Friday, April 15, 2022

UN SG Guterres Covers Up UN Congo Sexual Exploitation Withholding Info As He Bans Press


By Matthew Russell Lee, Video here, Vine here

UN GATE, April 11 -- Stephane Dujarric, the lead spokesman of UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, his deputy Farhan Haq and now Guterres' Global Communicator Melissa Fleming have joined their boss in personally covering up child rapes and sexual abuse by UN personnel, including recently a child rape by a UN "peacekeeper" from Paul Biya's Cameroon in DR Congo.

  Even while they and OIOS Ben Swanson purport to care - and even answer questions - on the UN's cover up for Burundian and Gabon rapes in CAR in 2017, they have adopted corrupt Guterres' solution going forward: cover up the cases in advance. Rough up and ban the Press which asks, leave inside only insiders who ask why they can't use the UN escalator instead of walking one or two flights of stairs, and refuse to answer written questions. Their UN is dying - and taking young victims with it. See Tel Aviv UNTSO video first published by Inner City Press on June 23, here, and Swanson here.

On April 11, 2022 at 12:31 pm, the UN data dumped a 2020 case of sexual assault by a UN staff member in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with no further information.

On March 21 at 10:31 am, the UN data dumped a 2022 case of sexual assault by a UN staff member in Afghanistan, with no further information - this after its February 25 cover up of more cases of UN sex abuse, including child rape in DR Congo by a "peacekeeper" from Uruguay. This while Guterres pontificates about the need to keep the concept of peacekeeper clean. It is Guterres who makes it dirty. There is also a case by Guinea.  Inner City Press immediately emailed questions to Guterres, Melissa Fleming, Dujarric, Haq, UNSC President Mona Juul and others, on these and the sex trafficking verdict against Jeffrey Epstein's procurer Ghislaine Maxwell, who'd been supported by the UN - nothing yet. Totally corrupt - sex trafficking conspiracy.

Inner City Press asked: "On UN sexual exploitation and abuse - alleged - this is a request on the new 2022 case of UN sex assault in Afghanistan by a staffer, nationality not given (why not?) data dumped on the UN's web site at 10:31 am on March 21, 2022- and the three new cases of UN sexual abuse by UN "peacekeepers" from DRC and India in CAR and DRC  data dumped at 10:31 am on January 24, 2022 along with another case of UN child rape - alleged - in South Sudan, by a UN affiliated person whose nationality is not disclosed, and two similar sexual exploitation cases in UNMISS, all in Dec 2021 - also in CAR by a "peacekeeper" from Burundi, and the previous UN child rape in CAR by UN "peacekeeping" troop Burkina Faso (Oct 19) and from Burundi - child rape! - and SEA by Tanzania troops in DRC data dumped at 12:02 pm on Oct 7, and earlier (unanswered) from Peru (Sept 29), Gabon and "the Congo" - and Nepal peacekeeper child rape in DRC - data-dumped at 10:07 am on July 21, 2021 that you immediately provide the "if asked" information and answer this:    Why has USG Fleming not deigned to answer in any way the Quinn Emanuel law firm's letter to her dated July 6, 2021 regarding re-admitting Inner City Press as a UN resident correspondent? " Watch this site.

 On September 29, 2021 at 12:01 pm, the UN data dumped yet another case of UN child rape, this time (again) by a Peruvian UN peacekeeper in the Central African Republic. Photo here. Inner City Press immediately emailed questions to Guterres, Melissa Fleming, Dujarric, Haq, Melissa Fleming and others - nothing yet.

 On August 19, 2021 at 11:26 am, the UN data dumped yet another case of UN child rape, this time (again) by a Cameroon UN peacekeeper for which the UN pays Paul Biya, in the Central African Republic.

The August 19 UN noon briefing was canceled, replaced by a staged stakeout by Guterres on a single country (not Cameroon).

 On the morning of July 21, 2021,  Inner City Press in writing asked Guterres, Amina J. Mohammed and their spokespeople: "this is a request on the new cases of UN sex abuse in CAR by UN "peacekeeping" troops from Gabon and "the Congo" - and Nepal peacekeeper child rape in DRC - data-dumped at 10:07 am on July 21, 2021 that you immediately provide the "if asked" information, also all those earlier in July and the June 15 data-dumped cases none of you have answered Inner City Press on, also about case of child rape in CAR by a Gabon "peacekeeper," a UN civilian child rape in DRC and a UN civil sex abuse case in South Sudan ... This is a request that you immediately confirm receipt of these questions and requests and explain how UN spox and official blocking such questions is not complicity -Matthew Russell Lee," So far, nothing. Corrupt.

                        Russell Lee, banned from UN by Guterres as it
                        asked about UN rapes

 On September 2, 2020 after the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York announced the indictment and arrest of UN staffer Karim Elkorany for drugging and raping women in Iraq, the UN data dumped more UN sexual abuse charges -- the fourteenth this summer, only so far, as Guterres is dragging the UN down to his level of mounting abuse and no answers - this time sexual abuse by UN Tunisia "peacekeeper" in Mali, and rape by a Philippines peacekeeper in Haiti. Only on this last, child rape in Haiti (but not drug rape in Iraq), the UN's Farhan Haq has responded to Inner City Press with an answer, the first in months, which we immediately publish: "The United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) has received an allegation of sexual abuse involving a member of the military contingent from the Philippines deployed to the former United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH).    The allegation refers to the rape of a child that allegedly took place in 2006, and resulted in the birth of a child.    The UN has informed the Member State of the allegation and has requested that a National Investigation Officer (NIO) be appointed within five (5) working days, and for the investigation to be completed within 90 days.    BINUH has referred the alleged victim for appropriate assistance in line with the UN’s victim assistance protocols." We'll have more on this.

 No answers, despite Dujarric's previous on camera commitment / lie about answering Inner City Press' questions. Video here.

 Worse, Dujarric repeated and expanding on the lies on September 19, video here, claiming that Inner City Press is in touch with UN Media Accreditation - while Melissa Fleming has not answered a single letter and has banned the active Press - 81,000 Twitter followers and counting, covering the courts and #6ix9ine and Halkbank and OneCoin and Doe v. ICE and the Honduras narco regime Guterres also covers up for - from entering to cover the UNGA week.

   Guterres' UN sent this out:

"From: malu malu [at]
Date: Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 4:23 PM
Subject: U.N. eAccreditation request for Matthew Lee Ref # M5413398 has been declined
To: Inner City Press:

Greetings Matthew Lee from Inner City Press,  Your media accreditation request, with reference no: M5413398, has been declined for the following reason: Media accreditation was withdrawn on 17 August 2018."

  This is Kafka-esque, and corrupt. This year, September 2021, MALU confirmed receipt, then nothing. No ruling, lying about "resident correspondents" only when they let others in. We will have more, much more, on this.


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