Saturday, November 5, 2022

Trump Org Trial Halted for 6 Days After SVP McConney Test COVID +, Other Cases Call


By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Maxwell book
BBC Honduras - CIA Trial book - NY Mag

FOLEY SQUARE, Nov 1 – On opening day of the Trump Organization trial, controller Jeffrey McConney was on the witness stand. Inner City Press went and live tweeted here and below.

 On November 1, the trial was halted until November 7 after McConney tested positive for COVID-19. Inner City Press left courtroom 1530 once it was empty and found, on the other side of the 15th floor, a horific child sexual abuse jury trial before Judge Robert Mandelbaum. More on this to follow.

From October 31: OK - now in Trump Org trial as questioning turns to 2007 O'Brien case, to witness doing Trump world payroll processing for decades.  Q: Would you say that gross payroll is pre-tax and net payroll is post-tax?

A: Yes...

Q: Are you familiar with tax withholding and was it your job to ensure withholdings were appropriate?

A: That was up to PayChex.

Q: But you input the info, right? A: I did.

Q: What is the difference between W2s and 1099s?

A: W2 withholds taxes, 1099 doesn't. W2 is for an employee, 1099 for an independent contractor. 

Q: Was it part of your job for the Trump Organization to make sure its W2s were correct? A: Yes.

Q: I'm going to show you a thumb drive. Do you recognize it?

Jeffrey McConney: The handwriting on it, yes. 

Counsel: I'm going to read this stipulation about... spreadsheets, business records. "The people have agreed to remove the first names of Trump children."

 Defense: Objection! On relevance. Sidebar is called - then 10 minute break.

 With jury out of courtroom (and witness too, through the same door up in the front of the courtroom), the argument about relevance is not at sidebar, but open.

Counsel: These are Trump Corporation general ledgers and they do contain many transactions...

 Counsel: These records go to how camouflaged these transactions were.  Judge: The objection is noted and overruled.  Now a real break: Judge leaves the bench, some in gallery go out.

 Judge is back. He says, Usually I try to go straight through the afternoon, but I notice that several of the jurors were looking a little tired.

[Inner City Press: generic testimony about W2s and 1099s can to that.]

Jury entering!

 Q: Mr. McConney, did you notice on the thumb drive there are files, then A or B that is a PDF of an Excel spreadsheet? McConney: Yes.

 Q: Let's look at TO-18, a general ledger produced by the Trump Organization to the grand jury. Do you recognize DANY #'s? A: Yes

 Q: Let's turn to TO-43 - a payroll run for Allen Weisselberg, correct? McConney: Yes. (Coughs). Q: And this was a $100,000 payment to Allen Weisselberg on January 1, 2016 as part of his bonus for the previous year? McConney: Right.

 Q: And are these W2s from Trump Payroll to Allen and Barry Weisellberg from 2005 and 2020? McConney: Let me see. (Counts each name, each name). Yes.

Q: And do you remember the original question? McConney: No. [Some jurors laugh seemingly sympathetically]

Judge: OK, I'm going to call it a day. Don't read anything about the case, jurors. Don't receive any payment about the trial. Do not communicate or Google about the case

[Extra: afterward, Inner City Press stopped in 1st floor courtroom, two tweets on three cases here

Defendant getting conditional discharge as long as he doesn't go (return) to NY Punlic Library on 5th Ave. RoR on Brooklyn warrants.  Next defendant is in a skeleton shirt, for Halloween presumably...

Skeleton man, after three previous arrests for robbery, 4 open cases, stole from Nordstrom. Judge is asking about open warrants. Defendant is handcuffed behind his back with winter parka half off. Halloween evening nears, the sun sets before 6 pm, soon 5 pm...

Earlier the jury was selected in the New York criminal case about the Trump organization(s). Inner City Press live tweeted on October 25, here:

Prospective juror Ms. Coolibaly is asked if she take fairly listen to cooperator Weisselberg.

She says yes. 

Ms. Coolibaly is asked if her mother working in Accounts Receivable will be a problem. Seems not. 

Next up: an adjunct at NYU, in "advanced archival" -- No conflicts seen.

Next man says he likes to write political criticism. Uh oh 

Prospective juror: It's not that I have a problem with propaganda. I just need to know what it is. I am interested in income disparities, some people pay different interest rates... "what happened in 2008, what the Federal government did for some and not others"  

Con't: "I lived in a dictatorship for a while... When I lost my freedom overseas, I saw you don't have any type of protection. The system needs work."

 Counsel: "Thank you for those remarks... Could you be fair?"

A: I wouldn't bring my idealism to this. 

 Prosecutor: The defendants here are corporations, but it must be beyond a reasonable doubt. Can you hold us to that standard? Can you call it like you see it? 

Last juror in (this) pool: Yes I could do it.

Centre street video here. 


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