Saturday, July 10, 2021

UN Censorship in the Suburbs, UNA Westport Hosts Christian Saunders, Boss of Press Ouster


By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon
BBC - Guardian UK - Honduras - ESPN

UN GATE, June 23 – How corrupt is today's UN? Well, while UNSG Antonio Guterres had the Press asking him questions roughed up and banned now 1087 days, he is sending an official who oversaw the ouster to speak for him in the suburbs: Christian Saunders.

  See this video, in which Saunders validates and cheers on the lawless grab-up of Inner City Press after it interviewed the Ambassador of Cameroon, one of the mass killings on which Guterres has failed.

And now this, about Westport, Connecticut on June 26, 2021: "The annual jUNe Day celebration will take place on Saturday, June 26 in Westport, when the United Nations Association of Southwestern Connecticut (UNA-SW-CT) and the Town of Westport will host approximately 100 guests from the United Nations. In honor of the day, the flags of many of the 193 member countries of the United Nations will fly on the Ruth Steinkraus Cohen Bridge this weekend.   

   First Selectman Jim Marpe and UNA President Bill Hass will welcome the guests, and jUNe Day Chairperson Michaela MacColl will outline the Day’s activities.  

  This year’s United Nations guest of honor is Mr. Christian Saunders, UN Assistant Secretary-General, Department of Operational Support, who will offer brief remarks and read a special message from UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.   

 The annual jUNe Day celebration was established in 1965 by the late Ruth Steinkraus Cohen, the founder of the UN Association of Southwestern Connecticut...

They will have access to Compo Beach and the town pools at Longshore Park, tennis, golf at the Longshore Golf Course, and a nature walk and visit to Earthplace.  Guests are also encouraged to visit the sidewalk sale on Main Street near Jesup Green and consider having lunch at any one of Westport’s restaurants.     To volunteer, please contact Ms. Andrea Dosta... For more information, please contact Bill Hass."

We'll have more on this.


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