By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Maxwell Book
BBC - Honduras - CIA Trial Book - NY Mag
UN GATE, Jan 3 – With Japan taking over presidency of the UN Security Council on January 1, 2023, on December 30 Inner City Press wrote to the Japanese Mission to the UN to request in advance access to its January 3 press conference by Ambassador Ishikane Kimihiro.
To submit the request, Inner City Press wrote to the Japanese Mission at its Blue Book address and at the UN email addresses listed by its purported partner, one Shinobu YAMAGUCHI - who doled out questions on January 3.
Four full days later from the Japanese Mission, nothing at all, even after the request was resent on the morning of January 3.
When Ambassador Ishikane Kimihiro came out, directly in front of him in the front row was a UN Correspondent who did a fundraiser with convicted global pedophile Ghislaine Maxwell. Softball questions were asked and dodged, but not response to Inner City Press' written questions.
We will cover the month: Colombia on Jan 11, Yemen on the 16th, "Middle East" on the 18th, Haiti (where the UN brought cholera) on 24th, and luncheon with Guterres January 30.
They were bragging about their still-then unapproved Jan 12 "signature event" about, what else, the rule of law, in mounting hypocrisy: "open debate on “The promotion and strengthening of the rule of law in the maintenance of international peace and security: the rule of law among nations”. Japan’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Hayashi Yoshimasa is expected to chair the meeting. UN Secretary-General António Guterres."
Nothing says rule of law more than Guterres, who has the Press thrown out without due process, then lies about their being an appeals process. And Japan, which claims its focus on the UNSC is methods of work, leaks its program of work before the other 14 members have considered and voted on it. Some method of work.
Inner City Press asked the Japanese Mission, and the UN, about the MONUSCO scandal - sex for UN Volunteer jobs paid with taxpayers' funds - in the DRC Congo. Inner City Press exclusive here. Also: "Japan's position on Western Sahara, Myanmar, North Korea On December 2, 2022 I was told to file an appeal with DSS and I did on December 5 - you should ensure response (there has been none) and granting. See here."
This while Inner City Press is banned from entry, which it had for years until it exposed UN corruption. No response to this July 2021 appeal. Impunity.
Inner City Press will be covering the Japan presidency, quite actively, this month.
Our requests and questions remain; we will publish any responses, and also on non-responses. Watch this site.
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