Saturday, October 1, 2022

UN Federal Credit Union Limits Staff to Staff Transfers While Banking for Iran Spy, Fraud


By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Maxwell book
BBC Honduras - CIA Trial book - NY Mag

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Sept 25 – Today's UN system is corrupt from top to bottom. Consider the UN Federal Credit Union, which paid Iran spy Afrasiabi, and swindled UN staff in Sudan. A whistleblower asks Inner City Press, of the UNFCA message reproduced below:

"How United Nations loses its trust from its own staff as all transaction is originated from UN accounts? The statement never said about external transfer but only Member to member transfer. Very strange and weird instruction. The statement says staff members not to conduct any transaction for commercial purposes. So why United nations credit union is giving credit cards for staff members? Why United Nations credit Union buying stock from New York market while denying staff not to purchase and use accounts  for personal uses? UN Staff are moving their account from United Nations account and keeping and looking for suitable banks. A number of frauds are going on in the credit union. including stealing from deceased accounts. Very sad!

The message from UNFCA, much UNsaid:

Dear member,  Please note the following limits regarding member-to-member transfers:  Two transfers per month: You may make or receive up to two member-to-member transfers in a calendar month. 

Maximum of $2,000 per transfer: For each of the two allowed member-to-member transfers, you may send or receive up to $2,000. This means that the total dollar amount of your monthly transfers (whether incoming or outgoing) cannot exceed $4,000.  These changes are aimed at ensuring that we remain compliant with US anti-money laundering laws while keeping your accounts secure. 

As a reminder, UNFCU account(s) are for personal use only. This is indicated in our Membership and Accounts agreement. You may not use your account(s) to conduct transactions on behalf of others or for commercial activity.  If the above conditions and limits are not met, we may need to implement additional restrictions on your accounts


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