Saturday, December 9, 2023

On Insider Trading Former FBI Trainee Markin Pleads Guilty Names Sophia Park of Covington

By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Maxwell Book

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Dec 4 – Seth Markin was the subject of an insider trading press conference on July 25, 2022. Then for his presentment he got a taxpayer-funded lawyer, declaring himself eligible in a still-sealed CJA 23 financial affidavit.

  On July 25, U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Magistrate Sarah Netburn approved and sealed his Criminal Justice Act 23 affidavit. Inner City Press has previously gotten unsealed the CJA 23's of Michael Avenatti, and Honduras alleged narco trafficker Tigre Bonilla. But others' keep getting sealed.

On August 10, Markin ponied up and retained Maurice Sercarz, who previously represented among others horse drugging defendant Seth Fishman: "NOTICE OF ATTORNEY APPEARANCE: Maurice H. Sercarz appearing for Seth Markin. Appearance Type: Retained. (Sercarz, Maurice)."

Jump cut to December 4, 2023: Markin was in court to plead guilty; Inner City Press was there, thread:

OK - now at guilty plea of ex-FBI Seth Markin for inside trading on a Merck merger...

Markin says he was sheltering with Sophia Park of Covington who got a binder about the merger. He traded, and told others. NASDAQ exchange is the basis of venue. He's using conscious avoidance theory. Plea accepted. Sentencing set for March 13 at 3:30 pm.

  While not said in the proceeding, the plea deal is for 30 to 37 months.  Plea deal on Patreon here.

Back in March 2023 Markin requested, and was granted, permission to "attend the Tattoo Arts convention in Baltimore, Maryland from April 20 through 24, 2023." Judge Ramos granted the request.

On March 30, Judge Ramos docketed that Wong intends to plead guilty: "NOTICE OF HEARING as to Brandon Wong; A change of plea hearing will be held on April 10, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. before the Hon. Edgardo Ramos, U.S.D.J., at the Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse, 40 Foley Square, New York, NY 10007, Courtroom 619."

On April 10, Inner City Press went. Judge Ramos referred to a February 25 plea agreement, but did not read out loud its stipulated guideline.

On October 20, Judge Ramos held a proceeding and ruled, "Markin shall submit a letter advising the court whether or not he intends to file pretrial motions."

He did. On December Markin filed a motion to suppress his statements to the FBI, and asking Judge Ramos to order prosecutors to "elect among the charges brought under (a) Counts Two through Nine, (b) Counts 17 through 24, or Count 16 of the indictment and dismiss the remaining counts on the basis of multiplicity."

  Markin is free on a $200,000 bond, with a taxpayer funded lawyer.

In September 2023: "Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Edgardo Ramos: Defendant appears with counsel Ms Ferrone; AUSA Fletcher is also present. Defendant waives indictment.Arraignment as to Jonathan Becker (4) Count 1 held on 9/20/2023. Plea entered by Jonathan Becker (4) Guilty as to Count 1., As to Jonathan Becker( Sentencing set for 12/19/2023 at 10:00 AM before Judge Edgardo Ramos.)"

SDNY Mag Court Art Seth

 In early 2021, SETH MARKIN and BRANDON WONG together made more than $1.4 million dollars in illegal profits by trading in stock based on inside information that MARKIN misappropriated from his then-girlfriend, who was then an attorney at a major law firm in Washington D.C. assigned to work on the acquisition of Pandion Therapeutics (“Pandion”) by Merck & Co. (“Merck”).

The case is US v. Markin, et al., 22-cr-395 (Ramos)


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