Tuesday, October 6, 2015

After #UNSC Meets on Mali and Burkina Faso, Spain's Roman Oyarzun Marchesi Provides Summary, Two Inner City Press Questions

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, October 5 -- Spain holds the Presidency of the UN Security Council for October; Inner City Press for the Free UN Coalition for Access asked its Permanent Representative Roman Oyarzun Marchesi to when possible provide summaries of closed door consultations and take questions.  On October 6, two summaries were provided and Inner City Press asked two questions. Here is the fast transcription of InnerCityPro.com:

Spain's PR: Today we had consultations on Mali and Burkina Faso. SRSG Hamdi has briefed the Council on the situation in Mali. He has emphasized that, despite some positive developments, the situation is still fragile and the international community has to monitor the situation very closely. SRSG Hamdi reiterated that MINUSMA will continue to support the parties in the implementation of their agreement, and in this regard, the Security Council discussed the priorities of MINUSMA in the next three months.

First, guarantee security. Second, support the implementation of the peace agreement so we’ll enable MINUSMA to act as secretariat of the commite de survie, and thirdly, show the peace dividends through quick impact projects. The members of the Security Council reiterated their support to SRSG Hamdi and to MINUSMA and stressed the urgent need to start implementing the peace and reconciliation agreement, and that the ceasefire must be fully respected.

On Burkina Faso, Mr. Chambas has briefed the Council this morning through digital conference from the camp, on his last visit to BF from the 15th, the day the crisis started, all the way to 26th of September. The SC has been following very closely the crisis in Burkina Faso. Indeed, the Secretary General for political affairs, Mr. Feltman, briefed the Council on the coup and the factors that triggered it, under Any Other Business on September 17. The SC has issued 3 press statements since the beginning of the crisis, two condemning the unconstitutional and forceful seizure of power, and one welcoming the reinstatement of President Kafando and the peaceful resolution of the conflict.

In today’s briefing to the Council, Mr. Chambas stressed the importance of holding elections as soon as possible and the need for the international community to support and to keep the pressure until they are held.

Members of the SC welcomed the peaceful resolution of the conflict and commended the restraint of the army and the people of Burkina Faso. The members of the Security Council reiterated their support for the efforts of Mr. Chambas, as well as those of ECOWAS.

Inner City Press: Mr. Hamdi said something about deploying drones.

A: It wasn’t discussed.

Inner City Press: On Burkina Faso, there’s a question of whether supporters of the president should take part, is Mr. Chambas involved in those discussions?

A: What was clear is elections should take place, the sooner the better. We have a transition in front of us, and that should take place.

 On October 5 about the pending Libya resolution, the still non-existent UN envoy to Burundi and why there's no Western Sahara briefing on the Program of Work, as there has been in previous Octobers.

  Roman Oyarzun Marchesi acknowledged there have been “some difficulties” on the part of some members. We are trying to retune, the EU pushing forward, given authorization under Chapter 7 but only on the high seas. We hope it can be adopted soon. On Burundi, his Political Coordinator noted that it is up to the Secretary General. And on Western Sahara, Roman Oyarzun Marchesi noted that such consultations should involve envoy Christopher Ross but he is going to the region, the timing is up to him.

  Inner City Press on behalf of the new Free UN Coalition for Access, and in Spanish, asked  Roman Oyarzun Marchesi to hold as many Q&A stakeouts as he can, after Council consultations. (He said as Council president one must speak more cautiously than when in national capacity.) The old UNCA, by contrast, asked only in English; its sidekick used the question it seemed to get meetings on Yemen and Somalia canceled in favor of a fundraising luncheon.

    On the airstrikes on the MSF hospital in Kunduz in Afghanistan, Roman Oyarzun Marchesi said that US President Barack Obama has called for an investigation into the facts. (MSF has said that is not enough). On the new draft resolution on Syria, Roman Oyarzun Marchesi said it “ will have the normal process of consultations with members in the Security Council.” We'll be following all this: watch this site.