By Matthew Russell Lee, Song, Patreon Podcast
BBC - Guardian UK - Honduras - ESPN
FEDERAL COURT, Feb 1 – The January 6 Capitol entry by Nathan Degrave, in body armor and a helmet he took off to beat his chest, gave rise to a twice interrupted detention proceeding on February 1 in Nevada. He was detained. Complaint here. Inner City Press live tweeted it here:
Magistrate Judge Daniel J. Albregts: Nathan Degrave - is that Degrahve? No, Degrave.
AUSA: Mr. Degrave was wearing tactical gear. He pounded his check and lifted off his helmet. If someone wants to protest in body armor, to each his own. But he assaulted an officer.
AUSA: We called people, one said, He's not militant. But he is. There is no info about his business. He lost his passport. There are no conditions to release him. Degrave's lawyer: They have to show a serious risk of obstructing justice. [Zoom cut off again]
We're back; Judge says he hopes to finish this one (Degrave) before gets kicked off Zoon again, and will pushing another one to tomorrow (unclear if that's #insurrectionBlues too). Defense lawyer: I propose conditions of release. The firearm was on the night stand
Defense lawyer: The firearm is legal registered. Once that error is corrected, you'll see he is not dangerous. Let me contextualize. The first count could be a felony or a misdemeanor depending on what is proved at trial. Count 2, violent entry is a misdemeanor
Defense lawyer: Count 3, ok it's a felony, but only 5 years. I'm not trying to mitigate the allegations. The facts can't overshadow the legal guidelines. At page 2 there is a passive voice about a shoving match. I was admit, I mean, submit, there is no screenshot.
Defense lawyer: Yes, he raised his fist. But he beat his own chest. He has a few shop lifting non-prosecutions. He wouldn't have been a leader in this, he would have been a follower. He doesn't know this roommate's number by heart. It's saved in his smart phone
AUSA Dickerson: There's a firearm in the house. Judge Daniel J. Albregts: The Court finds he is a risk of non-appearance. No one could contact his roommate. No confirmation of employment or incomes. There is expensive foreign travel. He's a danger, too
Judge: The court cannot conceive of any offense like storming the Capitol with a mob to overturn a lawful election. He wears body armor and a face mask. He deleted social media posts and traveled back to Las Vegas. He has a lack of respect for the laws.
Judge: I will detain you pending your transportation back to DC to face these charges. Would you like a preliminary hearing in this district? [Another Zoom breakdown.]
They're back. Degrave's lawyer says to set a preliminary hearing in Nevada, they might later waive it to move to DC. Hearing set for February 16, at 3 pm there, 6 pm Eastern. "By video." Great.
Inner City Press live tweeted Riley June Williams on January 25, here.
And now, #insurrectionBlues has gone electric, here
From January 22, song here: Thread here.
Inner City Press' John Earle Sullivan song on SoundCloud here.
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