Sunday, September 4, 2022

UN Affiliated NGO Fraudster Cary Yan Indicted For Bribery Incl of RMI, SG Guterres Silent


By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Maxwell Book
BBC Honduras - CIA Trial Book - NY Mag

SDNY / UN GATE, Sept 2 – Chinese businessman and fraudster Cary Yan is the subject of a Federal indictment unsealed on September 2, 2022, in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.   

Using a UN-affiliated non-governmental organization, Yan paid bribes in New York to officers of the Marshall Islands and others.

  In 2018, Inner City Press from inside the UN reported on Cary Yan's suspicious activities, as it was reporting on the parallel UN bribery by Patrick Ho of Ye Jianming's NGO CEFC China Energy.

[Update: after Inner City Press' initial report, Yan retained Jonathan Bolz, who also represented Patrick Ho. Word is Yan was extradited in from Thailand and will be presented before the assigned District Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald, who also presided over conviction of UN rapist Karim Elkorany]

Soon thereafter, Inner City Press was thrown out of the UN by Secretary General Antonio Guterres, who omitted from his financial disclosures his link to CEFC.  

On September 2, 2022, after finding the just-unsealed Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) indictment of Yan and Gina Zhou in the docket at the SDNY court which it now covers, still banned from the UN, Inner City Press emailed Guterres, his spokespeople Stephane Dujarric, Eri Kaneko and Melissa Fleming questions about the UN's role in the bribery by the NGOs, including the United Nations International Organization for Sustainable Development and the World Organization of Governance and  Competitiveness, WOGC.

So far, no response - complicity and corruption.

The case is US v. Yan, 20-cr-402 (Buchwald)


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