Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Virginia Rout of Eric Cantor Featured Dave Brat Calling to Jail Bankers, End NSA Spying

By Matthew Russell Lee
UNITED NATIONS, June 10 -- In US politics, the upset of Eric Cantor by Dave Brat on June 10 has pundits like bond rating agency downgrading the chanced of Marco Rubio and pumping up those of Hillary Clinton, whose book (event) Inner City Press reviewed on June 10, here.
   But there are other ways to view Brat's win. On the US' spying programs, Cantor defended them while Brat said, "the NSA’s indiscriminate collection of data on all Americans is a disturbing violation of our Fourth Amendment right to privacy." On his website, Brat said he favors "the end of bulk phone and email data collection by the NSA."
  Also on his campaign website, Brat bashed Cantor for supporting “Wall Street bailouts.” A review of Cantor's largest campaign contributors finds Goldman Sachs, Scoggin Capital Management and the Blackstone Group, now big in rental-backed securities. More on bad banks here.
   Brat said, “"All the investment banks up in DC, New York, those guys should've gone to jail" -- video here, at minute 7:02.
    So how to read the upset? And that it was missed by the ostensibly data-heavy scribes who focus on US politics? Watch this site.