Saturday, July 10, 2021

In DC Insurrection Case Samsel Gets New Lawyer, Wants Surgery, Charged With Domestic Violence


By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Podcast Song
BBC - Guardian UK - Honduras - ESPN

FEDERAL COURT, June 25 -- On June 25, DDC Magistrate Judge Zia M. Faruqui held a medical status hearing on Ryan Samsel, who is detained and has now charged lawyers. June 25 thread here. Inner City Press also  live tweeted the earlier proceeding here and below (and podcast here)

On June 25, Judge Faruqui: Mr. Samsel, who do you want as your lawyer?

Samsel: Mr. Pierce. Judge Faruqui: How about medical care? "Inmate processing coordinator" speaks: He is still in custody on a state fugitive warrant.

 "Inmate processing coordinator" continues: If he needs surgery, we don't have the manpower to put an officer in the hospital. Samsel: I'm told the time I spend in Pennsylvania won't be credited. I kept raising my hand. I kept getting looks, like, put your hand down Samsel: By the time I was transferred I'd have to do a 30 day quarantine. Now I'm at a life threatening emergency at this point. The transfer would set me back months. I was upset with everyone, that the court date was held without me, you signed the bond without me

 Samsel: So I had to get rid of my lawyer Elizabeth. I'm respecting you, Your Honor, I do respect your authority. But things have gotten worse. I saw a vascular surgeon, he said he tried to talk to the Marshals, but they have to approve every single thing

 Judge Faruqui: I want to make the record clear. I reached out to the General Counsel of the jail facility and to the Presidentially appointed Marshal. Then you were present when your transfer was discussed. Later your lawyer called chambers and I ruled on papers

 Judge Faruqui: I don't agree with your statement that nothing has been done. Do you have a facility in mind? Samsel: I was thinking maybe we could work together on this. A Federal facility with ultra-sound? Just not a contracted facility

 Samsel: I would like to show you some paperwork that I have, other stuff the Marshals came up short on. Judge Faruqui: Provide it to your lawyer, it can be filed under seal. Samsel: I'm being charged for medical bills. I have them right here.

 Judge Faruqui: I can't just rule on this. Your lawyer has to advocate for you. Samsel: Understandable. Judge Faruqui: I'm going to step away and speak with the US Marshals. Thread will continue.

 OK, Judge Faruqui is back. Samsel: My surgery might require a two week hospital stay. Things have to be monitored. Please listen to me before you cut me off... The Marshals have been asked six times, no response. I have paperwork that I wrote.

 Samsel: The eye doctor says I was born blind in my eye. I was not born this way. Please listen to me. Imagine your arm being broken, and you being almost blind. How about that? It's not fair.

Judge Faruqui: I'm trying to work with you. I'm your only option Judge Faruqui: How do we get this classified as urgent? Voice: It's a slow process. Judge Faruqui: I've already vacated my order. Now it's up to the Marshals. I think the medical records will be sent overnight.

 Judge Faruqui: I hope this works. Have we tolled Speedy Trial? Let's set a next status hearing for next Thursday. Do you want to make the motion? AUSA: Motion to exclude time. Granted

 Samsel: Your Honor, grow your beard back... You know I'm a barber, right? Judge Faruqui: Thank you, Mr. Samsel. We are adjourned.

From June 4: Hearing on US v. Ryan Samsel - he says he was beaten in DC Jail:   He is also charged with serious domestic violence, now he wants out Samsel detention hearing is starting later than listed. In the run-up there was talk about medical orderlies, Poltergeist and an air-conditioning repairman who had cataract surgery. Now it's on.

Lawyer: Mr Samsel sleeps on the bottom bunk with only one cell mate

 Judge Faruqui: According to the writings of Chief Judge Howell, and District Judge Lamberth, we'd need to be seeking the enhancement -- Assistant US Attorney: We are. On two bases, including the use of the barrier.

 Samsel's lawyer: My client has a letter from the Pennsylvania Parole Board. He's subject to detention until August 2022.  Judge Faruqui: Is there a detainer? Samsel's lawyer: Yes. The FBI spoke with the Pennsylvania authorities.

 AUSA: The victim did want to submit a statement. By email, she sent it an hour ago and asked me to read it out loud today. "You broke through our police lines on Jan 6... You have stolen moments away from me, I could not be with my fellow officers & mourn Sicknick

AUSA: I want to make it clear Mr. Samsel is not the only 1 to cause the injuries. But she is fainting and cannot return to work.  Samsel's lawyer: If my client is released, he will turn himself in. Victims would be notified.  Samsel: Couldn't I just go to PA jail?

Judge Faruqui: That's what we're looking into. AUSA: There would not be any comfort level with Mr. Samsel self-surrendering. There is concern about a particular witness who provided information about Mr. Samsel. We don't want them at risk.

 AUSA: Also, he will not get credit on this case if he is in state prison. Samsel's lawyer: And he could only get state credit if there was no Federal detainer until just before he left. Judge Faruqui: OK, we've flagged all the issues. Let's reconvene next week

Judge Faruqui: Mr. Samsel, don't think we're forgetting you.

Samsel: Thank you. Judge Faruqui: OK, the parties are excused.

We will have more on this.

Inner City Press live tweeted Riley June Williams on January 25, here. 

  From January 22, song here: Thread here.

 Inner City Press' John Earle Sullivan song on SoundCloud here. 


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