Friday, January 24, 2025

As Sean Combs Attacks Search of His Cell in MDC Now Says Investigator Was a Prosecutor

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Jan 24 – At 4:30 pm on September 16 Inner City Press was told by its SDNY source to expect "the big one" - Sean Combs - the next day in the courtroom here.

At US Attorney Damian Williams' press conference Inner City Press asked if his office would be seeking detention - Yes, he said. Detention memo on Patreon here.

[Inner City Press published book / audio book Diddy Do It? on Sept 20 on Amazon here]

On December 16, in the run-up to the December 18 conference, letter on Patreon here.

Inner City Press live tweeted the December 18 conference, thread here.

On December 30 Combs' lawyers reiterated their request for a Kastigar hearing, arguing that not only the fruits of the search by their derivatives too much be excluded.

On January 3 Judge Subramanian asked for more information by January 17.

On January 14 Combs' lawyers filed a motion about the protective order, arguing that  "attorney eyes only" videos in the case they say prove the prosecution is "sexist and puritanical" and that it is consensual - 7 page letter on Patreon here

On January 17 the US responded to Judge Subramanian, including that "Investigator-1 provided a high-level overview of the contents of the BOP Notes, including the defendant’s plans to discredit possible witnesses and find dirt on people."

On January 24 Combs' lawyer replied that "Investigator-1 became an agent of the prosecution team and worked to advance its case" - 7 page letter on Patreon here.

Extra/analysis on X for Subscribers here & Substack here

The case is USA v. Combs, 1:24-cr-542 (Subramanian)


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