Friday, June 21, 2024

Gold Bar Bob Trial Book Has Egypt Bribes Now Menendez Moves to Preclude His Staffer


SDNY COURTHOUSEJune 21 - In US versus Bob Menendez, the corruption trial on Qatar and Egypt and New Jersey bank fraudster Daibes, one month in the trial day was canceled.

 That day, a book and audiobook was published of the trial's first month, and Menendez' history: Gold Bar Bob Menendez Trial I, by Matthew Russell Lee, available on Amazon here

   It begins: He "pushed the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hard right on Cuba and Iran until he ran into an indictment for helping Egypt" --

On June 21 Menendez's lawyer moved to preclude his staffer, "Any attempt by the government to elicit testimony from Staffer-1 regarding conversations about Senator Menendez’ views or positions on Egypt only as they relate to non-legislative acts (such as Senator Menendez’s “public statements related to Egypt,” Trial Tr. at 4339:22-4340:4) would be an end-run around the Clause." Full filing on Patreon here.

More coverage and another book will be coming.


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