Saturday, December 18, 2010

Mogadishu in Manhattan, After Cops Called on DPR, TFG Says Controls 55%

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, December 17 -- Days after a fight in the Somali Mission to the UN in New York, reported exclusively by Inner City Press, the new Somali Minister of Information, Post and Telecommunications Abdulkareem Jama came to the UN to describe the new government he is a part of.

He said that many of the 18 new ministers are from the Somali diaspora. Of former Deputy Permanent Representative Idd Beddel Mohamed, who showed up at the Somali Mission saying that the new foreign minister gave him authorization to return, only to have the police called to throw him out, Abdulkareem Jama said that wasn't yet decided.

The chaos of Mogadishu, then, is echoed in Manhattan.

Abdulkareem Jama put a relentlessly upbeat spin on Somalia, saying that Mogadishu is 55% controlled by the Transitional Federal Government. Inner City Press asked about reports of the TFG and Puntland using private military contractors or mercenaries.

Abdulkareem Jama said that the contractor's work involves training for “VIP protection” and for a coast guard. He did not address whether the arrangement, which is shielded in secrecy, may violate the UN's Somalia sanctions regime.

Inner City Press asked about the memorandum of understanding between the World Food Program and the Organization of the Islamic Conference to deliver food in areas controlled by Al Shabab, which has barred WFP.

Abdulkareem Jama spoke favorably of the deal. But WFP still refuses to provide a copy of the MOU -- Inner City Press has asked -- and even the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs says it has not seen the MOU.

Following the Obama administration naming the TFG as a user of child soldiers, Inner City Press asked Abdulkareem Jama for the update. He said that child soldiers have been identified and are being kept in a camp until they reach the age they can decide what they want to do. Video here.

Of once and perhaps future UN official Charles Petrie, whom the UN claimed would be working for the UN in Mogadishu, Abdulkareem Jama said Petrie will be working for the EU or someone else, not the UN.

Of the TFG's deputy minister for water barring work by UNICEF and others and then rescinding the order, Abdulkareem Jama said that the deputy minister had been frustrated but had taken the order back. Again, the chaos of Mogadishu, reflected in Manhattan. We wait to hear from Idd Beddel Mohamed. Watch this site.

Footnote: Somalia's Permanent Representative said that on December 22, the Security Council “will” pass a resolution authorizing 4000 more troops for AMISOM. While technically the resolution is not yet agreed to (or “in blue”) Council sources tell Inner City Press that is the number: 4000. We'll be here.