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SDNY COURTHOUSE, Dec 10 – Ghislaine Maxwell, charged with sex trafficking and other charges, faces a November 29, 2021 trial today, after the November 23 final-final pre trial conference, vlog here.
On October 29 and again on November 12 Maxell and the US Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York filed a flurry of motions in limine, heavily redacted; the Government argued that trial exhibits are not public and will be withheld. Inner City Press opposed and opposes the continued secrecy.
On the morning of December 9, after a single FedEx witness, the prosecution asked for a discussion with Judge Nathan in her "robing room." Inner City Press took the time to submit a third letter requesting a call-in line, the witness lists and flight logs, on DocumentCloud here.
When Judge Nathan returned, she sent the jurors home, at least for the day, citing an ill prosecutor who needs treatment. More on Patreon here. Inner City Press live tweeted it here.
On the morning of December 10, Annie Farmer testified on direct and the cross examination started. Inner City Press live tweeted it, podcast here, 8:55 am live stream here
Next on December 10, leading to the US resting of its case, Annie Farmer was cross examined, then her ex-boyfriend and mother testified. Inner City Press live tweeted it here, podcast here, stand-up, GMax sister - and circus
Now Maxwell's lawyer Menninger continues digging into NY trip, the lack of Maxwell, other pages of Annie' journal. Expect Loftus on memory lost in defense's case
Menninger: You wrote about a cross country skiing trip and going to see bands and a bar...Significantly, you really talked about your emotions after returning from NY, what a great time you had there.
Menninger: So in your journal, you said what Epstein did in the movie theater was not weird, correct?
Annie Farmer: I was struggling. Menninger: So you are only calling it weird in hindsight0 You are viewing what happened in NY in light of what happened in NM?
Menninger: Let's go to Exhibit 604, the last journal entry you gave to the government for this case? Annie Farmer: Yes. Menninger: And you never gave the government the full journal, right? Annie Farmer: Right.
Menninger: You researched when Primal Fear came out then fit your memory to it? Annie Farmer: I wouldn't say it that way. Menninger: You communicated with a journalist and told him you'd research the release date of Primal Fear, right? Annie Farmer: Yes.
Judge Nathan: We're going to break for lunch. Jurors leave. Judge Nathan: Any issues? No. Lunch break
As we return to the courtroom, Maxwell is chatting with her lawyer, smiling, then sitting with her chin in her hands. Still no Judge Nathan. Docketing the Press letter and releasing logs and lists? Cross continues.
Maxwell's lawyer Menninger: On direct you didn't mention it, but there was a cook on the ranch as well, right? Annie Farmer: I have no memory of that. Menninger: And you didn't see the big glorious Zorro ranch at that time, right? Annie Farmer: No.
Menninger: You mentioned the boots. But on the trip you spent a significant amount of time horseback riding. Annie Farmer: Is that a question? Menninger: You told the FBI that in 2006, right? Annie Farmer: Yes.
Menninger: Are these the boots? Annie Farmer: Yes. Menninger: I move for admission of the boots.
Menninger: So you decided to wear the boots, even when you knew they were evidence. You wore them frequently? Annie Farmer: I didn't wear them to work. I wore them when I was two-stepping.
Menninger: So you wore the boots Jeffrey Epstein gave you when you dancedMenninger: So in the movie theater there was no touching of your genitalia or private parts, was there?
Annie Farmer: No. Menninger: And you said you were naked for the full body massage. But you only told the journalist you had no bra on- AUSA: Objection!
Menninger: You said in 2019 you were unsure if you had your underwear on. Judge Nathan: Objection overruled. I'll allow the question.
Menninger: You do not recall Jeffrey Epstein pushing an erect penis into your back, do you? Annie Farmer: I do not recall that. Menninger: Look at this.
Menninger: You told your mother that you were not raped or sexually abused, right? Annie Farmer: I said I was not raped.
Menninger: So you told the Epstein Victims Compensation Fund that the hand-handing in movie theaters was sexual abuse? Annie Farmer: I told them in detail what happened. Menninger: But you checked the box, New York. So you think hand holding is sexual abuse
Menninger: You are represented by the Boies Schiller firm, correct? Annie Farmer: Yes. Menninger: Do you know how much that firm has made in connection with representing Epstein accusers?
Judge Nathan: Objection. Menninger - and you -- Judge Nathan: Stop! Menninger: You are on a WhatsApp group of Epstein victims, right? Annie Farmer: Right. Menninger: And you have emailed with Virginia Roberts, right? Annie Farmer: I have.
Re-direct. AUSA Pomerantz: Do you recall being asked of your FBI statements in 2006? Annie Farmer: I do.
AUSA: Read the rest of the sentence. Maxwell's lawyer: Objection! Judge Nathan: Overruled. Annie Farmer: They canceled Maria trip to NM at the last minute.
AUSA Pomerantz: You mentioned the film Primal Fear- Annie Farmer: The movie depicts sexual misconduct [wiki: Primal Fear is a 1996 American legal thriller film [about] a Chicago attorney who believes that his client is not guilty of murdering a Catholic archbishop
AUSA Pomerantz: Did you need a piece of paper to remember Maxwell touching your breasts? Maxwell's lawyer: Objection! Annie Farmer: I do not. It was distressing. Those are things that we remember.
Annie Farmer: I believe they were trying to confuse me as to the boundaries, as to what was right and wrong, in order to sexually abuse me. Maxwell's lawyer: Objection! Judge Nathan: Overruled. AUSA: No further questions. Judge Nathan: Next witness.
The next witness is David Mulligan, now a baker, Annie Farmer's boyfriend in high school.
AUSA: Did Annie tell you how how the trip to Thailand was paid for? Mulligan: Yes. Jeffrey Epstein.AUSA: What did Annie tell you about being in New York?
Mulligan: That Epstein touched her leg in the theater and that she didn't want to say anything because Epstein was helping her sister Maria's artistic career.
AUSA: Did Annie tell you Maxwell touched her on the breasts during the massage? Mulligan: Yes. AUSA: Did Annie tell you what she didn't speak up? Mulligan: She was afraid of jeopardizing her sister Maria's opportunities with Epstein.
Now cross examination by Maxwell's Bobbi Sternheim. Sternheim: You've seen things in the media about this? Mulligan: I'm not much of a news watcher.
Sternheim: You know she made $1.5 million? Mulligan: I do not. Sternheim: Annie Farmer attended your recent wedding, correct? Mulligan: Yes. Sternheim: No further questions.
Redirect. AUSA: Why do you remember what Annie Farmer told you about New Mexico? Mulligan: These were big moments, that we discussed while being physically affectionate with each other. AUSA: No further questions. Judge Nathan: Next witness.
Next witness is the mother of Annie Farmer, Janice Swain.
AUSA: How old are you: Swain: 71. AUSA: When did you speak with Jeffrey Epstein? Swain: When he wanted to take Maria on his plane to Florida on a work trip.
Swain: Then Epstein told me about a meeting of students at his ranch in New Mexico, to talk about college plans. I asked who would be chaperoning? He said his wife Ghislaine would be.
Swain: Annie returned with a pair of black boots. She said Jeffrey Epstein bought them for her. She seemed very tired. Later I asked what happened in New Mexico.
AUSA: What did she say? Swain: That she didn't want to talk about it. AUSA: No further questions
Maxwell's lawyer Menninger: You don't know if Maxwell was aware whether Maria would travel to New Mexico, do you? And when Annie was in Thailand you were in Germany, correct? Swain: Yes. Menninger: No further questions. AUSA: The government rests.
Jury leaves. Maxwell's laywer Everdell: Defense moves for acquittal. Judge Nathan: As to all counts? Everdell: Yes. Counts depend on the testimony of Jane. There is no evidence that anyone persuaded or induced Jane to come to NY.
Everdell: There is flying BACK to Palm Beach - that is not enticing to New York. Accompanying is not encouraging. All Ghislaine did was paperwork.
AUSA Rohrbach: The court should deny the motion. Jane was not in NY by accident. There was no non-sexualized reason. Jane said the defendant talked about sex with her - the enticement statute applies.
Judge Nathan: Motions are denied. What do we need to discuss before Thursday? Team Maxwell: We want our witnesses anonymous too.
Judge Nathan: It should have been raised earlier. The earliest decision I can give you is Wednesday evening. And charging conference on Saturday, Dec 18.
Judge Nathan: So defense case 16th and 17th --
Maxwell's lawyer: Into the 20th. Judge Nathan: So closing arguments on the 21st. Maxwell's lawyer Sternheim: We don't want the jury to rush to decide before Christmas holiday.
Judge Nathan: We'll see where we are. Sternheim: US has already said there will be a rebuttal case. We don't want the jury to rush.
AUSA: It'd only be a rebuttal expert. We'll be ready to close day after evidence. Adjourned - the out into the streets: stand-up, GMax sister - and circus
Inner City Press has launched #MaximumMaxwell & mystery / bonus #CourtCaseCast coverage will continue. More on Patreon here.
On November 23 there was a final final pre-trial conference and Inner City Press live tweeted it here (podcast here)
Likewise, Inner City Press opposes censorship by the UN, which after it asked why UN Sec-Gen Antonio Guterres' head of Partnerships Amir Dossal was on the board of Maxwell's Terramar Foundation was roughed up and banned from the UN, summary here, Quinn Emanuel lawyers' letter Q&A here.
On October 29, after the flurry of redacted motions, Inner City Press filed formal requests with SDNY District Judge Alison J. Nathan, on DocumentCloud here.
On November 12, while Maxwell and DOJ still redacting and a notice that after 50 people, no more would be admitted even on November 15, Inner City Press filed again. This time, both letters were docketed - appreciated - but denied, letter on CourtListener here.
"ENDORSED LETTER as to Ghislaine Maxwell addressed to Judge Alison J. Nathan from Matthew Russell Lee, dated 10/29/2021, re: timely opposition to blanket requests to seal portions of motions in limine, trial exhibits, public access. ENDORSEMENT: The Court received the attached letters via email. This District no longer permits public access by telephone for in-court criminal proceedings, including trials. The memorandum can be found here. The Courts public access orders for all proceedings in the case can be found here. The Court has implemented a procedure for docketing filings with proposed redactions and is ruling on the proposals as expeditiously as possible. See Dkt. No. 401. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Alison J. Nathan on 11/12/2021)."
Inner City Press is covering the trial, and all the comes before and after it; #CourtCaseCast and song I, Song 2, Song 3, fifth song, Nov 27 song and now Dec 4 song
On October 18 the US Attorney's Office opposed the request, saying the the voir dire questions should be asked by Judge Nathan, and that there should only be sidebars on "sensitive questions such as those that relate to sexual abuse and media exposure." Full letter on Patreon here.
In a conference on October 21 on that as scheduling issues, Judge Nathan denied the request to seal. Inner City Press live tweeted it here (podcast here)
On October 22 the draft jury questionnaire was unsealed and Inner City Press has immediately published it on its DocumentCloud here, including "Have you or a family member ever supported, lobbied, petitioned, protested, or worked in any other manner for or against any laws, regulations, or organizations relating to sex trafficking, sex crimes against minors, sex abuse or sexual harassment?" Photo here.
After the death of Jeffrey Epstein in the MCC prison, on July 2 Acting US Attorney for the SDNY Audrey Strauss announced and unsealed in indictment of Maxwell on charges including sex trafficking and perjury.
Inner City Press went to her press conference at the US Attorney's Office and asked, Doesn't charging Maxwell with perjury undercut any ability to use testimony from her against other, bigger wrong-doers? Periscope here at 23:07.
Strauss replied that it is not impossible to use a perjurer's testimony. But how often does it work?
At 3:30 pm on July 2 Maxwell appeared in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Hampsire, before Magistriate Judge Andrea K. Johnstone. Inner City Press live tweeted it here.
(Also live tweeted bail denial of July 14, here.)
In the July 3 media coverage of Maxwell, media all of the world used a video and stills from it of Maxwell speaking in front of a blue curtain, like here.
What they did not mention is something Inner City Press has been asking the UN about, as under UNSG Antonio Guterres with his own sexual exploitation issues (exclusive video and audio) it got roughed up and banned from the UN: Ghislaine Maxwell had a ghoulish United Nations press conference, under the banner of the "Terramar Project," here.
On July 5, after some crowd-sourcing, Inner City Press reported on another Ghislaine Maxwell use of the United Nations, facilitated by Italy's Permanent Representative to the UN, UN official Nikhil Seth and Amir Dossal, who also let into the UN and in one case took money from convicted UN briber Ng Lap Seng, and Patrick Ho of CEFC China Energy, also linked to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres.
At the Ghislaine Maxwell UN event, the UN Deputy Secretary General was directly involved.
List of (some of) the participants on Patreon here.
Inner City Press has published a phone of Maxwell in the UN with Dossal, here. But the connection runs deeper: Dossal with "25 years of UN involvement" was on Terrarmar's board of directors, one of only five directors, only three not related to Maxwell by blood and name.
The directors: Ghislaine Maxwell, Christine Malina-Maxwell, Steven Haft, Christine Dennison and... Amir Dossal. Inner City Press is publishing this full 990 on Patreon here.
Dossal has operated through the UN Office of Partnership, with Antonio Guterres and his deputy Amina J. Mohammed, here.
And the links to the world of UN bribery, including Antonio Guterres through the Gulbenkian Foundation, runs deeper. More to follow.
Antonio Guterres claims he has zero tolerance for sexual exploitation, but covers it up and even participate in it. He should be forced to resign - and/or have immunity waived.
Terramar has been dissolved, even though Maxwell's former fundraiser / director of development Brian Yurasits still lists the URL on his (protected) Twitter profile, also here.
But now Inner City Press has begun to inquire into Ghislaine Maxwell's other United Nations connections, starting with this photograph of another day's (or at least another outfit's) presentation in the UN, here. While co-conspirator Antonio Guterres has had Inner City Press banned from any entry into the UN for two years and a day, this appears to be in the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) chamber. We'll have more on this, and on Epstein and the UN. Watch this site.
The case is US v. Maxwell, 20-cr-330 (Nathan).
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