By Matthew Russell Lee, Exclusive
UNITED NATIONS, July 1 -- Monday morning Inner City Press asked South Korea's Permanent Representative Kim Sook alone in front of the UN Security Council to respond to the June 21 call by his North Korean counterpart Sin Son-ho to dismantle the UN Command.
Kim Sook exclusively told Inner City Press that Sin Son-ho “doesn't understand the history.” He said that the Security Council approved the UN Command on July 7, 1950, in Resolution 84.
If they want to dismantle it, they should ask the Security Council, he said with a smile.
Inner City Press asked ask Kim Sook if they thought the General Assembly had any role or weight on the issue.
No, Kim Sook said. He asked Inner City Press what it thought of the argument. Honestly, the UN Command is at least unique: it seems to never be reviewed by the Security Council.
Kim Sook said it has been raised in UNSC consultations, and no one has challenged it, “until now.”
But isn't a press conference and a legal argument preferable to the alternative?
Of NSA and EU
Inner City Press asked the earlier visitors to the new US presidency in the Security Council, an EU Ambassador, about reports the US National Security Agency spied on the EU at the UN.
“I wouldn't have thought it was worth it,” the EU member ambassador replied with a smile. The @EUatUN directed Inner City Press to a statement that Lady Ashton is awaiting US confirmation.
Footnote: these Security Council bilaterals are the type of meeting that the UN Department of Public Information and its UN Censorship Alliance tried to ban the coverage of, saying journalists should not be at the stakeout when there are not formal meetings. The new Free UN Coalition for Access fought back, and now faces dis-accreditation threats for merely hanging a FUNCA sign. This is Ban's UN.