Saturday, January 22, 2022

Fraud from UN to Nigeria and Cameroon ID-ed in New Book "Identity Thieves" by Matthew Russell Lee


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SDNY COURT / UN GATE, Jan 17 – In US Federal court there are a slew of prosecutions of identity theft rings, some of them leading back to Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon and elsewhere in West Africa. 

   Now comes a tale from a Southern District of New York based author, a journalist banned by the United Nations for exposing the finances and fraud of Secretary General Antonio Guterres and his Nigerian deputy Amina J. Mohammed.

   It is "Identity Thieves: A Tale of Fraud from the UN to West Africa via SDNY, Kurt Wheelock and Cars," by Matthew Russell Lee, published by Inner City Press on Martin Luther King Day as a e-book, here, with paperback coming soon.

 From the back jacket of the paperback:

"A criminal case about stolen cars sold to fake buys to launder funds for dictators' crackdowns in Biafra and Cameroon leads to the United Nations, where Amina J. Mohammed has just been re-named as Deputy Secretary General to Antonio Guterres, who roughs up and bans the Press that asks. Criminal lawyer Michael Randall Long is assigned the case of Mohammed Bande, who says Amina will protect him. But things end up badly in the MDC for Bande, and for Kurt Wheelock, the UN-banned blogger who follow the case."  

Identity Thieves, A
                                            Tale of Fraud From the UN to
                                            W. Africa (book cover)
  The author's Kurt Wheelock doppelganger, first launched in subprime lending based "Predatory Bender" and more recently in the China-focused Belt and Roadkill and Ghislaine Maxwell trial exegesis Maximum Maxwell, has been noted in New York Magazine's Choire Sicha, here:

"Kurt Wheelock, the protagonist of Lee’s novella about a journalist 'who was thrown out of the United Nations' and who meets a lawyer named Matthew Randall Long, who works 'from an office above the Ali Baba fruit stand in Chatham Square.'"

And there is more coming - watch this site 


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