Saturday, January 6, 2024

Netflix BitConned Has Crypto Rat Tripani Bragging Before Time Served SDNY Review

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Jan 6 - In covering cryptocurrency cases and crimes in Federal court in New York, Inner City Press is often asked to assist on possible documentaries about OneCoin, Ruja Ignatova and Sebastian Greenwood, SFB and maybe soon Do Kwon and SafeMoon's Karony.

  But one cryptocurrency true-crime is out this month on Netflix: BitConned, about Ray Tripani (the cooperator), Robert Farkas, and Sohrab Sharma.

Inner City Press covered their sentencings, and Sharma's remand for violation of pre-trial supervision. So now, its review of the Netflix flick.  

 The chutzpa of Tripani, giving interviews about ongoing scams will awaiting sentencing, is surprising.

They show 40 Foley Square, then have an actress read from the sentencing transcript. Tripani is said to start a business lending at 50% interest - illegal in New York State. But he's in Florida. 

Will we see him on a Violation of Supervised Release? Watch this site - and the flick. 


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