Monday, August 5, 2019

UN Women Hypocritically Praises Rights in Taiwan As Province On China Like Corrupt Guterres Who Bans Press and All From Taiwan

By Matthew Russell Lee, CJR Letter PFTrackerVine video
UNITED NATIONS GATE, August 4 – Before Inner City Press was roughed up by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres' Security on June 22 and July 3, 2018 and banned since then, it insistently asked for disclosure of Guterres' links to convicted UN briber CEFC Chaina Energy and of how many of Guterres' publicly funded trips took him through his real home, Lisbon. As it asks the UN, now in writing, about Guterres' links to CEFC and inaction on China's abuses in Xinjiang, Taiwan and Hong Kong, Inner City Press remains banned from even entering the UN by Guterres, now 396 days.
  UN Women tweeted a chart praising the legalization of same sex marriage in "Taiwan Province of China" despite it being illegal, like free speech, in China. The law would never have been adopted in Taiwan if it were actually controlled by China. Meanwhile journalists from Taiwan are not allowed in the UN of Guterres, who has concealed his financial links with UN briber CEFC China Energy.
 On June 14 from the US State Department spokesperson Morgan Ortagus, this: "Deputy Secretary John J. Sullivan spoke by phone today with United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres to convey deep concerns regarding Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Office Vladimir Voronkov’s planned travel to Xinjiang, China.  The Deputy Secretary expressed that such a visit is highly inappropriate in view of the unprecedented repression campaign underway in Xinjiang against Uighurs, ethnic Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, and other Muslims.  The Deputy Secretary noted that Beijing continues to paint its repressive campaign against Uighurs and other Muslims as legitimate counterterrorism efforts when it is not, and stressed that the UN’s topmost counterterrorism official is putting at risk the UN’s reputation and credibility on counterterrorism and human rights by lending credence to these false claims.  The Deputy Secretary advocated for unmonitored and unhindered access to all camps and detainees in Xinjiang by UN human rights officials."
  So Guterres' capitulation politically to China is becoming known. But what about his personal financial links, and his censorship of the Press to cover them up? Watch this site.
  Three times in early June 2019banned Inner City Press in writing asked Guterres and Dujarric, "On China and human rights, what is the SG's belated comment today on the 30th anniversary of the slaughter by the government of non violent demonstrators in Tiananmen Square?" In the June 3 UN noon briefing, here was Guterres' answer: 
Q: Secretary‑General's comment on 30 years anniversary of Tiananmen case, please?  
Spokesman Dujarric:  "No, I have no particular comment on that.  Okay.  Thank you very much.  See you tomorrow." Vine video here.
  No, only those they allow in to the UN and its briefing. So while ignoring Inner City Press' follow up questions, inside his briefing room Dujarric issued this dodge: "I think the Secretary… we're commenting on things that are happening today, right now, under his watch.

 In light of this "bygones" dodges, why is Guterres blaming the UN's budget crunch on the previous Secretary General who hasn't been at the controls for two and a half years? Guterres is killing the UN.