Saturday, January 14, 2023

UN International School Retaliated So Claims of UN Discrimination Now Proposed Settlement


By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon

UN GATE / SDNY COURT, Jan 9 –  That the United Nations, under Antonio Guterres, is corrupt and retaliatory is well known.

 But it has spread even to the UN International School at 24-50 FDR Drive, to which the retaliation of Guterres' spokesman Stephane Dujarric and his Emirates censor Maher Nasser has spread.

  Inner City Press, ousted by Nasser and Dujarric and banned from the UN, covered a discovery conference in a case against UNIS for retaliation against a long time employee with a health condition.

On January 9, 2023, the United Nations International School submitted a proposed order for the judge to sign off on a settlement. But what is the UN/UNIS settling for? It is not transparent.

  Ealier, this: "ORDER. On July 31, 2020, the Court held a conference to discuss the parties' July 30, 2020 request to reopen discovery. Dkt. No. 79. For the reasons stated on the record during the conference, the application to reopen discovery is GRANTED for the limited purpose described in the parties' letter. Discovery will be re-opened for a period of sixty days beginning on the date on which the Court renders its decision on Defendant's anticipated motion for summary judgment. Plaintiff's amended expert report must be served on Defendant by two weeks from the date of the Court's summary judgment decision. Defendant's amended rebuttal expert report must be served on Plaintiff by two weeks from the date on which Plaintiff serves his amended expert report. Plaintiff is directed to pay Defendant's reasonable expenses, including attorneys' fees, in connection with the reopening of discovery. (HEREBY ORDERED by Judge Gregory H. Woods)."

  The plaintiff reported to UNIS CFO Stephen Roache. In May Roache wrote in: "LETTER addressed to Daniel Patrick Moynihan United States Courthouse from Stephen Roache dated 5/7/2020 re: I am writing in reference to Case# 1:19-cv-05281-GHW, in which I am the non-party. I do not intend to oppose the order to show cause and will follow any orders the court issues regarding the case. I will participate in the May 29th hearing at 4 pm. I may be reached via email at [Redacted by Inner City Press] or via telephone at [Redacted by Inner City Press]."

On May 29, 2020 Inner City Press covered the proceeding. Judge Woods ordered Roche to provide his EEOC complaint to the parties - but allowed it to be withheld from the docket. He did say, however, that he is not bound by the parties' argument to seal it. But if it's kept out of the docket, can it be unsealed? Why is this UN entity so secretive about the discrimination charges against it?

On March 23, 2022, this: "MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER re: [82] MOTION for Summary Judgment . filed by United Nations International School. For the reasons set forth above, the Court denies Defendant's motion for summary judgment with respect to Plaintiff's disability discrimination claim under the NYCHRL, his retaliation claim under the NYCHRL, and his FMLA retaliation claim. The Court grants Defendant's motion for summary judgment with respect to Plaintiff's failure to accommodate claim under the NYCHRL. Plaintiff's age discrimination claims and all his claims under the NYSHRL are dismissed at the request of Plaintiff. The Clerk of Court is directed to terminate the motion currently pending at Dkt. No. 82. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Gregory H. Woods on 3/23/2022)."

On May 9, 2022, Judge Woods held another conference and Inner City Press again covered it. The issue now was trial date. It is nearly a year away, on April 10, 2023, with a final pre-trial conference set for March 3. 
We'll have more on this.

  When due to health reasons the plaintiff needed to work from home, he was harassed and chased out. Similarly, in South Sudan the UN put its own staff on a bus without social distancing. 

 On June 19 UNIS appeared again in front of Judge Woods, now asking to file a motion for summary judgment. Their deadline was set for July 31. Inner City Press will continue to cover this case, given this impunity and corruption of such much of UN-world.

 Its UN Security officers, long after gyms were ordered closed throughout New York, continued working out, three at a time. Dujarric refuses to answer questions on it. This is a case Inner City Press will continue cover to cover.  It is Fasanello v. United Nations International School, 19-cv-5281 (Woods). Watch this site.


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