, committed frauds and sexually harassed every woman entering his Office? We ask you to consider how you would feel if your family was affected in such a way, and to suffer the injustice of seeing their tormentor escaping with a slap on the wrist for heinous crimes such as these? This whole saga has been one cover up after another and we implore OIOS to now institute an investigation against those who are allowing this absurdity. The Organisation is getting exposed to liabilities since this matter will be largely discussed at all levels including judicial ones. Gender Mainstreaming works both ways and cannot be invoked as an excuse for Ms. Arnold just because she is the intimate friend or girlfriend of Ms. Anne Marie Van Den Berg, currently appointed as OiC ASG Supply Chain Management. Your appointment of Mr. Christian Saunders as ASG for Sexual Exploitation and Abuse should be seen as a guarantee for all of us and as a clear sign of justice for these type of abuses; he is aware of the relation between Ms. Van den Berg and Ms. Arnold. We beg Ms. Marta Elena Lopez, ASG OHRM, to reconsider the recommended sanctions, which are not even partially commensurate with the proven guilty actions of Ms. Arnold; and to use the same criteria as that applied in the case of Mr. Hochshild and for the staff in the UN car in Tel Aviv.
On March 14, 2022, this: "Dear Matthew, I would like to share with you the latest update in relation to the investigation for sexual abuses and frauds related to UNMIK CMS, Ms. Sandi Arnold.
As per attached UNDT judgement. Ms. Arnold, has been suspended for three months with ALWP. Her corrupted circle in HQ and in the Mission allowed her to continue in her abuses and mismanagements for three years. During this time she avenged big time against her potential accusers and continued in her nepotistic practice particularly for recruitments with HQ and the Mission. The plan that DOS had in mind was to send her out of Kosovo, with promotion at D2 level, as Director of Mission Support in the Central African Republic. Her protege Mr. Manuchekr Adilov P4 by grace of her, from UNMIK to MINUSCA in order to be protected by Anton Antchev. Post created for him as Ms. Arnold recruited the wife of Mr. Antchev in UNMIK. In view of her suspension, the best that was found for MINUSCA was to temporarily appoint an acting DMS, UN D1 retiree, Mr. Philip Compte who got the position only because a son of a UN Diplomat who helped late USG Da Costa in his career and was paid back for the support. Mr. Compte is only capable of bullying staff, taking pictures of the gardens, garbage bins in the compound and leakage of water at the toilets and concentrating a lot in his physical activities. Nothing else. He replaced in MINUSCA another DMS who left a lot of memories and investigations, Mr. Milan Trojanovic who had the only merit to recruit former Yugoslavia National Staff and to be declared many times persona non grata due to racism and abuse of power. The below text was also sent to all CMSs, DMSs, SRSGs and Senior Management in HQ. Please disseminate this message in order for other to understand how corrupt this system is.
MAIL SENT TO ALL CMSs, DMSs, SRSGs and Top Management in HQ Good afternoon to All, I would like to inform you that after more than three years of investigations, pervaded by stratagem of masking gross mis-managements, frauds, sexual abuses and witness harassment, Ms. Sandi Arnold has been suspended for three months following the recent OIOS report.
Ms Arnold’s suspension had been deliberately delayed by her cronies in the Mission Area and at HQ that are obligated to her for their nepotistic recruitment, gifts and favours bestowed upon them by Ms. Arnold. The former SRSG was unable to control, nor reprimand Ms Arnold’s violations of basic work ethics and abuses of authority for years due to her connections at HQ.
Her biggest ally and intimate friend, Ms. Anne Marie Van den Berg, Director of Supply Chain Management in DOS has for years sponsored useless and costly processes and projects including hiring additional staff for a Mission that had only reductions in the areas of activities since the past 20 years. She had the collusion of other corrupted actors including some CMSs and DMSs in other Missions that were strategically placed and would receive favours particularly through the rostering exercises.
To mention a few, Mrs. Katerina Maximova, the wife of the Director of Mission Support in MINUSMA , Mali (Mr. Anton Antchev), got placement as a P4 Audit Response Cell in UNMIK so she could micro-manage Ms Arnold’s negative audits (better to have a close ally to deal with negative audits). Mr. Antchev was recently declared persona non grata by the host government of Mali for racism.
Ms. Arnold has also imposed a ‘gender balance’ recruitment policy of women especially those that she has had a sexual relationship with or that she is attracted to. Gender balance works only for her interest and nobody from SRSG DSRSG level, DOS and FPD were able to say something about for as they didn’t want to fall foul of this corrupted circle. Her special attentiveness to young female UNVs has to be seen with an optic lens perspective that whoever slept with her would get a post and/or a promotion.
The UNV at Mitrovica Office was placed in an office in Pristina at a level of a D1. Ms. Krista Kimber from P3 seconded from Civpol to UNMIK Senior Police Adviser. Mrs. Emma Hibbling should be investigated as well for being complicit through her failure to conduct investigation of reported cases of abuses of authority.
Her reward for covering up these abuses of authority is that she got a D1 promotion as Chief of Service Legal Affairs. Mr. Manuchekhr Adilov, (Ms. Arnold’s ‘body guard’ and protégée) who got promoted by her from FS5 to P4 should also be investigated for his abuse of authority as well as for his verbal, and particularly his physical aggression towards other staff. Mr Adilov and Ms. Arnold have previously worked together at UNMISS (South Sudan). Her personal assistant Mrs. Antigona Asllanaj – Isufi, if anything often served as Ms. Arnold’s personal maid for all her private matters at work and at home. She even kept the UN vehicle assigned to the CMS at her house even when the CMS was on leave and got her husband a very nice job at UNDP, thanks to the Director of UNDP Ms. Ulrike.
If the investigation were to extend to Ms. Arnold`s personal life and anybody in Marigona compound where she lives were consulted, they would almost certainly comment about her personal frequentations including minors. More could be obtained from the CCTV camera. Ms. Arnold’s attitude to joke about sex and to make statements laced with sexual innuendos including her frequent mention of vulgarities that can never be tolerated in any work environment especially in the UN, was the normal routine in UNMIK.
Further, her so called ‘incredible results’ at work are not of her own effort, but rather she takes credit for the work of others. She has no shame to ask for appreciation and adulation for results that are simply a waste of resources for the Organization such as the welfare area at UNMIK. In the years that she has been CMS at UNMIK she has spent millions of dollars for TDY for friends, projects for the benefit of the proprietor of UNMIK HQ and obtained visibility for her corrupted female oriented recruitment.
The purpose of this mail is to confirm our firm intention to get justice for all the abuses she committed that must be sanctioned only with her dismissal. Further, it needs to be noted that whilst the investigation and consequent suspension of Mr. Hochshild took one year, for Ms. Arnold it took more than three years to get her suspended, during which time she revenged big time against her potential accusers. The persons which were complicit in her acts of abuse and corruption should be also followed and investigated. As Staff we cannot tolerate this type of abuses any longer and it should be a lesson learnt to CMSs and DMSs in future."
And in March 2023: "Dear SG, We attended your town hall meeting almost a month ago and it was the concern of many Colleagues the abuse of power, harassment and impunity of UN Senior Staff. The above "Global" conference has been organized by UNMIK under the guidance of the CMS, Ms. Sandi Arnold. Please note what type of propaganda is still going on to promote the activities of a UN staff member found guilty by OIOS and UNDT of harassment, abuse of power and fraud and not correctly sanctioned by OHRM. Where is the consistency in sanctions? Nowhere if you are protected. We cannot believe that UNMIK SRSG authorized such an event if she was not obliged by HQ. She already knows Ms. Arnold very well. Do you find it correct to use the funds of the UN for a nonsense conference (best practices..) led by such a person which is protected by her girlfriend ASG Anne Marie Van den Berg? Do you believe that a room with a big monitor that tracks the KPIs from Missions with the same colors and format will be the solution for increasing cost efficiency and savings? Or it is just to satisfy the ego of Ms.Arnold? We believe it is another waste of time and resources like the SCOR training, highly sponsored by Anne Marie Van den Berg and Ms. Arnold, who provided the answers of the SCOR exam to everybody in order not to fail. What a kind of example! However, Ms. Arnold will respond to the UN and the ordinary justice for abuses on minors. At least this will not be put under the carpet. Maybe this event might be canceled by you because she is also under NYPD investigation and she has a restraining order for abuses and threats against another UN Staff. Her record is online ID EIXY-CCOD. Anybody can check it as Criminal Records are public in the USA...NOT IN THE UN. The UN Staff, Sylvie Hessel, reported her to the NYPD who intervened to help her in a difficult situation but she did not report to the UN as she was requested not to do it by ASG Anne Marie Van den Berg to whom she reports to. What a kind of Management and Leadership is this? We would be ashamed to take part in any activities of these people who take such discredit and ruin the reputation of the UN. Lastly, Ms. Arnold is also a liar as she did not report her criminal conduct/background to the UN particularly in her last application as D2 in Somalia. OIOS and FPD should check. Maybe she forgot as she did for the travel claims where she always used the UN car and driver but collected the money from the UN. She is so used to abuse that one additional thing is nothing for her. We are aware that Colleagues were fired for much less than this but for her we will see the magic from ASG DOS. We believe that this time the game will be over for Ms. Arnold and the persons who protected her with such evidence. In any case, we will follow her case and continue to report."
Today's UN of Guterres is corrupt.
Dujarric has not answered this or any other corruption related question from banned Inner City Press, nor those on Cameroon and other topics. And those he allowed in "his" briefing room did not ask. Inner City Press has published the CEFC document listing Sachs' role, here on Scribed, here for download on Patreon.
Need for UN Audit Shown By ... by on Scribd
It also lists UN officials including Warren Sach, as well as Mr. José Manuel Viegas (Portugal) Secretary-General of the International Transport Forum (ITF) at the OECD; Mr. Sun Xiansheng (China) Secretary-General of the International Energy Forum (IEF); Ms. Marie-José Nadeau (Canada) Chair of the World Energy Council; Mr. Thanin Pa-Em (Thailand) Deputy Secretary-General at the Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board; Mr. Zhang Guobao (China) Former Director of China’s National Energy Administration; Mr. Christopher Martenson (USA) Economic Researcher, Writer and Trend Forecaster; Dr. Ken Koyama (Japan) Chief Economist and Managing Director at the Institute of Energy Economics in Japan (IEEJ); Dr. Christoph Frei (Switzerland); Dr. Milica Bajiæ-Brkoviæ (Serbia) Former President of ISOCARP, Member of the Executive Committee of International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP); Dr. José Goldemberg (Brazil); Mr. Mark Fulton (UK) Founding Partner of Energy Transition Advisors Pty Ltd; Dr. Nawal Al-Hosany (UAE) Director of Sustainability at Masdar City; Dr. Leena Srivastava (India) Honorary Executive Director at The Energy and Resources Institute; Mr. John Hofmeister (USA) Founder & Chief Executive of Citizens for Affordable Energy, Former President of Shell Oil Company and, yes, Dr. Jeffrey Sachs (USA) Director of The Earth Institute, Special Advisor to UN SG. We'll have more on this - and on the role of current UN Development Program Executive Director Achim Steiner. See photos here, from a CEFC brochure which they have tried to cover up...SG Guterres is hoping it goes away. In terms of corruption, he did not disclose and refuses to answer on the African business links of his son Pedro Guimarães e Melo De Oliveira Guterres...
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