Monday, June 13, 2016

On Burundi, Amid Human Trafficking to Saudi, UN Hasn't Seen Reports

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, June 13 -- On June 10, UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric refused to take Inner City Press' Burundi question, justifying it as opening the podium to French Foreign Minister Ayrault, who did not begin for another 20 minutes and did not once mention or take Press question on Burundi. 

Now outright human trafficking is among the issues. Inner City Press on June 13 asked Ban Ki-moon's Spokesman Stephane Dujarric, UN transcript here:

 Inner City Press: I wanted to ask you about Burundi.  I wanted to ask you this on Friday, but I'll ask it to you now.  There's fairly well-documented reports of what seems to be human trafficking, i.e., women and girls being flown from Bujumbura to Saudi Arabia and Oman.  The President has bragged about contracts he has to provide workers.  The Minister for Health has provided certificates, and people are saying they're going under false names, and it may… it's exactly what the UN's been condemning.  Was the UN aware of it, and what does it say about it?

Spokesman:  The UN may be aware of it.  I'm not personally aware of it.  I haven't seen the reports.  I do know, however, that three of the… three human rights experts are on their way to Burundi.  In fact, they're scheduled to arrive today.  They will be there through 17 June.  They will obviously meet with the usual actors, the Government, national civil society, victims of human rights violations, humanitarian organizations, and other parties operating in Burundi.  And the report… they are scheduled to issue their final report, I think, later this summer in Geneva.

But what about human trafficking of "young Burundian girls to Saudi Arabia and Oman. Over the reporting period, more than 110 girls flew to Oman and Saudi Arabia. Many were allegedly granted passports under fake names and age. Recruitments are being conducted by a large network of CNDD-FDD members. In a press conference held on 30 December 2015, President Nkurunziza stated that a country that he did not name had asked Burundi to supply 120 000 workers; but he said that the same will be done in accordance with the law of the land. Josiane Nijimbere authorized the request of Salah Alder Feeri to proceed with medical tests for recruited clients to collect their passports at the national immigration office."

 Things have come to this. Meanwhile in terms of covering this, the UN after ousting Inner City Press, evicting its office and moving to give it to Egyptian state media Akhbar Elyom which targets independent journalists, now while exposed in mis-statements refuses to return access or office, click here for that.

Back on May 31 Inner City Press was informed by sources that Burundi's forces deployed to Central African Republic are slated this summer to be returned to Burundi, and there are no plan to replace them.

Inner City Press was exclusively told by UN sources, and exclusively reported, that Burundi is NOT invited to this week's UN Police event at UN headquarters, despite a protest by the Nkurunziza government. (Then there were Nkurunziza's threat in Mugamba, which Reuters said were against "criminal gangs.")

After Inner City Press exclusively reported and asked about both of these (May 31 video here), the UN confirmed both. See below. Inner City Press also asked about the arrest of students for drawing on the photograph of Pierre Nkurunziza.  On June 6, Inner City Press asked Ban Ki-moon spokesman Stephane Dujarric, UN transcript here and below.

On June 8, having obtained the repatriation letter, Inner City Press asked Dujarric to confirm it. He refused (so we published it here), and later refused a question about what the UN told a U.S. Senate Committee was its justification for evicting Inner City Press. Video here, UN transcript here: 

Inner City Press:  this has come up in here, and it has to do with the, I guess, described repatriation of the Burundian police in MINUSCA (United Nations Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic) and CAR.  There were some doubts expressed in Burundi, and I want to ask about a letter.  I've now seen the letter of repatriation, and it seems to say that this will take place on 31 July, that it was based on an 22 April meeting held with the Burundian Foreign Minister and other… so I want you to confirm those two things and also that Burundi was actively disinvited from the UNCOPS (United Nations Chiefs of Police Summit) event that was held last week.

Spokesman:  What I can tell you about UNCOPS is that Burundi, with a long record of service in UN peace operations, for which we remain grateful; however, given the current allegations of serious and ongoing human rights violations in Burundi, a decision was made here at UN Headquarters to postpone engaging Bujumbura in decisions on future deployment of their national police force and peace operations.  As for the other dates, I'm not in a position to confirm.

Inner City Press:  And just on UNCOPS, that event, it says repeat… in a number of places, that there were 100 countries represented, but nowhere did I find a list of the countries.  Is there some… can I ask you to, like… who would have that?

Spokesman:  We can try to find the list. [He issued the list of participants following the briefing.] 

The UN inserted that it issued the list - but it did not issue or provide the "Handbook" it told the Senate Inner City Press violated. And on the UNCOPS list was Saudi Arabia, we'll have more on that.

From the June 6 transcript:

Inner City Press: On Burundi, I'd asked on Friday of Farhan whether this incident in which teenager students are being… now they've been arrested.  It's actually developed since then and face five to ten years in jail for drawing an X on the forehead of Pierre Nkurunziza, the President.  And he said he wasn't aware of it, but he'd look into it.  So, I wanted to know, have you now verified this, and… and do you have any comment on that?  And also on the detention of… of a Bonesha F.M. journalist, Egide Ndayisenga?

Spokesman:  On your first one, no, I have nothing… nothing on that.  On the second one, I think, as we've repeatedly said, it's important that media in Burundi and other places be allowed to operate… operate freely without harassment.

Question:  Yeah.  Is the country team there and the human rights observers… I'm guess I'm saying these things are taking place…

Spokesman:  The fact that I have nothing to say doesn't mean nothing is happening.  And that's a general rule.

On June 6, this was reported:

"On 3 June 2016, national intelligence agents in Muramvya (Centre of Burundi) arrested 18 pupils of Muramvya Communal School for defacing President Nkurunziza’s photo. Spontaneous protests against the arrests was followed by police crackdown resulting in 3 being wounded as police used live ammunitions to disperse protesters. Eleven of the eighteen were detained at Muramvya prison as the Prosecutor initiated a criminal case against them over insulting outrage to the President. The schoolchildren, mainly teenagers (aged 14-17 years), if convicted will be sentenced to 5-10 years of imprisonment."

There is also, from Bonesha FM, the arrest of journalist Egide Ndayisenga. We'll have more on this.

On June 2 Inner City Press asked Ban Ki-moon's spokesman Stephane Dujarric, UN transcript here:

Inner City Press: Did you get an answer on whether… two things that I'd asked, one, whether, when the Burundians leave the mission in the Central African Republic, there will be any more Burundians to return.  And also if Burundi sought to attend this… UN COPS event.

Spokesman:  They are not attending.  Whether or not they sought to attend, I think, is a question for them.

And on the… their presence in Central African Republic, I should have something later for you.

On June 3, Duajrric's deputy Farhan Haq said: "On Burundi, we have been asked about the 15-day ultimatum given by the President to armed groups to surrender. We stress once again that the crisis in Burundi is a political crisis, which will be resolved only through a political solution.

The Secretary-General urges all stakeholders to commit to a genuine, inclusive dialogue, in order to move forward with resolving this crisis.

And in response to other questions regarding the Burundian police units currently serving in the Central African Republic, we have the following to say:  In light of the current situation in Burundi, a decision has been taken at UN Headquarters not to replace the units serving in the country when their tour of duty ends.

This decision has been communicated to the Burundian Permanent Mission to the UN in New York."

Inner City Press asked Haq, UN transcript here:

Inner City Press: Thanks for the answer on the Burundian police decision.  I just wanted, in order to understand it, when you say in light of the situation, is this because the police would be needed back in Burundi given unrest, or is it because of the alleged human rights violations of the Burundian police in Burundi?

Deputy Spokesman:  It's the latter.  This was done after a study of the issue, including by our own Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

  After this and the response Inner City Press got from UN Police, video here and see below, Agence France Presse wrote up a story - with no credit whatsoever.

 Inner City Press asked UN Police's Stefan Feller if the decision to not replace the Burundians in CAR was due to the allegation there against them for sexual abuse or exploitation, or for acts in Burundi. Video here.Feller said it was for acts in Burundi.

Inner City Press asked Feller to confirm that Burundi was not allowed to be one of the 100 member states at the UN Police conference. He confirmed it, saying the decision was made to not engage with Burundi about future deployments.

Back on May 31 Inner City Press asked Ban Ki-moon's Dujarric about press freedom in Burundi, video hereUN transcript here:

Inner City Press: on Burundi, on press freedom, there was… on 30 May, the Minister of Public Safety put out a statement basically accusing various journalists, some by name, of promoting of crime and violence.  And so I wonder whether the Secretary-General’s statements that he made in Korea about free… freedom of expression, etc., apply there and also in Egypt.  I’m waiting for a statement there…  [inaudible]

Spokesman:  They apply across the board.  We, obviously, have seen the reports of new charges being brought against the Union of Journalists in Egypt.  We remain concerned at the situation.  We’re following it closely.  Nizar?

So, no answers on Burundi. On May 30 the Minister of Public Security Alain Guillaume Bunyoni issued an order denouncing journalist Esdras Ndikumana and unnamed social media users. And what has the UN of Ban Ki-moon said? Nothing. This even as Ban Ki-moon, campaigning in South Korea, purported to support press freedom. (Korean article here, robo-translation here.) We'll have more on this.

The new Secretary General of the East African Community Liberat Mfumukeko is also, now, an Ambassador of Pierre Nkurunziza's government. It is, even some participants tell Inner City Press, "a joke." But it is no joke.

Now the Mouvement Citoyen Halte au troisième mandat(HTM) has said:

"By virtue of the underlying conflict of interest arising from the involvement of the Secretary General of the East African Community East in the process; in as much as he was appointed by one party to the conflict as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary by the government led by Pierre Nkurunziza, the HTM movement requires his recusal for the rest of the process.

- Given the existence of a case regarding the illegality of the third term of Pierre Nkurunziza filed with the East African Court of Justice in July 2015 (Ref 2 of 2015, EACSOF Vs Attorney General of Burundi & the Secretary General) which involves directly the Secretary General of the community; and the inability for the Summit of Heads of States to resolve in time the Burundian issue despite the conclusion of the Ministers of Justice and Constitutional Affairs of 15 May 2015 which has clearly found M. Pierre Nkurunziza ineligible for a third term, the HTM Movement:

- Requires the recusal of Mr. Libérat Mfumukeko for the rest of the process;

-Requires replacement of the EAC Secretariat team of which Dr. Anthony Kafumbe is a member because he defends the above-mentioned case on behalf of the Secretary General of the EAC."

Where is the UN on this? The UN seems not to understand the most basic concepts of recusal, which have been requested at the UN in light of the OIOS audio of the ongoing Ng Lap Seng UN bribery scandal. More on this to follow.  

On May 25, Inner City Press asked Ban Ki-moon's deputy spokesman Farhan Haq about another assassination, of Lucien Rufyiri. UN transcript here: 

Inner City Press: there are photographs of a colonel… retired colonel in the army, high profile, Mr. [Lucien] Rufyiri having been assassinated today in front of his house.  There's… and there's also reports on some of the few independent radio stations of weapons being distributed to the youth militia.  So now that this… you'd said yesterday that the human rights observers of the UN are on the ground.  One, do they have anything… have they looked into this idea of the distribution of weapons?  And two, does the UN have any response to yet another assassination of a military figure on a seemingly partisan or ethnic basis?

Deputy Spokesman:  Well, we have expressed, as you know, our concerns about all of the violence that has been affecting the population in Burundi.  We want to see the attacks against anyone for any reason to cease.  And, as you know, we do have human rights monitors on the ground following up on the various reports and various allegations.  So we do have our concerns.  At the same time, like I said, we'll continue to offer our support for President Mkapa and his efforts as facilitator. 

On May 23, Inner City Press asked Ban Ki-moon's spokesman Stephane Dujarric, video hereUN transcript here:

Inner City Press: on Burundi, I wanted to...obviously, the talks have started again.  I've seen pictures of Mr. [Jamal] Benomar there, but there are a lot of... you know, the... the... many people in the opposition including the CNA Red Coalition, Mr. Pierre Claver Mbonimpa, who've spoken in this room, none of them were invited.  So does the UN think the invitations made... turns out the Secretary-General of the East African community is a Burundian ambassador?  So people are looking at the process and saying it's not an open one.   Is the UN giving its blessing by Mr. Benomar being there or is he protesting the limitations?

Spokesman:  I think it's not about blessings or not blessings.  These talks are an important first step in trying to deal with the current tensions in... in Burundi.  It's obviously important that any dialogue, any talks be inclusive and fully representative and that the Burundians have a prime responsibility in finding a way forward for a peaceful and stable future in which human rights are respected.

Question:  Just one follow-up. I want to ask specifically about Mr. Mbonimpa, because he's a guy that's won human rights awards.  He's clearly a nonviolent opposition figure.  Has the UN asked...

Spokesman:  I think... as I said, talks need to be fully inclusive.

Later on May 23, Inner City Press asked the joint UNSC - African Union stakeout if the talks in Arusha are inclusive enough. The African Union representative said one party is missing, but (somehow) they are inclusive. Video here. We'll have more on this.
With Burundi troops accused of raping children as part of UN Peacekeeping chief Herve Ladsous' MINUSCA mission in the Central African Republic, as well as accused of abuses in Burundi itself, a new funding question has arisen, involving Commerbank.

  And the UN of Ban Ki-moon moved to evict Inner City Press, which is asking the question. It happened on April 16, video here and here (Periscope). The New York Times covered it on May 14, here.

On May 17, Inner City Press asked Ban's spokesman Stephane Dujarric this question about Audace Nduwumusi -- a name conveniently left out of the UN transcript here. 

On May 18, Inner City Press asked again, and Dujarric said, "I failed to get… I failed… I probably asked and I didn't have the answer.  So, I will try to get you something tomorrow."

But the next day, May 19, Dujarric announced nothing. So Inner City Press asked for a third time, video here, UN transcript here: 

Inner City Press: Third day in a row on this deployment of Mr. [Audace] Nduwumusi to AMISOM [African Union Mission in Somalia].  You'd said that you would look into what the role is of the UN support to AMISOM given that this individual was in the leaked memo and there's now a second individual, Francois Niyonzima, who's said to have been involved in the Mugamba killings of late in Burundi.  What is the UN's position…

Spokesman:  I don't have any information on the two individuals you gave me.  What I was told is that under the UN human rights due diligence policy, UN support to non-UN security forces must be consistent with the UN's purpose and principles.  Support cannot be provided when there's a real risk of the receiving entity coming… committing grave violations of International Humanitarian Law or Human Rights Law.  The policy outlines the following steps the UN takes when it is requested to provide support, assess the risk and identify mitigation measures of the recipient committing violations, ongoing monitoring of the recipient support, establish procedures for intervention when violated… violations are reported, and in the case of AMISOM, risk assessments are regularly updated and the UN presence on the ground monitors AMISOM and is implementing a number of mitigating measures to prevent violations and ensure accountability when violations occur.

Inner City Press:  Sure.  And I… and thanks for reading that out.  My question is, if Mr. Nduwumusi appears in a UN-written leaked cable as a person that was distributing weapons to the youth wing of the ruling party in Burundi, doesn't his deployment to AMISOM to receive UN support…?

Spokesman:  I'm not debating your question, but I have no information or confirmation on the personnel issues.  So, I will try to find out, and I will let you know.

  Dujarric didn't say anything about it on May 20, So Inner City Press asked again, video hereUN transcript here: 

Inner City Press:  it sounds from what you said yesterday that the human rights due diligence policy may be different as to AMISOM [African Union Mission in Somalia] than as to, for example, the Central African Republic.  I ask because the Burundian military official I have asked you about is in a UN-written cable as distributing weapons to the youth wing.  So if that isn't foreseeable harm if the UN provides support… do you have an answer on this personnel question?

Spokesman:  Well, the information I have on General [Audace] Nduwumusi is that he departed in 2012, having previously served in the position of deputy force commander.  We're not currently aware of any plans for him to return.

Inner City Press:  And Francois [Inaudible]? [That's Niyonzima] Because there's a list.  I published it.

Spokesman:  I don't disagree with you.  I’m just telling you, in my binder…

 Inner City Press previously published the leaked cable naiming Nduwumusi, here - and has been evicted by the UN, NYT here.

On May 11, Inner City Press asked UN Spokesman Dujarric, Vine here,UN transcript here:

 Inner City Press: given the interest of the UN system in Burundi, I’m hoping that you have something on this.  There were yesterday and today some 250 people arrested reportedly in Musaga, which is a… perceived to be an opposition neighbourhood.  And there are pictures all over the internet.  People are saying it’s another crackdown.  And so I just wanted to know what is the status of the UN’s, I guess, monitoring, speaking, and engaging in this crisis?

Spokesman:  We continue to have people on the ground.  We’re also eagerly awaiting a decision by the Security Council on the way forward for an increased UN presence.  I think as the crisis grows every day, our concern grows about the need to have a political horizon and to ensure that Burundi moves in the right direction, that people’s rights are respected and their freedom of expression is also respected.

  Waiting for the Security Council, in which Ban Ki-moon's Herve Ladsous undermined proposal with a statement of delay the UN won't even confirm?

 On May 4, Inner City Press at noon asked UN Spokesman Stephane Dujarric to confirm or deny that Herve Ladsous told the Security Council it would take 18 months to deploy 3,000 to Burundi.

 Inner City Press sources on this say it is troubling it would take the UN that long. Others surmise the Ladsous is trying to undermine the proposal by making it take so long, or saying it would take so long.

On May 3, Inner City Press asked UN Spokesman Stephane Dujarric, UN transcript here:

Inner City Press: on Burundi, various countries have spoken about the postponement of the talks that were supposed to begin in Arusha under ex-President [Benjamin] Mkapa.  Does the UN have no involvement in them or no view of whether it's a good or bad thing that they were postponed?

Spokesman Dujarric:  I don't have anything on Burundi.

 That's an understatement.

On May 2, the US issued this:

While the United States strongly supports the regionally mediated Burundi dialogue, led by former President Mkapa under the auspices of the East African Community, we are disappointed the scheduled dialogue did not resume today.
Postponement of this dialogue only serves to worsen a crisis that has already resulted in hundreds of lives lost, thousands injured, more than 260,000 Burundian refugees displaced, and a worsening economic situation. 
We call upon all stakeholders to ensure the dialogue resumes immediately and to commit to participating without preconditions or redlines.
Burundi’s political leaders owe it to their citizens to take concrete steps to resolve this crisis as soon as possible within the framework of the Arusha Accords, the foundation for peace and stability in Burundi.  Now is the time for all parties to cease all violence and exercise restraint and engage in an inclusive and peaceful dialogue."

But will the US propose anything in the UN Security Council, or encourage the "penholder," France, to? On April 29, Inner City Press asked Ban's spokesman, video hereUN transcript here:

Inner City Press: I've asked you several times about the reported non-payment of Burundian peacekeepers.  I have now seen a document that more than $4 million has been transferred by DPKO (Department of Peacekeeping Operations) to the Commerce Bank account in Paris that I'd also asked you about.  Have they gotten back to you about the multiple reports that this money, in fact, doesn't go to the peacekeepers?

Spokesman Stephane Dujarric:  You know, we pay the Governments, and we expect the Governments to ensure that the peacekeepers are given the money that is owed to them. 

Inner City Press:  And if you hear that they don't or find that they don't, what would you do?

Spokesman Dujarric:  We would expect that they do, and I'm sure the issue would then be raised.

  Since the UN and Ban Ki-moon are embroiled in their own bribery and corruption scandal, the issue was raised to Commerzbank, which replied:

"Please report potentially fraudulent activities to [Link]"

  But Commerzbank's link to report fraud returns, "The document you requested does not exist on this server."

 For a bank with legal duties, this is a problem, as is opening an account to receive the UN's Herve Ladsous' payments to Pierre Nkurunziza for troops accused of rape in the Central African Republic. We'll have more on this.

Update: after this Inner City Press story and complaint, Commerzbank belatedly fixed it s "Fraud" link. But what about the substantive behavior?

 On April 22, after three separate screenings by UN security, Inner City Press was allowed to the photo op of Ban with Alain Aime Nyamitwe. Albert Shingiro was there too, taking his own smart phone photo. There was Jamal Benomar, and David Nabarro. Tweeted photo here. Periscope video here.
Outside there was Edmond Mulet, Ban's chief of staff who has received correspondence about the eviction of Inner City Press.

 What would they discuss? Mugamba? (Since Ban's meeting, General Athanase Kararuza who spoke against the killing in Mugamba had been assassinated). Even more UNlikely, press freedom?

 From the read-out below, it seems they did not discuss crimes against humanity, much less genocide. But here's what the International Criminal Court's Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said on April 25, opening a preliminary examination -- note that the FIFA post offer to Pierre Nkurunziza, which Inner City Press exclusively reported in May 2015, here, well before Sepp Blatter's book, may be looking better and better to him)

On April 21, amid published reports of up to 150 people detained in Mugamba, Inner City Press asked Ban's spokesman Stephane Dujarric about it. He said he hadn't heard of it but would check.

An hour after the briefing, this was sent to Inner City Press:

From: UN Spokesperson - Do Not Reply
Date: Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 1:46 PM
Subject: Your question on Burundi
To: Matthew.Lee [at]
Cc: Stephane Dujarric [at]

"Regarding your question at the noon briefing: Our human rights office was informed that on 20 April 2016, following a security incident that occurred in Mugamba commune, Bururi province (an exchange of gunfire between unidentified armed men and military elements, during which two people including a military lost their lives), three persons, including a teacher, were arrested by the police and detained in Mugamba police station. No charges were retained against them and they were finally released on 21 April 2016 following an intervention by the Regional police commissioner."

 Is that all that happened?

Dujarric also at the April 21 briefing, when Inner City Press asked why its office has been seized - to be resold, it seems - while that of South South News, named in October 2015 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York as Ng Lan Seng's vehicle to bribe the UN, still has its office, said “You have been afforded quite a lot of courtesies.”  Like ouster by eight UN DSS guards? Five boxes of files dumped out onto First Avenue?

 On April 20, Inner City Press asked UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric about hate speech, UN transcript here.

  Inner City Press' sources say many opposition leaders are worried about Ban Ki-moon's typically waffling three-option report because "the report is a proposition to a dictator rather than being a decision against him... The corpse of Jean De Dieu Ndayikungurukiye who was stabbed and killed by Imbonerakure four months ago in Nairobi, is still in detention. According to family members and other Burundian Refugees in Nairobi, Burundian Embassy in Nairobi recommended this detention."

On April 12, Inner City Press asked Ban's deputy spokesperson Farhan Haq, video hereUN transcript here.

  Hours after these claims, and in retaliation, the UN sent Inner City Press an eviction notice for April 16, which despite push back they implemented.
   Even as the European Union considers changes to it payments for Burundi peacekeepers in AMISOM in Somalia, so that less of the money is taken by the Nkurunziza government for repression, UN Peacekeeping under Ladsous and Maria Costa have made their pay-out to Nkurunziza's government - no longer through the Burundi National Bank but through a bank account in Paris, at Commerzbank.

 On April 11, Inner City Press asked UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric about this: why is the money not being paid to the Burundi Central Bank? Would Ladsous pay to an offshore bank, in Antigua and Barbuda or Panama for example, without looking into it?

  Dujarric said he does not have details on member states banking relations; he did not answer on offshore banks. Here are some photos,here.

View image on TwitterView image on Twitter
On , ICP asked UN of  paying bank in Paris, concerns of civil society, h/t photos
  Meanwhile some also say that those repatriated from CAR under allegations of abuse, for example First Major Srgt Zepherin, are just re-sent by the Nkurunziza government for “service” with AMISOM in Somalia. We'll have more on this, too.

On Burundi Inner City Press asked UN Spokesman Stephane Dujarric on March 31 about the death in prison of Jacques Bihozagara.

Unlike several member states, but not the Security Council's penholder France, the UN had only this: "We obviously would hope that his death will be investigated in as much of a public manner as possible."

Now the inadequacy of the UN's response is even more clear in light of this report: "During his detention, Bihozagara was visited by several diplomats who were assured he was in safe custody. On Saturday night, reports indicated that Burundi official demanded that the deceased’s family sign documents indicating that he died of natural causes or forget asking for the body."

On April 5, Inner City Press asked UN deputy spokesperson Farhan Haq about it, UN transcript here.

 We'll have more on the UN's actual position on that sort of practice, or these type of offers.

 In a smaller but similar way, the UN on February 19 told Inner City Press that if it did not move eight years of investigative files out of its UN office, even the offer of a reduced non-Resident Correspondent accreditation would be withdrawn.

  Now while threatening to throw or move everything out, the UN is making even more troubling "offers." Perhaps this is why the UN Secretariat cannot criticize Pierre Nkurunziza's Burundi; instead Ban Ki-moon praised Nkurunziza for half re-opening a mere two of four radio stations he closed. New low for the UN.

 Ban Ki-moon, his deputy and chief of staff have received this sample letter to reverse Gallach's outrageous decisions, concluding, "Your decision to restore ICP's full accreditation and office will be highly appreciated by many Burundians crying out for peace and protection while promoting the freedom of press in Burundi." As of this writing, still no response from Ban.

On March 25, Inner City Press' sources reported to it that "Around 4 am today, heavily armed police surrounded the zone of Musaga, searched homes without warrants, arrested around five young men and killed an old man by shooting him purposeful on First Avenue Musaga. Among the arrested young men, two are related as a sister and a brother -- the shocking story behind these two is that the old brother Arnaud was shot and killed by the police during the demonstration."

  Meanwhile to cut off further protests, the government is regulating SIM cards - and, some say, the French firm SG2 may be engaged in wire tapping in Burundi:  "several technicians of local companies have confided that: 'We were obliged to provide SG2 with some 200 free numbers and to authorize their technicians to access our networks. They connected their own systems. We are sure that they have the technology to carry out phone-tapping.' Since the introduction of this system, international calls to Burundi have become very expensive, and Burundians in the diaspora now choose to use Skype or other calling systems (Viber, WhatsApp, etc). Soon people will do this for local calls as well, to avoid being tapped."

  Again, no UN comment on surveillance? Well, this is from an Organization which got its favored correspondents to give it their cell phone footage to try to eject the Press on a pretext.

When Burundi was belatedly discussed at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on March 22, the UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions Christof Heyns urged the government of Pierre Nkurunziza against reprisals on those who talk with the UN Panel of Experts. But how will that be enforced?

  The United States for its part said Burundi should "lift all undue restrictions on the media." It's a fine sentiment - but the US Mission to the UN has been asked, by the DC-based Government Accountability Project, to ensure that the UN lifts restrictions on Inner City Press which covers, along with UN corruption, Western Sahara and Burundi. GAP Letter here.

 On March 22, Inner City Press was entirely unnecessarily restricted from reaching the UN Security Council stakeout to cover a meeting on Western Sahara, Periscope on YouTube here. What will the US Mission do?

  In Geneva, Heyns had to leave; Rwanda and South Africa were added to the speakers' list, but only for the afternoon session. Watch this site.

A week ago Inner City Press asked UN Spokesman Stephane Dujarric, about UN (in) action in Burundi. UN transcript here.

 A week later from Dujarric, who threw Inner City Press out of the UN Press Briefing Room, there has been no answer, as on so many Press questions to Ban Ki-moon's UN on Burundi. So on March 21, Inner City Press asked Dujarric's deputy Farhan Haq, UN transcript here.

As Burundi's Pierre Nkurunziza government stepped up the killing and censorship of opponents, its lobbyists in the U.S. capital, Scribe Strategies, were paid $60,000 to among other things set up interviews with US-government broadcaster Voice of America and the French government's France 24.

  Nkurunziza's party the CNDD-FDD paid Scribe Strategies $59,980 on November 10, 2015. Scribes has this month disclosed, for the six month period ending January 31, 2016, that in exchange for this money it arranged for example for Nkurunziza's adviser to be "interviewed" on Voice of America and France 24.

  Scribe Strategies also, during the reporting period, was paid to arrange for Sam Kutesa, a former President of the General Assembly who was involved with many of the same donors named in the corruption case against his predecessor John Ashe, to be "interviewed" by Voice of America about his tenure as PGA, during which he was as now foreign minister of Uganda.

  Inner City Press has covered not only the John Ashe / Ng Lap Seng / Frank Lorenzo / Sheri Yan corruption case, but also Kutesa's dealings with the highest reaches of Ban Ki-moon's UN Secretariat, for example here and here.

 On February 19, Inner City Press was thrown out of the UN on two hours notice. Audio and petition here. On February 22 Inner City Press was told it was Banned from all UN premises. After three days reporting on the UN from the park in front of it, and stories in BuzzFeed andBusiness Insider, Inner City Press re-entered the UN on a more limited "non-resident correspondent" pass, under which on March 10 UN Security ordered it to leave the UN as it worked in the UN lobby at 8 pm. Video here; UN Spokesman Stephane Dujarric's March 11 justification here.

  The underlying UN rule only says that non-resident correspondents can only come into the UN up until 7 pm. But the UN's goal, it seems, is to prevent or hinder coverage of UN corruption, which usually doesn't take place in the UN Press Briefing Room. (January 29, 2016 and September 8, 2011 -- Frank Lorenzo, UNdisclosed -- are notably exceptions.)

  Lobbying the deciding UN official, Under Secretary General for Public Information Cristina Gallach, were the honchos of the UN Correspondents Association, including France 24 and, as in 2012, Voice of America.

  Scribes Strategies' disclosures do not (have to) mention the Nkurunziza government's lobbying in and around the UN. We'll have more on this.
  Back on March 9 when the Burundi configuration of the UN Peacebuilding Commission met, the conference room was too small and the meeting was not televised, at least not to the outside world (see below). There was talk of Burundi's Pierre Nkurunziza have allowed two of four closed radio stations to re-open.

But Special Adviser Jamal Benomar said these two stations were not critical of the government; beyond that, it has emerged that the stations' directors had to sign a commitment about their future coverage. Some in the UN, it is clear, would like to do just this - in fact, that's why Inner City Press could not watch the meeting on UN in-house TV in its shared office the UN has seized, and so came to the meeting.

  In Conference Room 8, the Permanent Representatives of Tanzania, Belgium, Burundi, Norway, The Netherlands, and others, and Deputies from France, Rwanda and others. France was given the floor first in the debate; its Deputy Alex Lamek after a bland speech left the meeting, his seat taken by another French mission staffer. Belgium called for a re-opening of all media without restriction.

  There were other speeches, but Inner City Press had to go upstairs, with its its currently reduced access pass, and ask the UN's Deputy Spokesperson why Ban had praised the re-opening, with restrictions, of only two of the four radio stations closed. Vine hereUN transcript here

Deputy Spokesman Haq:  Ultimately, what we want is for the media to be free to do their work unconditionally.

  This is ironic: audio herepetition here. We'll have more on this.
 On January 28, Inner City Press asked UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric about a meeting held but not televised on January 27, at which it was urged that mass grave sites in Burundi be preserved as evidence,video here, transcript here.

Obtained by Inner City Press

Ladsous' lack of vetting was criticized in the recently released report into the cover up of peacekeepers' rapes in the Central African Republic. Earlier, Inner City Press exclusive reported on Ladsous in his October 1, 2015 meeting with Burundi's vice president saying that he is "pragmatic" on human rights.

 On December 16 Inner City Press was banned from questions to Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, but learned from the mission MINUSCA that Baratuza was already in Entebbe. Inner City Press asked several Security Council members, then Ban's spokesman Stephane Dujarric on December17.

Dujarric told Inner City Press Baratuza's deployment is suspended and he is being repatriated: "based on the information we've received regarding the Lieutenant Colonel, his deployment has been suspended, and he will be repatriated back to Burundi." Video here. Dujarric told Inner City Press this shows the UN system working - on a day when a report on rapes was issued showing UN Peacekeeping under Herve Ladsous not sufficiently vetting for human rights. We'll have more on this.

 Amid the escalating killings in Burundi, summary executions in neighborhoods opposed to Pierre Nkurunziza's third term stand out. But Burundi Army spokesman Gaspard Baratuza was quoted on December 12 blaming all of the deaths on attempts to steal weapons to free prisoners.

   Inner City Press heard that Mr. Baratuza was already in the process of being deployed to the UN Peacekeeping mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) even when he was giving these quotes, issuing statements and speaking to state-owned radio, and so asked MINUSCA's acting spokesperson, “Is Gaspard Baratuza of Burundi's army getting a MINUSCA job?” Ultimately, after the questioning, he didn't.
   But the UN should have to say more. Inner City Press has repeatedly asked the UN how its Department of Peacekeeping Operations under Herve Ladsous vets those who deploy to UN missions; Inner City Pressexclusively reported on an October 1, 2015 meeting in which Ladsous told Burundi's Vice President Joseph Butare that he is “pragmatic” on human rights.

 Ban Ki-moon and his spokesman declined to take Inner City Press' questions on December 16, as they did on December 14. Vine here.  Watch this site.