Saturday, February 3, 2024

As NYPD George Floyd Protest Settlement Is Called Rigid by PBA Jan 6 and Gaza Echo


by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE Jan 29 –   When the City of New York's proposed settlement of George Floyd protest lawsuits was challenged by the NYPD Police Benevolent Association at a hearing on January 29, Inner City Press was there and live tweeted, thread here:

 Police union opponent begins to cite what NYC Mayor Eric Adams has said.   Judge says she's not interested in what politicians are saying.

Police union rep: Under the proposed settlement, the officers on the scene can't call in more unless documented imminent threat of serious crime. What that standard have been met on January 6? When?

Police union rep: The proponents have no answer, it's too cumbersome. Under this, you can't even have police nearby, out of sight. What if it's a KKK rally - Judge: This illegal in itself. Move on to another example. Police union rep: I'm not sure that's true

 Police union rep: But say it is the Proud Boys, presumably they are allowed to rally. Under this, you can't have additional police nearby, at the ready. Why hasn't the current NYPD official been asked?

Police union rep: During the recent Palestine Israel protests there have been problems. And it could get worse. The parties couldn't even agree on any dispute resolution other than coming to your Honor. Proponent: PBA opposes many experts, and practiced in Boston

Judge: Who makes the rules at the NYPD? Proponent: Ms Miller will address that. But patrol officers don't get to make these decisions. They can't show any legal prejudice. Judge: If the Proud Boys were to be in Foley Square, they could start in Tier 2?

 Proponent: Yes. And the January 6 hearings showed us they had ample warning... There is a presumption for approving this settlement. Citibank got its settlement approved.

City's lawyer: Mayor Adams' press release when the settlement was announced is consistent with these principles. My unit will be defending an NYPD officer starting tomorrow here  at SDNY  - I am offended they imply we would not protect officers.

 Judge: What about NY AG Latitia James? NY AG rep: We are an enforcement agency. PBA lawyer Smith: The presumption is Tier 1, unless the protesters invite or request police officers. Judge: On Jan 6 one could predict. PBA rep: Only once barricades pushed

PBA lawyer Smith: The Mayor knows something about policing Judge: Mayor Adams hasn't taken his name off the settlement... PBA rep: He said he had to take his lawyers' advice Judge: Maybe they want to avoid the M word PBA rep: Is a monitor even being considered?

 Judge: I will try to have something else by next week.

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