Saturday, September 21, 2024

SouthState Lending Disparities Triggered CRA Challenge Now FOIA for Withheld Exhibit 18

by Matthew R. Lee, Patreon Substack

SOUTH BRONX / SDNYSept 18 – When First Republic Bank failed / was given to JP Morgan Chase, a small list of other regional banks came into focus as in danger, banks whose lending Inner City Press and Fair Finance Watch had been scrutinizing, even more so that the 2023 data is out.

  This week Inner City Press filed with the Fed, a timely first comment on, the Applications of SouthState Corporation to merge with Independent Bank Group, Inc., and Independent Bank.  

  SouthState in South Carolina in 2023 - data not yet included in any CRA exam - made 5013 mortgage loans to whites, and only 228 loans to African Americans. Meanwhile it denied only 670 applications from whites, and fully 195 from African Americans. SouthState should be referred to DOJ.  

  SouthState in North Carolina in 2023 - data not yet included in any CRA exam - made 1334 mortgage loans to whites, and only FIFTY SEVEN loans to African Americans. Meanwhile it denied only 173 applications from whites, and fully 20 from African Americans. 

  SouthState in Georgia in 2023 - data not yet included in any CRA exam - made 1176 mortgage loans to whites, and only 318 loans to African Americans. Meanwhile it denied only 304 applications from whites, and fully 88 from African Americans.  

 Nationwide in 2023, SouthState made 7798 mortgage loans to whites, and only 947 loans to African Americans. Meanwhile it denied only 2491 applications from whites, and fully 558 from African Americans.  

  Why would regulators even consider approving its expansion? 

On August 9, SouthState submitted to the Fed a response - that deals only with Independent Bank.

On September 18, the Fed asked SouthState questions including "Confirm that no consumer products or community development programs or services offered by either organization will be discontinued by the combined organization as a result of the proposed transaction, other than those identified in Confidential Exhibit 18 to the application."

Inner City Press has submitted a FOIA request for that obviously CRA-material Exhibits.

 Inner City Press is requesting an extension of the public comment period, public / virtual evidentiary hearings and that, on the current record, the applications not be approved


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