Saturday, January 7, 2023

After Sex Cultist Larry Ray Found Guilty He Blames It On Ex Lax Cupcakes & Asks For 15 Years


By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Podcast Vlog
BBC - Decrypt - LightRead - Honduras - Source

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Jan 6 – Larry Ray was found guilty of sexual exploitation, prostitution, forced labor and money laundering on April 2, 2022. Inner City Press live tweeted the verdict here and below. And see book, here.

On January 6, 2023, Ray's Federal Defenders put in a memo asking for the minimum sentence, 15 years, and blaming Ray's actions beginning with Ex-Lax in cupcakes and a manipulative mother. They say that negative media coverage is punishment enough. They put in letters from Martha C. Ray, Larry Grecco - then letters entirely redacted. We'll have more on this.

On November 1, Judge Lewis J. Liman set a hearing on post-trial issues: "ORDER as to Lawrence Ray: Count Fifteen of the trial indictment under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 29 on November 15, 2022 at 11:30 a.m. The hearing will be held in-person in Courtroom 15C at the 500 Pearl Street Courthouse. The parties should be prepared to discuss the following issues: (1) whether there was sufficient evidence that Female Victim-1 suffered "physical injury" as defined in New York Penal Law § 9."

On November 8, into an SDNY courthouse empty on Election Day, Ray's Federal Defenders submitted an argument that Claudia Drury's terror "did not meet the elements of physical injury" -- this despite testimony about suffocation to the point of passing out.

But when the November 15 in-person hearing came, Inner City Press was there, but not Larry Ray. His Federal Defenders said he was in the hospital with lessions. Judge Liman expressed doubts about the timely of Ray's legal issues, but agreed to postpone until the next Monday, with sentencing moved to January 20.

On the next Monday, November 21, Inner City Press was there - but again, no Larry Ray. The argument went forward, thread here:

Larry Ray was supposed to be brought here to court for his argument that suffocating Claudia Drury was not physical injury, only fear. But it will go forward without him.

Apparently, because Larry Ray kept pimping Drury out after strangling her, her "work was not impaired." That's what Federal Defenders are arguing.

Judge Liman asks, What if a person emailed a photo of a gun in order to menace? And notes he is not bound by the DOJ guidance that Federal Defender cited

Assistant US Attorney says this turns on obstructed airway. And "being suffocated with BDSM collar." Larry Ray's Federal Defenders will be appealing. But he remain in jail - at least for now...

 Note: the implications of Federal Defenders argument that suffocation is not physical injury on #ICantBreathe cases and even #GeorgeFloyd are troubling.

On November 23, Judge Liman denied Ray's motions, including this one, noting that The jury "was instructed on the elements of menacing under the New York penal law. It concluded both that Defendant had engaged in an assault with a dangerous weapon and that such conduct was in violation of state law. The Government need not have established that the minimal requirements of that state law violation could, in theory, be satisfied by conduct that did not involve assault with a dangerous weapon. The evidence here establishes that Defendant’s conduct was at the core of the crime of menacing and not at its periphery. It is sufficient to support the verdict that the Government presented evidence that supported both that Ray committed an assault with a dangerous weapon and that by such conduct he also violated state law. There thus is no basis for Defendant’s motion to overturn the conviction on Count Seventeen. CONCLUSION Defendant’s motion under Rule 29 is DENIED." Full Order on Patreon here.

We'll have more on this.

On September 7, Ray's co-defendant Isabella Pollok pleaded guilty with a maximum sentence of five years, to conspiracy to commit money laundering. The charge, and her allocution, did not mention sex trafficking. But the prosecutors emphasized that sex trafficking was a part of the sentencing guideline.

  Does that mean Pollok, who participated in the smothering of Claudia Drury to make her continue to prostitute herself, will not have a register as a sex offender? Inner City Press at the end of the proceeding put the question to Pollok's lawyer, without answer. It live tweeted the plea proceeding, here:

OK - Pollok is at defense table in a dark suit, with 2 lawyers. As Inner City Press reported, she's worked at Amazon warehouse on Staten Island - with ankle bracelet.

 There are 13 people in the courtroom gallery, 3 masked, all or nearly all of us media. When we're the victims notified?

 All rise! Judge Liman: Tell me about the plea agreement. AUSA: It's a pleasure to conspiracy, money laundering. The stipulated guideline is 60 months.

 Judge Liman: To your plea deal, does the Adam Walsh Act apply? AUSA: No. [So far, no question has been asked about victims' rights. Then again, the way they structured the plea, the only victim is "the United States."

 Judge: Your education? Pollok: Sarah Lawrence College in Westchester County. Judge: Any mental treatment?

Pollok: (Pause) In 2009 and 2014. Judge: Are you being treated for anything? Pollok: ADHD

 Note: per trial evidence, Pollok was present for all night torture of Claudia Drury. "Money laundering"

 Ritual Q&A elicits that her full name is Isabella Constance Pollok. She's now 31. Out by 36, if not sooner.

 AUSA: Remember forfeiture. Judge: Of proceeds traceable to the offense. [No amount is stated]

Judge: The plea agreement is 6 pages and will be returned to the prosecutors for safe keeping. 60 months is the max.

 Judge: Tell me what you did. Pollok (reading) I agreed with Lawrence Ray to laundering money from extortion. [This allocation does not mention sex crimes nor (forced) prostitution]

 Cynical footnote: Isabella Pollok's plea deal and allocation do not mention sex trafficking. But AUSA says the guidelines are based on sex trafficking. Hmm.

 Sentencing not until February 22, 2023 at 11 am. Still no mention of victims (unlike, for example, in UN rapist Elkorany's plea, which Inner City Press is also covering. Adjourned.

 I asked Pollok's lawyer if she'll have to register as a sex offender under SORNA. That, he didn't answer.

Ray's sentencing was supposed to be on September 16. But on August 11, Ray's Federal Defender wrote in to request a full 90 day delay, citing "COVID infections and lockdowns at the MDC." Many in the MDC have not had their sentencings delayed.

On August 12, Judge Liman ordered: "Set/Reset Hearings as to Lawrence Ray: Sentencing set for 12/1/2022 at 10:30 AM in Courtroom 15C, 500 Pearl Street, New York, NY 10007 before Judge Lewis J. Liman."

On September 6, this went into the docket: "NOTICE OF HEARING as to Isabella Pollok: A Plea hearing is scheduled for September 7, 2022 at 10:00 AM in Courtroom 15C, 500 Pearl Street, New York, NY 10007 before Judge Lewis J. Liman." What will be the plea deal? Watch this site.

On August 30, Ray's tribulations in the MDC, video screen sharing needed to review Pre-Sentencing Report: "Dear Judge Liman: We write, as counsel for Lawrence Ray in the above-captioned matter, to update the Court on our ability to meet with Mr. Ray to discuss the draft of his presentence report and submit any response to Probation. Currently, our response to Probation is due on August 31. Unfortunately, an individual in Mr. Ray’s unit tested positive for COVID and the unit was placed on quarantine, preventing our planned legal visits to review the draft. We schedule a video conference for Thursday, August 25, to do so, but were informed that morning by the MDC that its video equipment was not working and we would only be able to speak with Mr. Ray via telephone. Although we had mailed Mr. Ray a copy of the draft report, the MDC had not provided him with the copy, so we were unable effectively to review the document over the phone without the benefit of screen sharing." Full letter on Patreon here. Watch this site.

  When Larry Ray was arraigned on charges of sexual exploitation, prostitution, forced labor and money laundering on February 12, 2020 he was wearing prison blues and still had a Federal Defender, but no financial affidavit to have FD appointed. Twitter theadette; More on Patreon here. 

On March 29, the funneling by Ray of Clauria Drury prostitution money into North Carolina politics emerged, and Inner City Press began researching and asking, below

  On March 9, 2022, the jury for Larry Ray was picked, by his five Federal Defenders and three prosecutors, on the robing room of Judge Lewis J. Liman. Inner City Press live tweeted, thread here (podcast here)

On March 10 Inner City Press live tweeted the opening statements, here (podcast here)

Then the first substantive witness, live tweeted here.

On Day 2 of the trial, March 11, Santos Rosario continued on direct examination, Inner City Press live tweeted it here (morning vlog here)

Song here.

On Day 3 of the trial, March 14, Santo Rosario finished his direct and the cross began. Inner City Press live-tweeted here (morning vlog here)

Day 4 of the trial started late - Larry Ray had a seizure, resulting in cancelation of the trial on March 16 and 17 - but then got into troubling videos and a question. Inner City Press live tweeted here (morning vlog here)

On March 18 the trial continued, with Claudia Drury on the stand. Inner City Press live tweeted here (vlog here)

On March 21 the trial continued - then broke at 11 am, again. Inner City Press live tweeted it, here.

[The US Attorney's Office had put in an exhibit, cult articles on Ray's laptop, on Patreon here]

On March 22, Claudia Drury continued on direct examination, getting into her Backpage business for Larry Ray and describing a client as creepy. Inner City Press live tweeted here.

On March 24, after a day off for seizure, Drury continued on the stand. Inner City Press live tweeted it here.

On March 25 another John was outed, this time with immunity: editor Randy Levinson. Inner City Press live tweeted it, now #JohnListGone song here.

On March 28, another Larry Ray victim took the witness stand: Felicia Rosario. Inner City Press live tweeted here:

On March 29, Felicia Rosario remained on the stand and testified about sending Claudia Drury prostitution money to a North Carolina candidate that Talia Ray was campaign manager for. Not named in the trial, but found in research: it was Lowell Simon. Isabella Pollok and Gordon Ray gave him $5000 too - did Simon only hire Talia Ray to get these prostitution funds? And, Felicia Rosario sent over $10,000 in prostitution funds to the NC Democratic Party, see below. Thread here.

On March 30, after testimony about how few GoDaddy domain names Ray sold, Upper East Side doorman Carlos Pagan testified. Inner City Press live tweeted here.

On March 31 as the US case came to rest, a slew of exhibits through Agent McGuire, Inner City Press live tweeted here.

On April 1, the US rested then grilled, along with Judge Liman, Ray's former lawyer Glenn Ripa. Inner City Press live tweeted it here.

On April 4 after Ripa, the US gave its closing. Inner City Press live tweeted here.

On April 5, the defense closing went after Claudia Drury and the AUSA countered with the word slut, drawing a curative instruction before the legal instructions. Inner City Press live tweeted here.

On April 6, 
Ray was found guilty of sexual exploitation, prostitution, forced labor and money laundering on April 2, 2022. Inner City Press live tweeted the verdict here

  OK - it's on.  Judge Liman: Jury wrote at 1:45 pm, we have reached out verdicts. Shall I bring them in? Federal Defender: We have a pending motion for a mistrial! Judge Liman: Government? AUSA: Let's take the verdict.

 Judge Liman: We convert it into a motion for a re-trial, assuming the verdict is guilty. I deny your motion for reasons I'll elaborate on later. With that, any reason not to bring the jury in? FD: No. Judge Liman: Mr. Fishman, please bring the jury in.

Jury entering! Judge Liman: Juror Number 5, you are the foreperson. Please hand up the verdict. Deputy: How to you find Lawrence Ray on Count 1? Juror 5: Guilty. And Counts 2 through 9: GUILTY Inner City Press @innercitypress · 3h Deputy: Counts 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15? Foreperson: GUILTY on all.

Jurors leave. Judge Liman: Sentencing will be September 16 at 2 pm. Anything else? No. Coming soon - a book(let)

  [What follow up has there been in North Carolina to the money laundering shown through Lowell Simon and Act Blue / the NC Democratic Party?]

  Why are some Johns outed and others protected?

More on Patreon here.

On March 22 Ray said he had another seizure and was taken out to an an ambulance and March 23's trial was canceled, video and notice here.

 [Inner City Press question: What did Sarah Lawrence College do? Why haven't they been mega-sued?]

[Inner City Press question: Why hasn't Talia Ray been indicted, like Isabella Pollok now awaiting severed trial?] 

Covering will continue, including on Patreon.

  Back on April 28, 2021, there was a suppression hearing about his arrest and questioning. Inner City Press live tweeted it here and below.

 On December 22 Ray's Federal Defenders requested a jury questionnaire citing adverse publicity "not only in traditional media outlets." But the next sections contains redactions, after the words "Community Bookstore live, and apparently of a URL, because it contains a name. But how then is it confidential?

  On February 4, the Federal Defenders wrote to Judge Lewis J. Liman that "the attorney client relationship between Mr. Ray and his defense team has irreparably broken down... Mr. Ray requests that the Court appoint new counsel." This was heard on February 10, without the previously available call-in line (unlike a February 4 Coinbase oral argument on which the line was opened).

On March 7 in Courtroom 24B, Judge Liman informed the parties that he will not tell the jurors about sexual grooming, finding it incorporated in sexual manipulation.

  Ray's lawyers said they'd like the jurors unmasked, so their faces can be seen. They cited NYC Mayor Eric Adams on March 7 eliminating masking requirments except on the subway. Judge Liman said his previous ruling requiring masks stands.

  While Inner City Press always likes counsel asserting the public's right to access, it is ironic because the Federal Defenders are arguing to SDNY Judge John P. Cronan, and now the 2d Circuit, that the financial affidavit of "Dirty Doc" Cruciani should be sealed, despite Inner City Press' requests as in Avenatti and Correia, here.

On October 20, Judge Liman granted severance: "ORDER as to Lawrence Ray, Isabella Pollok. It is hereby ORDERED that the proposed schedule appearing at Dkt. No. 219, setting forth the deadlines related to expert witnesses in the case United States v. Ray, 20-cr-110-LJL-1, is APPROVED. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, for the reasons stated by the Court on the record at the October 19, 2021, Status Conference, the motion of Isabella Pollok for a continuance is GRANTED and the trials of Lawrence Ray and Isabella Pollok are severed, with Isabella Pollok's trial to begin on July 18, 2022."

The case is US v. Ray, 20-cr-110 (Liman).


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