By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Maxwell Book
BBC - Guardian UK - Honduras - ESPN
SDNY / NC, March 29 -- It emerged in the Larry Ray trial on March 29 that fund from the forced prostitution of Claudia Drury had been laundered to Talia Ray through a failed North Carolina politician, Lowell Simon.
But there was more. The donors to Simon included not only Felicia Rosario, whose banking information Larry Ray took, and Isabella Pollok who gave it up, but also Gordon Ray, Larry' step-father. Why had others not made this connection?
It was the $5000 from Gordon Ray which put Lowell Simon's income from the Larry Ray conspiracy / Claudia Drury escort business higher than what he paid Talia Ray. He or his campaign took a cut, for the laundering. And what were the prosecutors doing about it? The demands to keep other Johns protected continued. But Kurt Wheelock pushed forward past #JohnListGone, more on Patreon here.
[It, like a song about Lev Parnas was also covered, behind a paywall, by New York Magazine which had this to say about Inner City Press' covered in late 2021 of the Ghislaine Maxwell trial, book here via one of the companies with an executive on the John list.]
When Inner City Press for investigative reporting was roughed up and thrown out onto First Avenue from covering the United Nations of/by UNSG Antonio Guterres, many did nothing. But as we've previously noted, the First Amendment stops at First Avenue. We'll have more on this, here and on other platforms.
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