Saturday, November 4, 2023

Bankman-Fried Guilty on All 7 Counts in FTX Trial Inner City Press Live Tweeted Book Soon

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Nov 2 – For US v Sam Bankman-Fried, after more than a day of jury selection, late morning on October 4 the twelve and six alternate were selected. Inner City Press live tweeted the voir dire here and more below

On Nov 2, the verdict, in thread here

OK - now counsel have reassembled in the courtroom. SBF still not brought back in. AUSA Thane Rehn flipping through a document redactions. Judge Kaplan: So, I just want to make a record of the various notes

 Judge Kaplan: An hour ago the jury asked for the testimony of Boroujerdi (of Third Point) and Matt Huang (of Paradigm). They also asked for Post-It notes, and the actual indictment. Now we'll wait for further communications

 Now with the prosecutors (and judge) out of the courtroom, SBF is standing twisting something in his hands while his lawyer Mark Cohen speaks into his ear. Now SBF is being led out of the courtroom again by US Marshals

For those asking about Huang, here's from Inner City Press thread: "AUSA: Were you told that FTX was transferring money from this round of financing to Alameda? Huang: No. And we would not have invested. We invested $278 million. We've marked it to zero."

 ALERT:  Courtroom deputy Andy: We have received a note from the jury that they have reached a verdict. [Inner City Press will live tweet, below]

Judge Kaplan: Madam Foreperson, I understand the jury has reached a verdict. Please hand it to Andy. Thank you. The clerk will publish the verdict. Please rise. Count 1: Guilty. Count 2: Guilty. Count 3: Guilty.

Deputy: Count 4? Guilty. Count 5: Guilty Count 6: Guilty. Count 7: Guilty. Deputy: Thank you. Judge Kaplan: There's another question, Andy. Deputy: Either or both?  Both.

SBF's lawyer Mark Cohen: We would like the jury polled. [Verdict is confirmed]

Judge Kaplan: Jurors, I thank you. You did what we hope all citizens do when called for service. That was your call. In just a minute I am going to discharge you. You can speak about it

 Judge Kaplan: If you do speak, be sensitive to the feeling of other jurors. If anyone involved in the case contact you and you say no and they don't take no for an answer, I will take appropriate steps if I lawfully can do so. Leave your notes there

Judge Kaplan: We have scheduled a second trial for March 11 [2024]. Let me know by February 1 if that is going to proceed. I want an update on that. What is the government's position on setting a sentencing date on this? AUSA Roos: Let's get the PSR process going

 Judge Kaplan: I'll need Andy for that. Or I can fly blind, let's see if I can get my own calendar up. We'll set sentencing for March 28 at 9:30 in morning. Defense submission by Feb 16, US by March 8. Enough time, Mr. Cohen? Cohen: Could we have more time?

 Judge Kaplan: Feb 27, March 15. Anything else? Cohen: Post trial motion schedule - we ask for the 20th of November. AUSA Roos: Can we have 3 weeks? Judge Kaplan: Dec 11. Anything else? Cohen: No. Roos: No. Judge Kaplan: Good job all around. Thanks. All rise!

 Judge leaves. Joe Bankman and Barbara Fried are in the front room of the gallery. They hug; she appears to cry. Sam Bankman-Fried is led back into the holding cell.

  More on Substack here

 Inner City Press live tweeted the voir dire and now, more on Substack here
and all on Patreon here


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