Friday, June 7, 2024

UN Faux Justice In Hands of Guterres Who Bans Press which Exposes and Asks is Exposed

By Matthew Russell Lee

UN GATE, June 1 – Antonio Guterres is killing the UN, including with his failure in Cameroon and elsewhere and his lawless censorship of Press. He's put the UN in the Press Freedom Tracker, here. And so on 3 July 2019, this video, and this.

 Guterres' kangaroo court, the UN Dispute Tribunal which also banned Inner City Press even from video access to report after it showed covering up of sexual harassment in the UN basement, is a bogus court.

A recently leaked submission to its Internal Justice Council shows that "From 1 January 2018 to date, of the 1,026 judgements handed down by the UNDT; 796 (77.6%) were in favor of the Respondent. Simply put, and all else being equal, the staff members have to understand that they have, at best, a 1-in-4 chance of success before the UNDT."

 Then there is "Judge Downing, who issued his judgement in the case of Reilly (UNDT/2019/094) on 24 May 2019, in which he found in favor of the staff member.1 Then, after having presided over another case involving the same staff member, and after having heard all the evidence in a hearing in that case – he was summarily removed from the bench before he had time to issue his judgment."

Back on March 14, 2022, this: "Dear Matthew,  I would like to share with you the latest update in relation to the investigation for sexual abuses and frauds related to UNMIK CMS, Ms. Sandi Arnold. 

As per attached UNDT judgement. Ms. Arnold, has been suspended for three months with ALWP."

 And, long after Inner City Press began exposing this particular corner of UN corruption, banned from the UN by corrupt UNSG Guterres, Arnold was subject to the lightest form of discipline, a one year course. Even then, she sought anonymity, and "Contends that the present matter could reflect on her private life and sexual orientation, posing a distinct threat to her in her resident country (Turkey) and in her duty station (Pristina)." UNDT ruling now put online by Inner City Press on its DocumentCloud here.