Saturday, October 1, 2011

At UN on Libya, Jibril Says Gaddafi Is Needed at ICC, No Fly Scepticism of IRSA Unanswered

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, September 26 -- Libya was a main focus at the UN and Security Council throughout 2011, but Monday it was an afterthought, with the spotlight back on Palestine. The Libyan National Transitional Council's Mahmoud Jibril briefed the Security Council, asking that all assets be unfrozen.

Afterward Inner City Press asked Jebril if the TNC wants the travel ban and asset freeze to remain on Gaddafi and cronies. Gaddafi is "need at the ICC," Jibril answered, referring to the International Criminal Court. (Friday he told Inner City Press Gaddafi might end up being tried in Libya, click here for that.)

On the question the NATO, Inner City Press asked when the TNC thought NATO should put back. When civilians are not being killed, Jibril answered. When he left the microphone he chatted with Ambassadors Shalgam and Ibrahim Dabbashi, who also defected from Gaddafi's government.

A source inside the Council's consultations said that India, South Africa and Russia (call them IRSA) all asked when NATO would stop, pointing out that if commercial flights have resumed and high officials travel to Tripoli, the no fly zone is no longer in place, and notice is not being given to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

"We didn't get an answer," the source said, not seeming surprised.

Likewise scepticism was expressed about unfreezing all the money. "It's money for the government," the source said. "Except there is no government yet. We don't want it disappearing."

"In the desert," Inner City Press mused.

"Or to small islands," the source answered. There was a joke about small island states. And then the Libya issue was gone, eclipsed by Palestine. And so it goes at the UN.