Saturday, November 4, 2023

In DEA Corruption Trial of Costanzo & Recio US Moves to Seal the Courtroom, Press Opposes

By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Maxwell Book

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Oct 31 – On May 20, 2022 DOJ announced that "JOHN COSTANZO JR., a Drug Enforcement Administration Special Agent, and MANUEL RECIO, a former DEA Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge, were indicted in Manhattan federal court."

Costanzo appeared in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Magistrates Court that day and was released on $30,000 bond. His case was assigned to District Judge J. Paul Oekten, who held a conference in the case on June 6. Inner City Press attended and live tweeted, below.

On October 27, with the trial belatedly underway, Inner City Press was in the courtroom when Special Agent Brandon Jaycox testified. Audio tapes were being played. Behind the scenes there were dueling letters on the admissibility of recordings about Recio telling Costanzo about the impending arrest of Cesar Peralta.

On October 30 witness Hernandez - he explained his nickname grew from having "a head shaped like a bowling ball" - read from his text messages with Costanzo, who he called "boss."

  On October 31, after Hernandez testified about his relationship with Alexander Saab, it emerged - not in the docket - that the US seeks to seal the courtroom, citing what they described in open court as an exhibit concerning a "unilateral operation" without the consent of the country it took place in, an operation that apparently involved or involves committing crimes. Inner City Press joined an oral request to unseal - with a written letter. We will continue to cover the trial.

Back on July 15, Judge Oekten held a conference, which Inner City Press live tweeted here

 US letter alleging conflict on Patreon here.

The case is US v. Costanzo, 22-cr-281 (Oetken) 


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