Saturday, August 7, 2021

In Jan 6 Case Langeurand Wants Out of Jail But US Cites Brass Knuckles and Drugs

By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Podcast Song

BBC - Guardian UK - Honduras - ESPN

FEDERAL COURT, August 5 -- On August 5, months after the DC Circuit's decision in US v. Munchel, DDC Judge John D. Bates had before him Capitol breach defendant Nicholas Langeurand, seeking release from pre-trial detention. Inner City Press live tweeted it here (podcast here)

Languerand's lawyer: My client has grandparents in South Carolina who would have him.

Judge Bates: Didn't he live in Vermont? What are his roots in South Carolina?

Defense: His grandparents moved and asked him to come down once he lost his job. He's a hard worker

Languerand's lawyer: He digs footings for foundations, his former boss would love him back. The risks to the public could be addressed by turning in the weapons that the government discovered - and did not seized, mind you. He could be on a curfew.

Judge Bates: Are you contesting anything that the government is putting forth by proffer, what they say Mr. Langeurand said or his activities on January 6? Defense: For purpose of this hearing, I won't contest that seizing.  Defense: He did not personally injure anyone. He threw things.

 Judge Bates: If a person were to throw a rock at a police officer and missed, it would still be serious. What about past incidents the US says Mr. Languerand was involved in? Defense: No convictions

 Defense: Maybe he needs some attention. Not all attention needs to be detention. Perhaps they are using or abusing drugs or alcohol. Pre-Trial Services can address it.  Judge Bates: Thank you. Government? AUSA: We've set for the reasons under Chrestman.

 AUSA: This is a case based on video submitted to the court, Exhibit 1A and 1B. [Inner City Press: Are these fully publicly available yet?]

 Judge Bates: What's the basis of calling him a leader? AUSA: He was on the front line of rioters, in the face of officers.

 Judge Bates: Did he says, "Come on, guys?" AUSA: He did not hang back... In the Army, with his drug problem, he was unable to comply with rules or regulations. So it does not bode well.  Judge Bates: So he's a danger? Or not comply with conditions?

 AUSA: There were drugs in his apartment. We assume his grandparents didn't know, but there was no control. Judge Bates: Let's talk danger, and Munchel. We need to look forward and find a danger that is clear and convincing and is in the future.

AUSA: His social media postings after January 6 said the violence was justified. So the risk continues. And he has few ties to South Carolina.  Judge Bates: Why weren't the guns seized? AUSA: They were legal, he has no convictions. But he also had brass knuckles

AUSA: There's also the order of protection. Look at the record. That no one was hurt was a miracle. This is the kind of person that keeps slipping through the cracks until something horrible happens. On January 6 something horrible did happen.

 AUSA: The media in Vermont said when people looked up his social media. they got scared. He said to the police, I don't give an F... If you shoot my dog, I'll shoot you. He attacked riot gear attired police. On Jan 6 he didn't have weapons, but used sticks

 AUSA: He used a big orange prism shaped object. We're sure his grandparents love him, but it didn't prevent his conduct on Jan 6. Defense: The US submitted a Vermont protective order - it was never violated, in the year it was in effect.

 Judge Bates: On discovery, I encourage the government to turn over every rock to find video about the defendant. With respect to Deloitte, I like other judges am concerned at how long it is taking. Please speed up. There may come a time we have to deal with it.

 Defense: In the next months I have to jury trials. Even if I had a plea offer, he's housed more than two hours from the courthouse. So 60 days would be reasonable.

 Judge Bates: I'm jammed up in early October. So in the area of the 14th. How about 10 am?

 Judge Bates: I'll exclude time under the Speedy Trial Act until October 14. I'll promptly get out a decision on detention, in the next couple of days. Adjourned.

  Inner City Press has asked DOJ for the videos in US v. Harrelson, a case before Judge Amit P. Mehta - but does not (yet?) have them. We'll have more on this. For now, podcast here; music video here.

Inner City Press live tweeted Riley June Williams on January 25, here. 

  From January 22, song here: Thread here.

 Inner City Press' John Earle Sullivan song on SoundCloud here. 


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