Saturday, August 14, 2021

Haiti Hit By Earthquake, Echo of UN Cholera After Moises Was Killed, Guterres Silent Censor


By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon
BBC - Guardian UK - Honduras - ESPN

SDNY COURTHOUSE, August 14 – In Haiti, an earthquake has hit and long after, nothing from the UN whose Sec-Gen Guterres was away on an undisclosed vacation. Previously, he has asserted immunity for cholera, and impunity for roughing up and banning the Press that asks.

The quake occurred at about 8:30 a.m. Saturday morning and several aftershocks have followed. Cities in the southern region — including Les Cayes, Jeremie, Saint Louis du Sud, Aquin, Petit Trou de Nippes, Anse-a-Veau and Cavaillon  — felt the strongest vibrations, according to eyewitnesses and the United States Geological Survey.  It's reported that inmates at the civil prison in Jacmel, a city in the southeastern department, attempted to escape. This is the second time a major earthquake has struck Haiti in a decade. The 2010 earthquake, which was a 7.0 magnitude, killed nearly 250,000 people. Watch this site - and watch out for the UN.

After hold-over president Jovenel Moises was assassinated, in the United Nations, which ran a large "peacekeeping" mission in Haiti which beyond failing brought in cholera and killed 10,000 Haitians, while refusing to compensate any of the impoverished families who lost their bread-winners, there have been belated statements of concern.  

  Now it is reported that the post-assassination government "sent a letter to the UN requesting assistance, UN Deputy Spokesman Farhan Haq said Saturday." Hours later it is clear where Haq, filling in for the vacationing lead spokesman Stephane Dujarric, said this - it was not emailed out to all press, and no mention of UN's previous "assistance" of cholera and rape. We'll have more on this.

 There has been a "private" meeting of the UN Security Council, whose trip to Haiti Inner City Press covered, here, and here, before being banned from the UN and its briefings by Secretary General Antonio Guterres.

And late on July 7 from the UNSC, this: "The members of the Security Council expressed their continued solidarity with the people of Haiti." Continued solidarity? When the UNSC did nothing for the 10,000 killed by the cholera the UN brought?

  Most recently, Guterres' spokespeople Stephane Dujarric and Farhan Haq have refused to answer Inner City Press' written questions about new cases of UN sexual abuse in Haiti, here.

Talk is cheap. Watch this site. 


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