Saturday, December 3, 2022

With UN Soft on China Crackdown & Xinhua on UNCA Board Guterres Set For Sale Dec 9


By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Maxwell book
BBC Honduras - CIA Trial book - NY Mag

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Nov 28 –  How corrupt and bought by China is today's UN?

Well, amid escalating protests and repression of anti-Xi protests of COVID-lockdowns, from Xinjiang to Shanghai and Beijing, the UN of SG Antonio Guterres and his weak human rights commissioner Volker Turk have said nothing. 

Amid canned statements about other topics, including claims of UN concern at rapes while Guterres covered up for UN rapist Karim Elkorany and unindicted rapist UN Peacekeepers, nothing on the protests in China, the dead in Urumqi, journalists including from BCC beaten up.  

This as Guterres prepares to be sold on December 9 by the UN Correspondents Association, which has among its membership Iran state media which broadcasts forced confessions.   It also has Xinhua as an officer, set to be re "elected"? A discussed UNCA member leaked to Inner City Press:

"Dear colleagues, UNCA will be holding Elections for its officers and board for 2023, and the UNCA Executive Committee has decided on the following arrangements and schedule. 1. Nominations for President, Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer and the nine Committee at Large members will begin today, Monday November 28th and will run until Monday, December 5th, 2022. All UNCA Members in good standing with their dues can present their nomination ballot (available in the UNCA office) from 11:00 am - 4:00 pm. The ballot must be sponsored by two current UNCA members from two separate media organizations. Balloting will close by 4 pm on December 5th. The final list of candidates for the 2023 UNCA Executive Committee will be sent out to all members via email and posted on the bulletin board. Valeria Robecco President, United Nations Correspondents Association." Watch this site.

   Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting is known for filming forced confession, many of them with torture.

They also have a correspondent accredited by and allowed into the United Nations, Kamran Najafzadeh, a full dues-paying member as "Iran TV" of the UN Correspondents Association, which has given China a permanent board seat while working with the UN to ban independent Inner City Press which reports on it. Photo here

But the hypocrisy now spreads from the UN of Antonio Guterres and his UNCA to the US State Department and US Mission to the UN.

The State Department on November 16 issued a press release about "designating," presumably for sanctions, representatives of IRIB - but the State Department and its US Mission under Linda Thomas-Greenfield have done nothing about the IRIB representative in the UN and UNCA - which Thomas-Greenfield calls on first - nor on the UN's continuing ban of Inner City Press, despite this letter.

  UNCA will be selling access to UNSG Antonio Guterres on December 9, charging diplomats and bribers hundreds of dollars for a garish event at Cipriani downtown with Kate Hudson and prizes to cronies, here.  And more:

"Dear colleagues, The UNCA Awards committee is pleased to inform you that we are able to release 30 extra tickets at the UNCA Member discount rate of $100 for your GUEST to attend the 2022 UNCA Awards. For UNCA members who are attending the gala and would like to bring a guest please send an RSVP to with the subject line "GUEST TICKET" to receive a NEW link to make your purchase. (There is a $2.50 additional charge to cover PayPal costs) The 30 extra guest tickets will be released on a first come first serve basis. The deadline to purchase a ticket for your plus-one is Thursday, December 1st at 12:00 noon." Yeah, first come (corruptly), first served..
Who will attend IRIB's blood fest? Watch this site.


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