Saturday, February 12, 2022

Amid Genocide Games Opening With Misuse of Uighur At SDNY A Stormy Verdict and A New Song UN


By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Maxwell Book
BBC - Guardian UK - Honduras - Song - Review

  LITERARY UN GATE, Feb 4 -- Finally the day came, or days. At 7 in the morning, New York time, the Genocide Games had their opening ceremony in Beijing, complete with stylized movies like the 1936 Olympics. Thomas Bach of the IOC gave a long and empty speech, after white washing the MeToo black out of Peng Shuai. Somewhere in there was Antonio Guterres, his video given out under embargo to the pro-UN scribes, who did nothing with it.

   Kurt live tweeted the ceremony, noting that Nigeria had only one athlete at the Winter Games, while even Puerto Rico had two. There was "Chinese Taipei," a made up name for Taiwan. There was Xi Jin Ping in a black glove, raising his hand every so slightly. Then it was time to head down to the SDNY courthouse.

  The Avenatti jury had been deliberating for two days. Out on Foley Square Avenatti had explained to Kurt what his father selling hotdogs stories was supposed to convey; the anti Avenatti crowd thought the Q&A was too light. Now it looked like Avenatti might win or at least get a mistrial.

  Later morning the jury sent a note, that one of the 12 was refusing to deliberate, going only on emotion. There ensued a fight over what Judge Furman should tell the other 11 - that they could complain again, and maybe get the 12th one bounced and replaced? No, Avenatti said, that would be error. Judge Furman split the difference. Kurt called in to other cases, and his other job.

  It was past three o'clock when word of a verdict came in. There were sound problems, and a rush back to the elevator. But both counts came back guilty and soon Avenatti was stone faced leaving the courtroom, gone with a song. He would have to surrender to jail on the West Coast after the weekend.

  Kurt asked him, out in the rain, "Federal Defenders, one a scale of one to ten?"

Avenatti stopped and said "Ten." Then stopped again and said "Fifteen." This while Sarah Lawrence College sex cultist Larry Ray was firing his Federal Defenders. At least they had a right to lawyers, and the semblance of due process. It was more than China, and the UN of Guterres, offered.

* * *

  Upcoming at SDNY, now that Avenatti had snatched defeat from the jaws of victory and #The48 continued spiking the football in gifs, was day 3 of Palin versus New York Times. Kurt wrote a song, focused on the Times and not COVID, but it still got immediately demonetized by YouTube. One trial run into the next; the beat was more interesting than the UN but both left genocide UNtouched. Meanwhile Big Tony flew back to New York, his bags jammed with Chinese cash, virtual perhaps.


Kurt wrote up the story then headed up to the 8th floor of the courthouse, to see if the Magistrates' Court still had the three older Boricuas now charged with the fentanyl overdose death of ballyhooed Wire actor Michael K. Williams.

  On his way Kurt ran into another CJA lawyer, a friend of Michael Randall Long's, who was talking with another lawyer in the hall with its windows looking out on the snowy balcony and Chatham Green beyond it and the Manhattan Bridge.

   "How do you like the Avenatti?" the lawyer asked Kurt, phrasing as people did here like a dish in a restaurant, how is the swordfish tonight. Well, Avenatti did like Italian food, even if his jury could not now consider it.

   "It's a freak show," Kurt said, slowing down to talk. He got some of his best stories this way. At the UN he used to talk all day, in the halls and then asking questions in the Briefing Room. Here it was more quiet.

  The lawyer said she had a good story for him, a Chinese lady she called the prospective client, who wanted to sue China itself. "I don't want to take the case myself," she said, "you know my politics but I was wondering if you might want to write about it, or could think of another lawyer, someone more like yourself than me."

   Kurt knew that Michael Randall Long was up to his eyeballs in cases just now.

But maybe he could take this one. Kurt decided to try.

He took down the prospective client's number, said thanks and ran further down the hall, to the elevator to the Mag Court. By the time he got there, the alleged killers of Michael K. Williams had been processed and the doors were locked. So he headed out across Worth Street to the Ali Baba fruit stand, above which was the Law Office of Michael Randall Long. #GenocideGamesOfGuterres.

Follow-up to Belt and Roadkill: Genocide Games of Guterres.

From January 21, 2022: UNSG Antonio Guterres:  This visit to the Olympics is not a political visit. We consider that the Olympic Games are an extremely important manifestation in today's world of the possibility of unity, of the possibility of mutual respect, of the possibility of cooperation, of peoples of different cultures, of different religions, of different ethnicities. And this is more important than ever when we see xenophobia, when we see racism, when we see white supremacy, when we see anti‑Semitism, when we see anti‑Muslim hatred proliferating all over the world... That is the reason why I am going to the Olympic Games. And it has nothing to do with my opinions about the different policies that take place in the People's Republic of China.      

 Spokesman Dujarric:  Okay, sir, I think you're then off the hook.  

 Will Guterres be taking his Deputy Amina J. Mohammed, supportive of the killing and targeted detentions perpetrated by Buhari of Nigeria? See, Identity Thieves - and, forthcoming, Genocide Games of Guterres. For now, Belt and Roadkill.   


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